First-class daughter

Chapter 978 Getting Smarter

Chapter 978 Getting Smarter

Chapter 978 Getting Smarter

Jin Wu let go of his hand, and the white dummy fell to the ground with the sword stuck in its chest, which looked very terrifying.

Lian Lingyue closed her eyes, slightly sweating on her forehead.

"You help him up." Suddenly, Jin Wu said to Lian Lingyue.

"Yes, Master." Lian Lingyue moved her two almost stiff legs, forced herself to be calm, walked over, helped the dummy up, and the sword was right in front of her eyes.

"Take pen and ink, and write Xiao He on him." Jin Wu ordered again.

Lian Lingyue walked to the desk, picked up a pen, stained it with ink, and started writing in front of the dummy.

Her hands trembled a little, and she deliberately asked, "Master, I don't know which two words it is."

"The depression of the depression, the river of the river."


Thus, Lian Lingyue wrote out the word "Xiao He" stroke by stroke, then put the pen and ink back to the original place, and said, "Master, it's finished."

Jin Wu looked at these two words, and the bloodthirsty expression on his face became more and more serious.

Then, Jin Wu took out a white puppet from the drawer, which was full of needles. Lian Lingyue saw that Xiao He's birth date was clearly written on the puppet.

She shuddered in her heart, Jin Wu really hated Xiao He so much.

"Come here." Jin Wu shouted.

Lian Lingyue walked over and called out, "Master."

Jin Wu pointed to the needles on the table and said to her, "Put all these needles into his body."

Lian Lingyue's heart trembled, she stretched out her hand, slowly picked up the needles, and inserted them into the puppet, just when the needle tip was about to touch.

She suddenly withdrew her hand and said, "Master, why don't you help me find a way to teach this Xiao He a lesson? Where is he now? You send my servant to find him, and this servant finds a way to get the young master out! This man made the young master so angry , must be a heinous villain!"

She looked like she was going to vent her anger for Jin Wu!
Seeing the servant girl saying so many words suddenly, Jin Wu was stunned for a moment, looked at her with a pair of dark glasses, and even sent a chill down the back of the moon, as if he was not afraid at all, and said:

"The young master is angry here, and it's not good for him. It's just bad for his health, but he doesn't know the person who hurt you. He doesn't know where she is at ease. Young master, don't you think? Let's go Find him! It is inconvenient for the young master to make a move, come here! This man bullies our young master, I, Ah Yue, will never spare him!"

Lian Lingyue pulled out the sword stuck on Xiao He's body and said,

Jin Wu's originally gloomy eyes showed some surprise, and asked, "Are you that slave that day?"

Lian Lingyue said hastily, "Yes, it is the servant girl."

"I beat and killed several of those dogs, you still dare to come, are you not afraid of being beaten to death by me?" Jin Wu said.

Lian Lingyue's heart skipped a beat, and she said, "Of course I'm afraid, I'm afraid you're going to die, you're going crazy."But he said in his mouth, "Slaves are not afraid of death, if they want to die, they will die. I have seen a lot of dead people. When I close my eyes, all pain and sorrow are gone."

Jin Wu smiled evilly and said, "It's the first time I've seen a slave like you, tell me, how can you help me teach Xiao He a lesson?"

"Last time, what I heard from the young master was that this Xiao He is now the son-in-law, and he is favored by the queen mother and the little prince." Lian Lingyue said.

"Hmph." Jin Wu snorted coldly, "A scheming native from the Central Plains, who claims to be a hero, puts a cold sword behind his back and snatches away the princess who was supposed to be betrothed to me, and now he is using the princess' power to show his authority." Fu, what a villain!"

"This person is really a villain. He is the worst villain who can steal other people's hearts!" Lian Lingyue looked like Jin Wu had the same nostrils, "Then naturally we can't come to the public, we can only come to the dark " Lian Lingyue said with a serious look.

"How do you get in the dark?" Jin Wu asked, he couldn't wait to deal with Xiao He, even if he couldn't be eradicated in one fell swoop, he should be taught a lesson first, and his arrogance would be extinguished!
"Of course it's not good for the young master to come forward. Otherwise, if the queen mother and the young prince find out, I'm afraid the young master will be blamed. Let the servants do it. If something goes wrong, the servants will bear it all. Anyway, I'm not afraid of death. Big lesson Can’t come, let’s have a small one first, for example, the servant girl knows that there is a kind of powder, if you accidentally touch it, it will be unbearably itchy, although it will not kill you, it will be terribly uncomfortable, if you can’t bear it, you will scratch your skin with your hands Rotten." Lian Lingyue said.

"Hahahahaha!" Jin Wu laughed suddenly and said, "Okay, okay!"

Lian Lingyue didn't expect Jin Wu to agree with the method she said so much.

"It's just that Xiao He is full of tricks, and he's good at martial arts. It's very difficult to get close to him." Jin Wu said.

"I'm not afraid of this." Lian Lingyue said with a smile, "This servant is inconspicuous and pretends to be approaching casually. He shouldn't pay attention. If he is found out, this servant will sprinkle the powder on him without hesitation!"

