First-class daughter

Chapter 977 Seize the Opportunity

Chapter 977 Seize the Opportunity
Chapter 977 Seize the Opportunity
Youzhou, Jin family.

Lian Lingyue became the maid of the Jin family, and fortunately, Jin Wu didn't intend to marry her anymore, maybe he was worried about the saying that she killed the whole family, or maybe he didn't like her at all.

Another possibility is that this Jin Wu has broken the sole of his foot and is moody. It is just a momentary idea to marry a young lady.

In short, no matter what, it was a great thing that she didn't have to marry him, and she was greatly relieved.

After that, she worked as a maid in Xiangfu, quietly waiting for the opportunity to meet Xiao He.

However, such an opportunity has passed for ten days, and it has not appeared.

Because, she did not become Jin Wu's personal maid as she wished, and went to serve her in the yard, but was arranged by Nanny Man to be a cleaning maid.

Nanny Man said that not just anyone has the opportunity to serve the young master up close, especially Ling Yue'er has just come to Jin's house, how can she arrange to go directly in front of the young master, others will gossip.Since the young master doesn't like you, you should first be a cleaning maid honestly, perform well, and only after you have made meritorious service can you have the opportunity to serve the master.

She started to get a little anxious, if she never had the chance to stay with the engineer, the chance of her going out with Jin Wu to see Xiao He would be very slim, what should she do?

In the past few days, she has been thinking hard every day. At the beginning, she knew nothing about Jin Wu, even if she wanted to find some opportunistic methods, she couldn't do it all at once.

"Yan'er, if it's the eldest sister, she will definitely be able to think of a way. She is so smart and powerful. I am too stupid to think of a way for a few days." Lian Lingyue misses Lian Siyue very much, she fantasizes, if What would my sister do in such a situation? With a broom in her hand, she looked back at Lian Yan, who was playing in the basket, and said.

"Hey..." Lian Yan made a sound.

Lian Lingyue smiled and said, "You're also calling me stupid, aren't you?"

"Giggle..." Lian Yan let out a giggling sound.

"Hey..." Lian Lingyue sighed, and said, "I'm stupid enough, if I had known that I wouldn't say such nonsense that I would kill my family that day, I would forget about marrying Jin Wu, there are so many opportunities to become a young wife ..."

"Quick, quick, the young master is losing his temper again..." At this moment, several maids hurried to Jin Wu's yard.

When she heard this, she quickly grabbed one of the maids and asked, "Sister, what's wrong with the young master?"

"I don't know, I lost my temper and even beat the maid who was close to me to death. Now I'm afraid of death." The maid shuddered all over, looking terrified.

Killed all the maids?Even the hairs on Lingyue's body stood on end.

The maids ignored Lian Lingyue and hurried to Jin Wu's yard, all of them scared out of their wits.

Lian Lingyue gritted her teeth, ran back to her little room, put down the basket, and said to Lian Yan, "Yan'er, you play here, and eat this steamed bun when you're hungry. Sister, go, I'll be right back, you Don't cry and don't run around, you know?"

Lian Yan opened his clear eyes and nodded vigorously.

Lian Lingyue hurried out, locked the door, and ran towards Jin Wu.

After running for a while, when she came to the yard, she saw those boys and maids kneeling on the ground, she was taken aback for a moment, and then saw a few boys carrying a maid out of the yard.

This maid was covered in blood, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, she looked very frightening, it could be seen that she had been beaten violently before her death.

Lian Lingyue hurriedly turned her face away, not daring to look at it again.

This Jin Wu probably had a bad personality in the first place, but now that he has become a disabled person, his temperament is even more brutal.I don't know where this close servant girl didn't do a good job, but she was beaten to death alive.

Soon, the maid who was beaten to death was disposed of, and no one dared to mention it again. In such a big house, one or two people died, especially if they were beaten to death by the master, so naturally they would not make it public, and the people below knew it How to deal with such a thing.

Jin Wu's personal maid died, so naturally another one had to be chosen.

That night, Nanny Man gathered the qualified maids together, and Lian Lingyue secretly stood in the corridor and watched.

When these maids heard Mammy Man said that they wanted to choose the maid next to the young master, they all lowered their heads, and no one dared to answer.

The previous maid had just died, and this was not the first one. Since Jin Wu's foot was injured, three maids beside him have died.

For them, going to the young master's side to serve is tantamount to sending them to death, so who would want to go.

Seeing that none of the crowd wanted to go, but they all backed away and refused, Madam Man's expression darkened immediately, and said: "Taking care of the young master's work, but still refusing, I think you are really tired of your work! Among you, one of you must go, Hanju, you-"

When the maid named Han Zhu heard her name, her face turned pale with fright, and she almost fainted, "Nurse, slave, slave..."

"I'll go!" Just as Han Zhu and the other maids were trembling with fear, a firm voice sounded.

