First-class daughter

Chapter 982 I Will Do Things For You

Chapter 982 I Will Do Things For You
Chapter 982 I Will Do Things For You
But, he can't, he is a son-in-law here now, and Ling Yue'er can't bear this kind of insult!

He can only hold her shoulder like this
"follow me!"

He grabbed her sleeve, walked out of the palace from the side, and got into his carriage.

As soon as he got on the carriage, Xiao He stared at her deeply. She was wearing the clothes of a servant girl, and there was a birthmark on her eyes, presumably to deceive others.

When he thought of how she was kneeling helplessly on the ground just now, being bullied, scolded, and called "baby maid" one after another, he felt very uncomfortable.

"Why are you here?" Suppressing the strong feelings in his heart, he asked the most important question.


There was no way to escape, she was caught, fled, and caught again. She lived with Lian Yan all the time, and there was no one to help her.

Moreover, she thought that Xiao He would ignore her just now, but now it seems that she is not, suddenly her nose is sore, and tears flow down her mouth.

"Have you suffered a lot of grievances..."

Seeing her crying, Xiao He was very flustered, he stretched out his hand, trying to wipe her tears, but in the end he felt it was inappropriate, so he wiped her tears away with his sleeve clumsily.

Lian Lingyue calmed herself down, and told her from the beginning to the end that Lian's family was wiped out, that she was captured by a Khitan spy, and how she escaped all the way.

After Xiao He heard it, he was in shock for a long time——

"The Lian family... is gone? Lianxiang, Lian Shilang, the old lady, the eldest lady, all of these..." He was greatly shocked in his heart, and he couldn't recover for a long time.
"Our family only has eldest sister, me, Yan'er, and my fourth uncle in Shanhaiguan..." Lian Lingyue felt her heart being torn into pieces when she said this.

A home is gone overnight, as long as I think about it, my heart will bleed.

"You said that you and Lian Yan are both in Jin's house now, you are Jin Wu's maid, and Lian Yan is working with you?" Xiao He asked.

Lian Lingyue nodded, "He originally arrested me and wanted to marry me, but I lied to him that I was the catastrophe of February and killed a whole family. Maybe he didn't marry me because of his concerns."

When Xiao He heard these words, his gums were almost crushed!If he didn't hold back, he would immediately rush to Jin Wu and cut off his neck!

This bastard actually dares to make Ling Yue'er want to!
"Later, I heard him talking and scolding you, so I found out that you knew him. I thought, in this case, there is always a possibility to meet you, so I tried to be his personal maid. I am still here today. You encouraged him to come." Lian Lingyue said.

"No, you can't follow him, he are too dangerous, look at today, in order to please Yeluyan, he immediately ignored you, in his heart you are a slave! How could he protect you well, How could he treat you well, maybe at some point, he will torture you and punish you like a lunatic..." Xiao He said, thinking about these things, his heart trembled, and blood dripped drop by drop.

He couldn't imagine how the crystal-clear person in his heart dealt with Jin Wu. He couldn't help but how scared and tired she lived every day. Moreover, she brought a younger brother, A younger brother who is less than two years old.

She is Ling Yue'er, the one who should be well protected and loved, how could...

Xiao He felt pain in his heart one after another, and tears flickered in his eyes, he really loved her so much.

As if aware of Xiao He's thoughts, Lian Lingyue looked at him, with a strong smile on her face, and said, "Xiao He, thank you for worrying about me, but don't worry too much, I am no longer that Lingyue Boy, I am different now, I know how to live now, I will not let myself get into trouble easily, no, look, I want to use Jin Wu to see me, and I see it, so, you really Do not worry too much.

I just hope, you can help me this time, help me arrange something, let my brother and I go home, I beg you to help me this time. "

"Fool, of course I will help you, you don't need to ask me, I will definitely help you." Xiao He said in a tone like swearing.

"Thank you, Xiao He!" Lian Lingyue was very moved, and finally felt relieved, now that Xiao He is willing to help, everything will be fine.

"Ling Yue'er, don't you remember?" Xiao He said suddenly.

"Huh?" Lian Lingyue didn't know what he meant.

"Before, before, long, long ago, I told you that as long as you ask me to do something, I will definitely do it, and it doesn't matter if I give it to you." Looking into her eyes, Xiao He slowly said Said, it was a long time ago in my mind.

Lian Lingyue was slightly taken aback.

"It's okay, it's all over, you don't need to think about it anymore, maybe you won't remember it, forget it." Xiao He said with a smile.

