Chapter 983

Chapter 983

Holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, Nanny Jin walked to Xiao He's study and said, "My son-in-law, your hot tea is here."

But Xiao He seemed to have heard nothing, looking down at the scroll in front of him, as if because he was too immersed in it, he didn't notice the person coming.

The tea was hot, and after holding it in his hand for a long time, it was unavoidably hot, but Xiao He didn't respond, and Nanny Jin couldn't put it down and leave, so he had to hold it like this.

After waiting for a while, Xiao He still didn't respond, and Nanny Jin had no choice but to say, "My son-in-law, your hot tea is here."

But Xiao He still didn't make a sound, he flipped through the scroll in front of him expressionlessly, ignoring Xiao He's intention.

Nanny Jin's hand holding the hot tea felt a little sore, and her wrist began to tremble.

"My son-in-law, your hot tea is here." When Jin Momo said it for the first time, Xiao He still didn't look up, she understood that the son-in-law did it on purpose.

Did she do something wrong, is the son-in-law going to punish her?But thinking about it carefully, he didn't do anything to displease him.

Her hand holding the hot teacup began to feel hot, her wrist trembled, and the lid of the teacup collided with the cup, making a sound.

"Pa" She finally couldn't hold on anymore, the teacup in her hand fell down with a pop, smashed to the ground, and the tea flowed all over the floor.

When she looked at her hand, it had already been scalded red by the hot tea, and a blister appeared faintly.

This son-in-law is determined to make life difficult for her!
Hearing this movement, Xiao He raised his head from the scroll, saw Jin Nanny with a surprised look on his face, and asked, "When did Jin Nanny come in?"

"The servant came in early in the morning to bring tea to the son-in-law." Nanny Jin's palms hurt and she was angry, but she had to endure it.

When Xiao He saw the broken cup on the ground, he immediately showed a shocked expression, "Golden mother, why did you break the cup that the queen mother gave to the princess? broke it."

What, a relic of the late emperor?
Mother Jin was still angry with Xiao He in her heart, but when she heard this, her knees bent in fright, she knelt on the ground, and said, "Old slave, I don't know that this is a relic of the late emperor, please forgive me, my son-in-law."

"This... is not easy to deal with. It's not mine. If it's mine, it's fine. It belongs to the empress dowager and the late emperor." Xiao He looked embarrassed.

"My son-in-law, please forgive me..." Nanny Jin knelt on the ground and kowtowed again and again. No matter what the reason was, she smashed the Queen Mother's reward, and it was a relic of the late emperor. This is a serious crime.

"I can't cover you up about this matter, so go and ask the Queen Mother yourself." Xiao He showed a regretful expression on his face, "Or, you can go to discuss with the princess and kneel for a day and a night facing the direction of the late emperor's mausoleum. Come from Punishment and Atonement."

"Slave, servant, I'm going to discuss it with the princess." Jin Momo hurriedly got up, raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, and walked out quickly.

The regretful expression on Xiao He's face disappeared, replaced by a cold one——

This bastard dares to bully Ling Yue'er, he must avenge Ling Yue'er!

After a while, the maid at the door came to report, and said that Nanny Jin was already kneeling.

"Go down, got it." Xiao He waved his hand.

When the study door was closed, Xiao He fell into deep contemplation——

Ling Yue'er must not stay in Jin's house for a long time, otherwise he will have no peace for a moment, how can he get her out as soon as possible and send her home?
On Yeluyan's side, she was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, looking at herself in the mirror, her face was slightly red, and a smile could not help but appear on the corners of her lips.

"Princess, it's time to rest. This servant will change your clothes for you." Dolma came over and said.

Yeluyan said, "Wait a minute, you go out first."

Today Xiao He's attitude has changed, maybe he will come to the room tonight.

Yeluyan was secretly looking forward to his appearance in her heart, she was sitting here, secretly waiting.

However, she waited for a long time, and when she dozed off, Xiao He's figure did not appear as she expected.

Her joyful and excited mood was slowly wiped out by the water, and the smile on her face was gradually replaced by disappointment. She thought he would come, but she didn't expect it to be nothing.

Give him some more time!

Yeluyan stood up, opened her hands, and said, "Dolma, change my clothes, I'm going to rest."

"Yes." Zhuoma came over, took off Yeluyan's body, and put on a sleeping one.

"Princess, do you want your servant to call a son-in-law?" Dolma really felt sorry for the princess, she was obviously the most loved woman in Khitan, with the best power, money, and appearance.

However, after the big wedding, the son-in-law didn't even come in the room, and the princess was as beautiful as a flower, but she didn't get the love from her husband.

Dolma was thinking so, when she turned around, she saw Xiao He standing at the door of the room, she was taken aback, her face beamed with joy, and she hurriedly said, "My son-in-law, you are here."

