First-class daughter

Chapter 975 Discuss 1 point

Chapter 975

Chapter 975

And in the uncle and aunt's house where Lian Lingyue stayed.

At this moment, a man and a woman walked in and asked if they had seen a girl of about 14 years old with a child.

"Are you her relatives? You don't look like locals." The aunt said.

When Ye Feng and Lengmei heard what the aunt said, they immediately became excited.

"Auntie, that's right. We are her relatives. I am her brother. This is her sister-in-law. We got lost on the road and are now looking for her whereabouts. If Auntie knows, please tell us." Night Breeze Said.

Brother, sister-in-law?
Leng Mei listened and glanced at Night Breeze.

But Night Breeze, as if he didn't see her eyes perfectly, continued to ask the aunt, "Did she say where she was going?"

The aunt told everything about Lingyue coming here to beg for food, staying here for one night, and finally said, "She only said to go back, but she didn't say where to go."

Night Breeze and Lengmei understood the miss's intentions, she was afraid that her whereabouts would be revealed to those who pursued her.

"It seems that after these things, she has become more and more cautious." Leng Mei said, and at the same time felt relieved that she was no longer that stuffy child.

After asking the aunt some more questions, Night Breeze took out a piece of silver from the bag and said, "Auntie, thank you for your kindness. You saved our sister once. This is my thanks to you."

The aunt quickly declined.

At this moment, Leng Mei saw an arrow drawn with a wooden stick on the corner of the house wall.

She immediately touched Night Breeze with her hand, looked over there, Night Breeze looked over, and was overjoyed - walked over quickly, and said:

"It must have been left by her, tell us she's going in this direction!" Night Breeze looked very excited.

The two destroyed the mark, bid farewell to the aunt, left the silver, and left the place quickly.

Two tall horses, two people sitting separately.

He frowned coldly and said nothing——

Night Breeze glanced at her, and said, "You heard from that aunt that the lady has nothing to eat, and she hugged her brother to beg for food, and she felt sad, right?"

With a tight face, Leng Mei said, "She has never suffered this kind of pain!"

"However, at least she is still alive, and she can take the young master to find food everywhere, which shows that she has survived strong." Night Breeze said from another angle, to relieve Leng Mei, so that Leng Mei can relax a little.

Leng Mei sighed softly and said, "It's hard for her."

Night Breeze's eyes flickered suddenly, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he spotted the position behind Leng Mei.

He suddenly stepped on the saddle, flew up, and landed firmly behind Lengmei. He embraced her with both hands, held her hand, and held the reins together.

In this way, he took Leng Mei into his arms.

With a cold eyebrow, he said, "You have a horse yourself, go there quickly!"

"I'm better with you. If you feel uncomfortable, you can always feel it." Let her shake, Night Breeze still just took her into his arms and refused to let go.

"Let go!" said Leng Mei.

"It's absolutely impossible. Now, let's go find my sister together!" Night Breeze whistled, and the single horse followed closely behind the horse they were riding together.

Leng Mei broke free twice, but Night Breeze's hands seemed to have taken root in her body, and she couldn't even push her away.

In the end, Leng Mei could only let him go, because the most important thing now was to find his sister, and there was no time to chat with him.

Following the direction of Lian Lingyue's arrow, the two came to the small town where Lian Lingyue was taken away.

"My fellow, have you ever seen a girl who is so tall and has a child, from the Central Plains?"

When Night Breeze and Lengmei were looking for clues, they suddenly heard a voice in front of them asking for someone, and the person they were asking was really Lian Lingyue.

"It's her?" Leng Mei saw it at a glance.

"Who?" Night Breeze hadn't met Liang Shi yet.

"The person who pretended to be the third master and aunt of the Lian family, and the person who set fire together with the fourth highness, was also the one who took the lady away from the Lian family." There was a murderous look in the eyes of the cold eyebrows, and the sword in the sleeve was about to move.

"It turned out to be her." Night Breeze looked over from a distance, and Mrs. Liang noticed something, and looked over here too.

There was already a man beside that damned woman.

"Shua!" Leng Mei immediately drew out his sword, Liang was taken aback, and his hands tightened - she had seen this woman's strength before, if these two people were combined, she might not have any chance of winning.

Night Breeze stretched out his hand, took Lengmei's sword back, and said, "Your husband is here, there is no reason for a lady to do it. You stand here and watch carefully. How did my husband teach you a lesson for the person you hate?"

"..." She frowned coldly and looked at him.

However, Night Breeze didn't look at her eyes again as before, and flew up to Liang Shi with a sword in his hand, with a trace of coldness on his lips, and said, "I just finished hearing about your crimes. After listening to them, I feel very sad." Angry."

Night Breeze's cynical tone.

"Who are you?" Liang asked, holding the hilt of his sword in his sleeve.

Night Breeze pointed at Leng Mei, and said, "Her people."

"You!" Liang felt that he had been teased, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment, soaring into the air, the sword in his hand pierced Night Breeze's heart.

Standing not far away, Leng Mei looked coldly at Mrs. Liang as if she was about to stab Night Breeze to death with a sword.

Then, she closed her eyes and opened them again——

I saw that Mrs. Liang had already crouched in front of Night Breeze, looking up at Night Breeze with disbelief:

No, no, how is this possible? His movements were so fast that she was clearly seen, and the rescuer was knocked to the ground by her.

Leng Mei stepped forward to kiss her, picked up the injured Liang Shi with one hand, dragged her to an alley where no one was paying attention, without saying a word, with a cold face.

Immediately, many people around watched this scene.

Night Breeze smiled, pointed to his own face, and said, "Hehe, you are jealous of the wind, jealous of the wind, don't take offense. Don't take offense."

Then, he hurried into the alley.

Seeing that Mrs. Liang was injured and leaning against the wall, she looked at Leng Mei and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Cut off all her tendons and hamstrings, and then go back and give it to the princess and young lady for disposal." Leng Mei said.

"Obey!" Night Breeze took out a dagger with a snap.

Seeing the gleaming dagger, Mrs. Liang was terrified, and finally begged for mercy, "Don't, don't! I'm like a bull and a horse, ah..."

Night Breeze's dagger was slashed out several times, only to hear Liang's scream, then fainted on the ground and did not speak.

"You are too loud, please be quiet."

Night Breeze tied her up, found a big bag, put Liang Shi into the bag, and placed her across the horse's back.

"This can be regarded as asking for a little for the princess and the young lady. In the future, you will be asked to live or die!" Leng Mei said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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