"No, I remember. Once, the emperor took the princes and princesses to hunt together. I wanted the good sword that the emperor gave to hunting No.1. I told you that I wanted it, and you got it for me. , and then you said, you will do whatever I ask you to do, right?" Lian Lingyue said.

A slight smile appeared on Xiao He's face, he nodded and said, "Yes, that's not a random word, it's my promise, so don't think it's troublesome to ask me for help, I'm willing to do things for you , Ling Yueer."

He spoke very sincerely, with tears in his eyes.

"Xiao He, you have a wife." Lian Lingyue whispered, "If she knows that you are still thinking about the past, she will be sad. Women are the same. I don't want my husband to think about other things. Man, I know you value promises, and you value mine..."

After Lian Lingyue continued to speak, she suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision for her to come to Xiao He?

"Actually, she and I..." Xiao He swallowed the words and said, "Ling Yue'er, I know what you said, remember it."

"And, I like Lian Jue." Lian Lingyue shook hands, raised her head slowly, and said, "I think, at this time, I should tell you my heart, because I... don't want... to make you feel that I ..."

She was a little afraid to look into his eyes.

Although Xiao He had already noticed that Ling Yue'er's heart was not in his heart, from her eyes, he could also see that it was the young brat from the Lian family who cheated her of her heart.

However, when she said it herself, he still felt that he was suddenly recommended to hell.

Perhaps, liking her is only his business in this life.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lian Lingyue felt a little uneasy in her heart. She needed Xiao He's help very much, but she also knew Xiao He's thoughts for her. If she didn't say anything and pretended not to know, she would be too bad up!
"Don't worry, it's fine. I know that it's already so late today. I'll take you back to Jin's house because Lian Yan is still there. You can tell later that you are waiting for Jin Wu in the side hall, but you don't know that Jin Wu has You came back, you waited there for a long time before you found out, so you went back by yourself, understand?" He said patiently and meticulously.

"En." Lian Lingyue nodded.

"The Jin family is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Jin Wu will make trouble for you at some point. You must be careful and careful. If you can, find a way for yourself and don't come to his side anymore. Be an inconspicuous little girl." Maid is fine.

Don't worry, I will take you away soon, don't worry, I will definitely do what I said, don't worry, remember? "

He carefully told her that in his mind, Ling Yue'er would always be that Ling Yue'er, not that she had changed as she said, no.

"Okay, I'll remember everything, I'll wait for you." Lian Lingyue nodded vigorously.

Watching Ling Yue'er enter Jin's house from a distance, Xiao He murmured, "If you don't like me, I will do things for you, fool."

Until her figure disappeared, Xiao He immediately turned around, jumped into the carriage, and returned to the Princess Mansion.

As soon as he came back, Yeluyan stood in the yard waiting for him and said, "Are you back?"

Xiao He saw that the scratched part of her face had already been smeared with medicine, and it was not a serious injury, only as big as a thread.

However, today, Jin Nanny, the bastard, beat and scolded Ling Yue'er, and just now he saw bruised finger prints on Ling Yue'er's wrist, which were pinched by Jin Nanny!

Seeing his strange look, Yeluyan asked in a low voice, "Xiao He, what are you thinking about? Is there something that makes you angry?"

"No, you think too much." Xiao He came back to his senses and said, "Is your face okay?"

He wanted to help Ling Yue'er with this matter, so the Princess Mansion had to take care of it to save anything from happening, so he had a few polite words with Yeluyan.

But Yeluyan was very happy when she heard his question, this was the second time he cared about her today.

Does it mean that his heart has slowly begun to open?
"It's much better. It was a little painful when I was arrested just now, and I was a little angry with that maid of the Jin family, but now it's nothing, it doesn't hurt at all, and it will be better tomorrow morning." She said.

It doesn't hurt at all, and it will be fine soon, but at that time, she wished she could kill Ling Yue'er!

"Go to bed early, I still have some business to deal with." Xiao He said, passed her, and walked into the study.

Yeluyan looked at his back, so handsome and slender, she suddenly felt an impulse, ran over and put her arms around his waist from behind, pressing her face against her back.

"It's fine, it's fine, you're fine like this."

As soon as Xiao He saw that he was being hugged by her, he broke free immediately, and Yeluyan was forced to take two steps back.

Xiao He left quickly.

Yeluyan stood where he was, not understanding how his sudden indifference came about?
Xiao He approached the study room, with a cold face, he said to the people around him, "Let Nanny Jin pour me a cup of hot tea."

"Yes." The boy immediately followed his instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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