Yeluyan was about to get on the bed, when she heard the voice, she suddenly turned her head and saw Xiao He's handsome figure walking in, Zhuoma saw this, hurriedly retreated, and closed the door for the two of them.

Xiao He turned his head and looked at the closed door.

Yeluyan walked over happily, she thought he would not come, suppressed the joy in her heart, she walked over and asked: "Xiao He, you are here, do you want to rest? I'll take it off for you. clothes."

As she spoke, she came forward and took off the cloak for him like ordinary wives do.

"No need." However, Xiao He raised his hand to stop her movement, and she retracted her hand before it touched him.

"What's wrong?" Yeluyan looked at him with some puzzlement.

"I have nothing to do in the mansion all day long. I want to go hunting in the hunting ground. I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a long time, so I feel uncomfortable." Xiao He said.

"Yes!" Yeluyan said immediately, "If you want to go, I will arrange it in a few days and go with you. The last time I saw you hunting was several months ago. Speaking of which, your riding and shooting skills , can be called the first in Khitan."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Xiao He looked at her intoxicated look, turned his face away, and said.

"No trouble, I'd be happy to go hunting with you, but this time, can you teach me how to draw a bow?" Yeluyan asked.

Xiao He paused, and said, "Yes."

"Great, it's a deal, you must teach." Yeluyan was suddenly happy like a child.

"I remember, it's very late, you should rest." After Xiao He finished speaking, he turned and walked out.

Yeluyan looked at his walking steps, and was taken aback for a moment—he still had no intention of staying, and she couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"However, he talked to me a lot, and he also took the initiative to tell me what he wanted to do. He is slowly getting better, so give him more time." Yeluyan comforted herself and said.

Lian Lingyue returns to Jin's house.

The next day, after Jin Wu woke up, he called her and asked, "Did you pour that powder on Xiao He after yesterday?"

Lian Lingyue was startled when she heard this, it's too bad, she met Xiao He yesterday and said a lot of things, but she even forgot about it!
Seeing that she didn't speak, Jin Wu's face darkened, and he smashed the teacup on the ground hard, the water splashed all over Lingyue, and she took a step back in fright.

"You maidservant! Clever words! He also said that there is a way to teach Xiao He a lesson, but in the end, nothing was done!" Jin Wu was furious, and his soaring anger was vented on Lian Lingyue. The puppet of Xiao He he made was thrown hard at Lian Lingyue's face.

Lian Lingyue didn't dodge, the puppet hit her on the nose, the pain was so painful that she was about to shed tears.

This Jin Wuguo is really moody, like a lunatic, he can change at will, Lian Lingyue is thinking about how to calm him down.

"Master, the son-in-law is here." At this moment, the servant outside came in and said.

Xiao He is here?Lian Lingyue's heart trembled, why did he come so soon?

When Jin Wu heard that Xiao He had come, he was also very surprised, "What is he doing here? Let him in!"

After a while, Xiao He came in from the outside. He saw the smashed cup on the ground, the water stains on Ling Yue'er's body, the puppet that fell on the ground, and Ling Yue'er's somewhat dodging eyes. His fists were clenched tightly.

"Why is the son-in-law coming here when you have time?" Jin Wu asked with squinting eyes at Xiao He.

Xiao He came over, stretched out his hand to pick up the puppet that fell on the ground, looked at it, and there was his birthday written on it.

Jin Wu's complexion was a little strange, Xiao He smiled slightly, walked past Ling Yue'er, walked up to Jin Wu, put the puppet on his table, and said: "Master Jin Wu, I'm here to apologize to you Yes, and make friends along the way."

When Jin Wu heard it, he seemed to have heard some anecdote, "Oh, the high-ranking son-in-law wants to apologize to me, and wants to make friends with me. I heard it right!"

"I'm sincere, otherwise I wouldn't have come to the door in person, so please ask Master Jin Wu to show me this face." Xiao He said.

"Xiao He!" Jin Wu slammed the table and cursed, "I'll take your woman away, and I'll cut off your feet, will you still come to make friends with me?"

"I came to drink with sincerity, how can Master Jin Wu forgive me?" His purpose is to get closer to Jin Wu, so that before he finds a chance to let Ling Yue'er escape, at least he has a chance to protect her more ,otherwise--

Look at today, the clothes are wet, the nose is red...

He didn't watch by her side, he couldn't feel at peace for a moment, he didn't know what this Jin Wu would do.

"Okay, Xiao He, what you mean is that you want to reconcile with me because of the influence of our Jin family?" Jin Wu looked at Xiao He suspiciously and said.

"Enemies should be resolved rather than tied. Since I have already stayed in Youzhou, I can't afford to be an enemy of the Jin family, the first family in Youzhou. Say so, Young Master Jin." Xiao He said.

(End of this chapter)

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