"Hahaha!" Jin Wu laughed loudly, "After changing so many maidservants, I finally got a happy one."

The day after tomorrow, there will be a banquet at the little prince's mansion. I didn't plan to go, but this time I will bring you with me. At that time, it's up to you whether you can make me happy. "

"Slaves must fulfill their mission!" Lian Lingyue smiled, lowered her head, and said, a huge moment in her heart finally slowly let go,
Finally, I had a chance to see Xiao He.

"Take it!" Jin Wu took out an ingot of gold and put it on the table, "You make my young master very happy, this is your reward."

As soon as Lian Lingyue saw the gold, her eyes lit up immediately, she hugged the gold with both hands, and said, "Thank you, young master, thank you very much, young master!"

Jin Wu glanced at her and said, "If you weren't the catastrophe of February, I would really marry you as my concubine."

Lian Lingyue felt a strong disgust in her heart, but said in her mouth, "I can't, I can't, I don't want to hurt the young master, I just want to serve like this."

"You go out, remember, go with me the day after tomorrow, the medicine powder you mentioned, you write down the name, and I will ask someone to prepare it." Jin Wu said.

"Yes, this servant has remembered." She wrote the name of the medicine powder and turned to leave.

In fact, she didn't know if the powder would really make people itchy. When she was still the eleventh princess in the palace, she heard her mother mention it by chance, saying that a vicious concubine used this kind of thing to deal with it. A beauty, but no one scratched her face, and the emperor no longer favored this beauty.

"Stop!" Suddenly, Jin Wu stopped her again.

Her back was slightly stiff, she turned around and said, "Young master, is there anything else you want this servant to do?"

"Have you seen me before?" Jin Wu asked, staring at her face
"...No." Lian Lingyue looked blank, this was the second time he thought he had seen her, but he couldn't remember it, because the wooden figure of Xiao He was the slave in front of him.

It's just that I can't remember it all at once, and there is still a certain difference between wooden figures and real people.

"Let's go." Jin Wu waved.

After coming out of Jin Wu's room, the two maids guarding the door saw the gold in her hand, and their eyes clearly showed surprise.

No one had ever come out of the young master's room without being beaten or scolded, but instead held such a large ingot of gold.

Lian Lingyue raised her head slightly and left Jin Wu's yard.

But as soon as she walked out of the yard and turned to a corridor, her legs and feet went limp, and she fell on a side chair beside her, unable to stand up, her whole body was weak and sweaty.

She had just dealt with Jin Wu in front of him, and only the devil knew that she was about to die of fright.

Fortunately, fortunately...Jin Wu didn't suspect anything, but instead gave her an ingot of gold. She held the gold and sat on the corridor for a long time before slowly recovering her strength.

Back at the residence, Yan'er was standing and playing beside Hanzhu, while Hanzhu was helping the masters to fix the soles of their shoes.

Lian Lingyue walked over quickly, picked up Yan'er, hugged Yan'er in circles in her arms, and said, "Yan'er, Yan'er, that's great."

Seeing her so happy, Hanzhu was very surprised, and said, "Ah Yue, you... did you go to the young master's place today?"

"Of course." Lian Lingyue said, "The young master didn't lose his temper, so I'm happy."

"So that's how it is. You are quite capable. The first few people who went in for the first time came out scared to death." Hanzhu said.

At this time, a shadow came from not far away, Lian Lingyue caught it with a glance, a sly look flashed in her eyes, she turned around, sat with Han Zhu, with her back to that figure, and said loudly, Said, "Thanks to Nanny Man, if she hadn't given me some pointers, I wouldn't have done well today, and the young master wouldn't have praised me."

Hanzhu was even more surprised, "Master, you still praised you?"

"Yes." Lian Lingyue said.

Nanny Man just happened to hear Lian Lingyue's words of flattery, and she shouted, "Ah Yue," with a proud expression on her face.

Lian Lingyue turned around quickly, and when she saw Nanny Man, she quickly stood up, "Mommy."

"Come here, I will teach you etiquette. The young master will take you out the day after tomorrow. The young master has not been out for a long time. You must take good care of him. If there is any problem, I will ask it for you!" Nanny Man said seriously.

"Yes, thank you Mammy, I'll trouble you, Mammy." Lian Lingyue put Lian Yan back beside Hanzhu, and followed Mammy Man outside.

"Mommy." Lian Lingyue looked at the people on the left and right, walked up to Nanny, put a piece of gold that Jin Wu gave her into Nanny Man's hand, and whispered, "This is filial piety." Yours, you have to tell the servants to behave properly, the servants are afraid that they will offend other adults."

When Nanny Man saw the gold, her eyes lit up immediately. She didn't expect this slave to be so sincere, and handed over all the gold to her. Originally, she wanted to think of a way to make Lian Lingyue spit out the gold for her. .

In fact, Lian Lingyue had thought about it a long time ago. Nanny Man must know that she got a reward from Jin Wu, and she would definitely want to take it. She might as well be a favor and give her the gold, so that she can do something convenient for herself .

(End of this chapter)

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