Chapter 979
Chapter 979
Sure enough, Sister Man was very satisfied with Lian Lingyue's actions, and said, "You are a sensible person. I will take good care of you if you want anything in the future."

"Ah Yue has nothing else. It would be nice for Mammy to help me look after my younger brother. I thought about going to the little prince's mansion the day after tomorrow. Maybe the young master will be happy and give me a reward. At that time, I will use it all to honor Mammy." .”

"I promise you." Nurse Man said as she rested the gold in her hands.

"Thank you Mammy." Lian Lingyue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Things are going in a good direction bit by bit, she is not afraid!
Two days later.

It was the first time for Jin Wu to go out in the past few months. The Jin family was very cautious, but Lian Lingyue and Jin Wu said that they were afraid that Xiao He would remember her appearance, so they specially painted a black circle around the eyes. It looks like a birthmark from birth.

Jin Wuyun agreed.

In fact, Lian Lingyue was afraid that Yeluchu, the host of the banquet today, would recognize her.Although at that time she had no hair and was dressed like a little nun, her appearance is quite different now that she has hair, but she still needs to be more careful, so she drew a birthmark on her eyes.

All the way to Yeluchu's prince's mansion, even Lingyue followed Jin Wu's carriage, but her heart couldn't help beating, the more she walked, the more excited she became.

But at the same time, there are some concerns.

Because Xiao He had resented her a little last time, and now he is Khitan's son-in-law, would he be willing to help her?

What if he doesn't want to?
With such an uneasy mood, she went all the way to the palace. As soon as the car stopped, Lian Lingyue stepped forward and watched the bearers lift Jin Wu down and sit on the chair.

"Is everything ready?" Jin Wu asked Lian Lingyue.

Lian Lingyue patted his sleeves hurriedly, and said confidently, "Young master, don't worry, it was ready yesterday. I will definitely avenge the young master today, and teach that Xiao He a lesson."

Jin Wu nodded in satisfaction, "I'll just wait for your good news. If you teach Xiao He a lesson, I will reward you with a hundred taels of gold."

Lian Lingyue's eyes lit up immediately, and said, "Master, I will definitely work hard to complete the task."

"Later, let's go into the banquet hall. You can only stay outside. Find an opportunity for yourself. I will also find a way to guide Xiao He there." Jin Wu said.


Lian Lingyue entered the mansion with Jin Wu, sure enough, Jin Wu was able to go to the banquet hall, but Lian Lingyue's body slaves could only stand in the side hall outside waiting for the masters to come out like other servants of other families.

Ever since Lian Lingyue stood here, her eyes never left the direction of the door.

Later, if Xiao He comes, he will pass by here.

However, she was eager to see through, but she never saw Xiao He's shadow.She was taken aback for a moment, couldn't Xiao He come?

She prayed in her heart, please, please, Xiao He, you must come, if I don't meet you this time, I don't know when I will come out next time.And Jin Wu is not necessarily willing to take her with him every time.

"The princess is here, the son-in-law is here!"

When she was thinking wildly and anxious, she suddenly heard such a voice outside.She raised her head abruptly and looked in the direction of the door.

I saw that the one who came in first was a gentle, soft, quiet and noble woman, with a slight smile on her face, she was very beautiful.

Is this Xiao He's wife?
And then, a long leg appeared in front of her eyes, and then, she saw a familiar figure!Lian Lingyue's heart was hit hard, and she was so nervous that she could hardly breathe.

The man was wrapped in a black robe and a black cloak, his face was expressionless, and he exuded a cold and alienated aura.

He was supercilious, as if he didn't care about anything.

He was thoughtful again, as if remembering something.

It's him!

It's him!

It's Xiao He!
He really came, she waited for him!Very good!
She really wanted to run over immediately and call out his name, but she couldn't do it now, there was someone beside him.It would be bad if found out.

At this time, Xiao He walked by the side hall with Yeluyan, and several servants followed respectfully, Lian Lingyue's eyes were tight, watching him closely!
However, at this moment, the fat servant stepped forward to support the princess's hand, just blocking her sight, and when she saw it again, Xiao He had already entered the main hall with his wife.

Lian Lingyue stood aside, watching helplessly as he disappeared in front of her.

Just passing the side hall, when he was about to walk in, Xiao He stopped suddenly and looked back.

Yeluyan followed his eyes and looked curiously, and asked, "My son-in-law, did you see something?"

Xiao He shook his head and said, "No."

how can that be possible?
This is Khitan, Youzhou, and Yeluchu's palace, how could Ling Yue'er appear here?
He was really yearning madly, so did his eyes have hallucinations?He seemed to see a shadow just now, and that shadow was very similar to Ling Yue'er.

However, it is impossible, she is fine in Kyoto, it is impossible to appear here.

Thinking of this, he shook his head again, and Yeluyan and Yeluyan sat down on the male and female tables respectively, while Yeluyan talked to the noble ladies next to him.

And Xiao He still looked alienated, sitting alone drinking, not very enthusiastic about others.Jin Wu, who was sitting not far from him, looked at him with angry eyes!
And Xiao He noticed this gaze, he just raised his head, gave him a light look, and then continued to drink, his eyes clearly showed contempt and disdain.

"Crack!" Jin Wu put the wine glass on the table and was about to stand up.

However, as soon as he tried hard, he fell down and sat down.

"..." Xiao He didn't look at him again, but there was an undisguised sarcasm on the corner of his lips.

"Xiao He! Damn you, how dare you despise me like this!" He cursed fiercely in his heart.

He looked at the door, Ah Yue's maid was not allowed in according to regulations, what should I do?

Jin Wu thought for a while, and suddenly came up with an idea.

"Golden Bamboo..." He called out to his younger brother.

Jin Zhu walked over immediately, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Jin Wufu whispered a few words into Jin Zhu's ear, Jin Zhu immediately understood, nodded and said, "Don't worry, brother, I'll do it right away."

So, after a while, a guard walked up to Xiao He and said, "My son-in-law, there is someone outside who wants to see you,"

Xiao He put down his wine glass, and asked calmly, "Who is it?"

"I don't know the lowly position, but she is a woman." The guard said.

Xiao He glanced at Jin Wu next to him, and said, "I don't know any woman in Youzhou, I'm afraid I found the wrong one, you go back to her, don't look for her randomly."

After speaking, he picked up the wine glass and continued to drink, not to be fooled by Jin Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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