First-class daughter

Chapter 984 Reconciliation Sincerity

Chapter 984 Reconciliation Sincerity
Chapter 984 Reconciliation Sincerity
"Hmph, Xiao He, counting your knowledge, you are a Central Plains native, and you have always been a Central Plains native, how could you be stronger than my Jin family." Jin Wu snorted coldly.

"What Young Master Jin said is true, so let's reconcile." Xiao He said.

Lian Lingyue stood aside and listened, she knew that Xiao He's temper was the same as his fighting style, fast and accurate, without hesitation or turning back.This Jin Wu was obviously someone he hated very much, according to his personality, he would never have much contact with him, but now, he took the initiative to show his favor, obviously for her sake.

Xiao He, thank you.

Lian Lingyue said silently in her heart.

"If you want to reconcile, then you have to show your sincerity. After all, what I lost was a leg." Jin Wu felt that he finally had an opportunity to teach Xiao He a lesson.

"How does Young Master Jin Wu want me to show my sincerity to you?" Xiao He asked, clenched his fists secretly, and said.

"Whatever I tell you, you will do." Jin Wu said.

After hearing this, Lian Lingyue looked at Xiao He abruptly, shaking her head slightly——Jin Wu, who is so obscene, will definitely do everything possible to make things difficult for Xiao He.

"Go out and talk, don't you hurry up and help me?" Jin Wu ordered Ling Yue'er.

"Let me come. Since you want to reconcile, you must show your sincerity. Let me help you." Xiao He said immediately, and he couldn't let Jin Wu break up. He took his hand and walked outside.

Lian Lingyue looked at his back and quickly followed him out.

to the yard.

Jin Wu said to Lian Lingyue, "You, take this pear and put it on top of your head, and stand under the pear tree."

"Yes, young master." Lian Lingyue stood under the pear tree as she said, and put the pear on her head.

"My son-in-law is very good at swordsmanship, and I have the ability to pierce Yang with a hundred steps. Today, I will try your kung fu, my son-in-law." After speaking, Jin Wu asked someone to bring the bow and arrow, and handed it to Xiao He, said. "Three arrows, need arrows to shoot on this pear, let us see how powerful you are, the number one warrior of the Great Zhou."

Xiao He looked at Ling Yue'er in the distance, she had a fragrant pear on her head, her face was a little nervous, and she held her hands tightly by her side.

He stretched out his hand, took the bow and arrow from Jin Wu's hand, and opened the bow slowly——

"My son-in-law, don't be nervous. This is just a lowly maid who doesn't need money. If you shoot him to death, you don't have to be responsible." Jin Wu deliberately provoked Xiao He.

A faint smile appeared on Xiao He's face, and he said, "Okay, then I'll shoot."

He pulled the bowstring, put the arrow on the bow, and slowly aimed it at the top of Ling Yue'er's head.

Ling Yue'er was a little nervous at first, after all, the pear on her head was only the size of a fist, if one shot missed, her brain would burst and she died on the spot.

However, when she saw Xiao He's eyes, her sense of fear disappeared——

She knew that his archery skills were the best.

So she slowly closed her eyes and nodded slightly.

With a sound of "swish", before the smug smile on Jin Wu's face could finish, the arrow in Xiao He's hand had already been shot, and, surprisingly, all three arrows shot at the pear at the same time. Ling Yue'er flew out of the head and shot precisely at the pear tree behind her.

Three arrows, no more, no less, impartial.

Jin Wu's face changed!

And Ling Yue'er slowly opened her eyes—it was safe and sound.

"My son-in-law is really good at archery, admiration!" Jin Wu clapped his hands and praised, but he was clearly jealous, "However, this is just a test of his ability, not his sincerity. "

"How do you want to test?" Xiao He asked.

Jin Wu looked down at his crippled leg and said, "Since I lost a leg, I should use my leg to pay for it, too."

Upon hearing this, Lian Lingyue immediately took a step forward and almost blurted out "No" to the three of them.

"You want my leg?" Xiao He said, "If you dare to ask for it, I will give it to you."

As he said, he lifted his robe and flicked it, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and said.

Ling Yue'er clenched her fists tightly, her nervous heart was about to jump out, if Xiao He had to pay the price with a leg, then she would rather not return to the Central Plains!
"Wait!" Seeing Xiao He start to draw out his dagger, Jin Wu paused. Now, Xiao He is already a son-in-law. The little prince and Princess Yan will not spare the Jin family.

and so--

"I, Jin Wu, can be considered a large number of adults. I don't have to ask for a sole of your foot. It can't be eaten, watched or played. What's the use of asking me?" Jin Wu said.

Hearing these words, Lian Lingyue let go of her tightly clenched fists, but her face was already sweating.

But Xiao He was not surprised by Jin Wu's words, he didn't dare to seriously injure him now.

"How about this, you cut off a piece of meat from your calf and feed it to our wolfdogs, and I will never trouble you again from now on, and I will call you friends from now on." Jin Wu said, with addiction in his eyes The blood was cruel, and there was a cold smile on his face.

"..." Lian Lingyue's heart that had just sunk was picked up again, cutting flesh?Kui Jinwu can imagine how painful this must be!
However, there was no expression on Xiao He's face, and he said, "It's a deal?"

"It's a deal! If the son-in-law is willing to cut a piece of meat, I, Jin Wu, will respect you as a man! From now on, you can come to Jin's house as a guest every now and then!" Jin Wu said.

"Okay, I'll cut." Xiao He took off his boots, pulled up his trousers, the sharp dagger slowly pierced into the flesh, and a trace of blood came out.

"Don't!" Lian Lingyue at the side suddenly knelt down and shouted loudly, Xiao He's hand trembled, the dagger stopped, he looked at Lian Lingyue, and signaled her with his eyes not to worry, he was fine.

"What are you talking about?" Jin Wu looked at Lian Lingyue displeasedly, and said,

"Young master, this is the son-in-law. If someone finds out that the young master forced the son-in-law to cut the meat, and then it spreads to the ears of the princess and the queen mother, I am afraid that the young master will suffer innocent disasters. The servants are thinking of the young master." Young master, don't do this." Lian Lingyue said at the risk of being scolded by Jin Wu.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either! How can the young master make such a fuss! The young master broke only one sole of his foot. From now on, he will be like a disabled person. What if I want a piece of his meat?" Jin Wu shouted angrily, "Xiao He, get out! I won't reconcile with you anymore, I can't touch you now, but there will be a day.

(End of this chapter)

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