Everyone was taken aback, and quickly looked aside.

Lian Lingyue walked quickly from the corridor, walked up to Nanny Man, and said, "Mommy, I am willing to replace Hanzhu to take care of the young master."

"You?" Nanny Man looked at her.

"Yes, I am willing to go." Lian Lingyue said hastily, "I am willing, and I am not afraid, Mammy, think about it, if you send someone there, that person is very afraid, and the chances of doing something wrong will be high. Some, but like me, they went voluntarily, and they are not afraid of anything, and things will be better, and the young master will not lose his temper so much."

Nanny Man frowned slightly, as if she was considering the rationality of what Lian Lingyue said.

Lian Lingyue stood up, approached Mammy Man, and said, "Mammy, there are always dead people in this young master's room, and sooner or later it will spread, and if it gets out, the family members of those dead maids will talk nonsense outside. , ruined the reputation of the Jin family, the masters will get angry, and they will come back to take responsibility when they get angry. These dead people are all arranged by you, if the masters end up blaming you on your head..."

Nanny Man opened her eyes.

"I'm different. I don't have any family anymore, and no one will cause trouble after I die..." Lian Lingyue said.

Nanny Man looked at Lian Lingyue, thought for a moment, and finally said, "That's it for you, these two days you learn how to take care of the young master, and then send you to the young master's yard. You must be smart, Do you understand?"

After hearing this, Lian Lingyue was overjoyed, and quickly said, "Understood, thank you, Mammy."

Nanny Man left after explaining a few more words.

Seeing that a fool suddenly appeared and insisted on going to the young master's yard, the other maids were secretly relieved, and now their lives were saved for the time being.

Han Zhu, who was almost arranged, walked to Lian Lingyue's side and said, "Thanks to you, I don't have to go, thank you very much."

"You really want to thank me?" Lian Lingyue said.

"Naturally! To tell you the truth, I'm scared just thinking about going to the young master's room to take care of her. Why are you so active?" Hanzhu asked curiously.

"Hey!" Lian Lingyue sighed heavily, "Isn't this for living? I take this younger brother, and I don't make a lot of money. What should I do? Being a sweeping maid, the monthly profit is small, and it is dangerous to go to the young master's side, but It's more than two dollars."

Hanzhu looked at Lian Lingyue with some sympathy, and said, "It's too pitiful, it's hard for you, how about it, you saved me today, and I will help you look after my brother when I have time."

"Thank you very much!" Lian Lingyue said.

Finally, there is a chance to go in front of Jin Wu.

She changed into a new set of maid's clothes. Although she was wearing human clothes, there was an inadvertent nobility about her.

Her pink and white face is also much more beautiful than other maids, but she didn't realize it, that's all.
Three days later, she was arranged to go to Jin Wu's courtyard as scheduled. Nunnery Man told her to be careful when she spoke. The maid who was beaten to death before accidentally said the word "shoes", which made her angry and broke. Jin Wu on the soles of his feet.

Probably because someone had just died, Lian Lingyue felt a gloomy feeling as soon as she entered the yard.

She shrank all over, feeling a kind of fear. In fact, the situation of the maid's body being carried out that day was enough to make her go weak from fright.

However, she can't be afraid, she can't retreat, she still has things to do.

Thinking of this, she took two or three deep breaths, then walked towards Jin Wu's room. When she reached the door, two maids guarding the door looked at her indifferently and asked, "Who are you?"

Lian Lingyue bowed and said, "Sisters, I was sent by Nanny Man to take care of the young master."

When the two heard that they were approaching the young master to take care of her, they couldn't help but look at her more, and even Lingyue noticed the clarity and sympathy in the eyes.

She clenched her fists secretly, and said to herself, "Don't be afraid, Ling Yue'er, seize the opportunity."

Walking into Jin Wu's room, she has already been to this place last time, so she won't be so unfounded.

Lian Lingyue saw Jin Wu sitting in front of the table with a sword in his hand, wiping it. Seeing the sword shining with cold light, she couldn't help shivering.

On the opposite side of his desk stood a handmade dummy, as tall as a real person, wrapped in white cloth.

She calmed herself down, walked up to Jin Wu with the soup in her hand, and said, "Master, this is your favorite soup."

Jin Wu raised his head slowly, and glanced at her, his eyes were full of evil.

She lowered her head, put the bowl in front of Jin Wu, stood aside silently, and did not speak any more.

"Shua!" Suddenly, the sword in Jin Wu's hand stabbed out, ruthlessly piercing the white dummy made in front of him, and the dummy's body was pierced.

Lian Lingyue stood straight and motionless, as if she wasn't frightened by the sudden thrust of the sword.

"Xiao He, I will definitely use this sword to pierce your throat, break your tendons, and goug your eyes, so that you can't live or die!"

Lian Lingyue felt terrified when she heard this, but she still pretended to be calm.

(End of this chapter)

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