First-class daughter

Chapter 980 It's Really Her

Chapter 980 It's Really Her
Chapter 980 It's Really Her
Lian Lingyue was still waiting in the side hall with the other servants, thinking about how she could enter the main hall.

"Princess, be careful." At this time, she suddenly heard the voice of the fat nanny just now, and looked up, only to see that the princess came out with her. The princess frowned slightly, as if she was not feeling well. look.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?" Mammy asked with concern.

"I can't tell, but my heart feels uncomfortable and I'm a little dizzy." Yeluyan said.

Lian Lingyue stood there, watching her secretly, thinking, if she was not feeling well, Xiao He would follow her to see her.

And at this moment, suddenly, with a meowing sound, a black cat suddenly jumped up from the top of Lian Lingyue's head, and jumped onto Yeluyan's body.

Suddenly such a huge monster rushed out, Yeluyan screamed out of fright, and fell to the ground.

Even Lingyue herself was taken aback by the sudden cat.

Nanny Jin hurriedly bent down to help Yeluyan, and the other servants were also startled, shouting one by one——

"Princess, princess, are you okay. Is it okay, princess?"

Yeluyan was hurriedly helped up from the ground. Her face was pale, and the headdress on her head was off. After being helped up by the slaves, she looked in shock.

She was a little annoyed, and said, "Why did such a wild cat appear in my brother's house, it scared the princess to death."

Several people subdued the cat, and Jin Nao turned her head abruptly, staring at Lian Lingyue with a pair of terrifying eyes, which startled Lian Lingyue, and said angrily, "Bitch! Come here! You brought the cat here!" Yes, to scare the princess on purpose, right?"

When Lian Lingyue heard it, she quickly waved her hand to deny it, and said, "No, no, really, I don't know what's going on, this cat..."

"Bitch! You still dare to quibble. I saw that cat jumping over you and rushing directly to the princess just now." Nanny Jin strode away to Gulai, and grabbed Lian Lingyue's slender body. Arm, pulled her in front of Yeluyan, "Hurry up and kneel down, kowtow to the princess to admit your mistake, and then slap yourself ten times in the face! What are you, dare to be presumptuous in front of the princess."

"Slave..." Lian Lingyue looked up at Yeluyan, her face was cut by the wild cat, and there was only a little blood, no wonder, she would be angry.

She thought for a while, and quickly said, "It's all my servant's fault, it's all my servant's fault. When the cat rushed out just now, my servant didn't stop it in time, causing it to scratch the princess."

Yeluyan was originally looking down to see if there were any other injuries on her body, but when she heard Lian Lingyue tactfully denying that she deliberately let the cat scratch people, she couldn't help but take another look at her, and asked,
"Which house are you a maid?"

"The servant is here with the young master Jin Wu." Lian Lingyue said, "Princess, you are hurt a little, please help the servant to go inside, and ask the doctor to take a look."

Even Lingyue thought that it would be good to go in together like this.

"Bah!" Unexpectedly, just as she was about to reach out, she was slapped on the hand by Jinmao, and said, "What is your identity, a dog is worthy of touching the princess? Since you are the maid of Master Jinwu, then I have more reason to suspect that you did it on purpose."

"Forget it, nanny, I don't think she did it on purpose. It's not easy for her to hug such a big wild cat. Let's go, get some ointment and apply it to me." I plan to pursue it further.

However, Nanny Jin whispered to Yeluyan, "Princess, don't be too kind. Since this maid is the maid of Master Jin Wu, the slave has even more reason to doubt her. Master Jin Wu has always held a grudge against the son-in-law. Maybe she was deliberately sent by Master Jin Wu to hurt the princess."

Yeluyan glanced at Lian Lingyue and couldn't help hesitating.

"Princess, if you were arrested on purpose, you will know at the first trial, and you can also ask Master Jin Wu what is going on." Jin Nanny said to Yeluyan.

Yeluyan finally nodded and said, "Okay, it's fine to ask, but you can't do anything to hurt her. After all, the matter hasn't been investigated yet."

"Princess, don't worry." Nanny Jin turned around, walked in front of Lian Lingyue, picked up Lian Lingyue's hand, and tugged hard, and she was so painful that she almost burst into tears, "Come in with me!"

So, Lian Lingyue was pinched by Nanny Jin, and Yeluyan walked on the lacquered surface and walked into the main hall together.

At this moment, the banquet has not officially started, and Yeluchu has not shown up yet, so there are not many people in the main hall.

Jin Wu raised his eyes and saw that Lian Lingyue was being carried in by Nanny Jin, he was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself, "This girl has a way, she really is clever!"

As soon as Lian Lingyue came in, her eyes quickly searched for Xiao He's figure, and she saw him sitting there drinking at a glance.

When others saw this movement, they all looked this way.But Xiao He was the only one who drank with his head down, as if he didn't care about anything.

Nanny Jin brought Lian Lingyue in front of Jin Wu, pushed her to make her kneel down, then knelt down herself, and said:
"Master Jin Wu, your maid let the cat scratch the princess."

Jin Wu was stunned for a moment, and looked up, and sure enough, he saw a claw scratch on Yeluyan's face, bleeding out, and the maid behind her was holding a huge cat in her hand.

He thought to himself, this idiot will not be able to see Xiao He's body, so he will hurt Princess Yan. This Princess Yan is the heart of the Queen Mother, and no one can hurt her. Blame it down.

He looked at Lian Lingyue and asked, "Is that the princess you let the cat bite?"

Lian Lingyue said hastily, "No, no, no, the cat jumped out suddenly, and the servants were also frightened."

Here, Xiao He, who was drinking until he didn't care what happened, heard that Yeluyan's face was injured and didn't even look at it, suddenly heard this voice, he trembled all over, and suddenly raised his head, Looking at the person who was forced to kneel on the ground to admit his mistake——

Suddenly, the wine glass in his hand slipped and fell on the wine table.

Ling Yueer!
When he saw that face anxious to explain, Xiao He stood up abruptly, at that moment, his heart almost stopped beating!
Ling Yueer!
It's really Ling Yue'er!

Xiao He was very excited immediately, the blood in his body seemed to be boiling!
The shadow he saw by chance just now, he was right, it was really Ling Yue'er!
She really came to Youzhou!
"You maidservant, you dare to quibble. I clearly saw you throwing the cat at the princess, which caused the princess to fall and get scratched on her face. You still haven't pleaded guilty!" Without saying anything, he raised his hand and slapped Lian Lingyue's face viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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