First-class daughter

Chapter 974 I want to stay

Chapter 974 I want to stay
Chapter 974 I want to stay
Lian Lingyue was really worried that Jin Wu would doubt her intentions, that's why she said so earnestly and seriously that she was willing to stay as a slave.

Otherwise, once he sees through it, he might kill her. He looks terrible, and he feels like there is nothing he can't do as a person with his feet up.

Therefore, she was very cautious in her words, expressions, and movements, for fear of revealing any flaws.

"By the way, young master, who did you say harmed you? You can find someone to take revenge on. The Jin family is so powerful, why are you afraid that he will fail?" Lian Lingyue pretended to inadvertently ask.

"Hmph." Jin Wu snorted coldly, and said, "If it was before, he didn't marry Princess Yan. I took people there and beat him into a disabled person, but now, he has become Princess Yan's son-in-law, and I want to find him again. His revenge is easier said than done!"


Even Lingyue's heart is about to jump out?
"A majestic seven-foot man, known as the number one warrior of the Great Zhou Dynasty, turned out to be just a softie who relies on women! I, Jin Wu, look down on him!" Jin Wu said angrily!
"Xiao He, you and I will never live together. One day, I will destroy your most important thing and let you taste the pain of loss!"

Jin Wu hit the floor hard.

After hearing these words, Lian Lingyue no longer had any doubts!

It's him, it's him, it's really him!

When she was in the capital, she once heard her father mention it occasionally, scolding Xiao He, saying that even he was betrayed by the enemy and even married a princess of the enemy country, what a lack of integrity!
In this way, the Xiao He Jin Wu mentioned was the Xiao He she knew.

But Jin Wu and Xiao He are enemies. According to Jin Wu, Xiao He did it to cut off a section of his!
What a coincidence!
How could it be such a coincidence!

Lian Lingyue's heart continued to jump up and down.

"Go out first and let Nanny Man settle down for you. I'll think about whether or not to marry you." Jin Wu recovered from his excitement, and said to Lian Lingyue in a cold voice.

"Yes, young master, take good care of your health! I am willing to stay and be a slave of the Jin family, young master, don't drive me away." Lian Lingyue said as she walked out.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw a few servants running in quickly, helping Jin Wu who had fallen on the ground, "Young master, young master, what are you doing?"

"Xiao He! Xiao He! I want to kill Xiao He! Hurry up, hurry up and get my sword, whether you want to break Xiao He's legs!" Jin Wu's voice came.

And Lian Lingyue suppressed the beating of her heart.

Xiao He, she actually found Xiao He's whereabouts on the first day she came to Youzhou.

A smile appeared on her face, but she suddenly thought of the last time she saw Xiao He's side.

At that time, he learned that his brother Xiao Shan's death had some indirect relationship with her, so he said that from then on, he and her had a grudge, and they would no longer owe each other.

Obviously, he hated her, could she ask him for help?

Will he help himself?

No, don't worry about it so much, whether he is willing or not, first find a way to meet him.

She heard what Jin Wu said just now, that he can often see Xiao He, if she stays by Jin Wu's side and becomes his maid, will she also have a chance to see Xiao He soon?

Lian Lingyue had thought about it in his mind, now that he was forced to go to Khitan, if he was outside, he would be easily found by the Liang family and those killers.

If they stayed at Jin's house, they wouldn't find her so easily, so they might as well stay here for now.

Thinking of this, she already knew what to do.So, led by the maid, she went back to Nanny Man and saw Lian Yan again. Sure enough, Nanny Man didn't break her promise, she didn't do anything to Lian Yan, and gave him food.

"What did the young master say?" Nanny Man asked. l
Lian Lingyue shook her head and said, "The young master didn't talk about marrying, he just asked me to tell Nanny Man that you want me to settle down, he has to think about it again."

"In this case, you can stay as a slave just like everyone else, but you won't be given monthly money, because you still have a younger brother who needs to eat." Nanny Man said.

Lian Lingyue approached Nanny Man, and said flatteringly, "Mammy, please put me next to the young master."

Nanny Man was taken aback, and said, "Aren't you not happy just now? You even lied that you have a child."

"Hey..." Lian Lingyue smiled, but didn't say the reason.

Nanny Man sneered, and said, "I see, I was attracted by the prosperity and wealth of the Jin Mansion, so I want to be the young lady."

"Hey..." Lian Lingyue really didn't want to say the word "yes", so she just smiled and perfunctory, so that Nanny Man would misunderstand her.

If she said that she wanted to marry Jin Wu, she really couldn't say it, she was afraid that she would feel sick when she said it, and she would be exposed later.

"I'm going to ask the young master what he means, I can't..."

Lian Lingyue hastily stuffed the only heavy gold-inlaid jade table left on her wrist into the hand of Nanny Man, and said, "I will give all the monthly money to Nanny. Besides, if the young master rewards you with anything, I will give it to you." I am willing to use all of them to honor you, mother."

Lian Lingyue blinked her sly eyes and said.

Mammy Man looked at the gold inlaid jade table in her hand, she was so full of weight, she was very happy immediately, and said, "Well, seeing that you are sensible, it's time for the young master to have two waiters, so just put You send it over."

"Thank you Mammy!" Lian Lingyue was overjoyed.

In this way, she would have a chance to meet Xiao He.

Seeing her happy face, Nanny Man thought she was happy to be able to serve in Jinwu's room.

this evening.

Lian Lingyue took Lian Yan to sleep in the Jin family's servant's room.

Her mind was full of Xiao He's affairs, and she filtered Xiao He's affairs in her mind bit by bit——

Xiao He is now the son-in-law of a woman named Princess Yan in Khitan, and he has now made a deal, and he will never be the former Xiao He again.

Moreover, Xiao He had a feud with Jin Wu, and cut off one sole of Jin Wu's foot, causing him great pain.

"What made Xiao He not hesitate to cut off Jin Wu's sole?" She said puzzled.

At that time, she didn't know that Jin Wu's feet were cut off by Xiao He, which was indirectly related to her, because Jin Wu was disrespectful to the little wooden man in Xiao He's arms, and Xiao He would have sex with Jin Wu when he said ugly words. Wu feud.

She thought about Xiao He's many things that night, Lian Siyue now only hopes to have the opportunity to see him soon, if possible, ask him to help send her back to the Central Plains.

Xiao He, when can I see you?
Lian Lingyue was very excited, when Jin Wu suddenly said the word Xiao He, her heart almost jumped out.

(End of this chapter)

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