Chapter 987
Chapter 987
Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Siyue was leaning on the low couch to rest. She was wearing a plain long skirt and a flowing cloud bun. She only had a jade hairpin in her hair, and she didn't even wear earrings on her ears, but she exuded a graceful and calm demeanor.

She didn't like to dress up, not to mention it was only a month or two since her family passed away.

Since Feng Yunzheng went to Shanhaiguan again, she closed the door to thank guests again, never went out again, and declined any contact with guests.

One stayed in the palace alone, cultivating one's body and mind, waiting for the birth with peace of mind. Seeing that the fetus was four months old, the abdomen was also swollen a lot. Normally, if it wasn't for covering up, it would be obvious at a glance that it was pregnant.

On this day, the butler handed over a post from Princess An's Mansion, inviting her to a banquet.

Lian Siyue slowly opened her eyes, reached out and took the post.

"Princess, you are pregnant, do you want to refuse?" Seeing that Lian Siyue had not made a sound for a long time, Qing Dai asked in a low voice.

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "Princess An Guo's post, you must go, prepare well." She put the post aside and said.


Before, she was a bit haggard because of overwork, but Yunzheng came back in time, not only took care of the family's funeral for her, but also comforted her heart, caring and comforting her in every possible way, which made her feel both physically and mentally. warmed up.

Therefore, her complexion is very good now, her complexion is rosy, and she is full of energy. As the child in her womb grows up, her complexion is getting better and better. Moreover, only her abdomen has grown, and her limbs are still slender.

On the day of the banquet, Lian Siyue chose a low-key carriage to travel.

At the princess house.

The banquet has already been arranged.

The garden is full of colorful flowers, and the maids shuttled among them in an orderly manner. Many guests have already arrived ahead of time, the second prince, the seventh princess, the eighth highness, and the princes and princes, as well as the ladies and young masters of your mansion, And some literati talents admired by Princess An.

This banquet is the most grand one in recent times. It is said that Princess An is in a good mood because she got a treasure when she went out this time, so the banquet is held. If the princess is happy, she may show it out for everyone to watch.

Therefore, all the guests who received the post were full of expectations early on.

After entering the princess mansion, each of them sat down according to the seats of male and female guests.

"Going back, at the banquet in the Princess Mansion, the most prominent person is the eldest lady of the Lian family, the current Princess Hengqin. Now, the princess hasn't held a banquet for a long time. I don't know if it will be today?" At this time, among the female guests, Jiang Jiang Xinrong, the eldest daughter of the government, said.

"She was right in the past, but not now." When everyone was discussing in low voices, a less polite voice came in.

When everyone looked at it, it turned out that the speaker was the second daughter of Xie Guofu, the second young lady Xie Furong, who was also the younger sister of the future Princess Yu Xie Jinran. Step by step, like a bright and rich hibiscus flower.

Everyone understands that His Highness the Eighth Highness now oversees the country with a high position and authority, and Xie Jinran, the daughter of the Xie family, has been appointed by His Highness the Eighth Highness as Princess Yu. How much Xie Jinran attaches importance to this.If Concubine Xian had not just passed away due to illness, Xie Jinran would be Princess Yu now.

Therefore, it is the Xie family that is very popular now. Xie Jinran and other brothers and sisters of the Xie family have also become people who are eager to be invited to the banquet. Xie Furong dared to say this because of her confidence.

Originally, the Xie family was envied by everyone.

As for the Lian family, Princess Heng's mother's family, all of them were wiped out overnight. The only fourth uncle was stationed in Shanhaiguan, and the remaining son was also missing. Compared with Xie's family, Lianjia really can't compare to anything.

Everyone then began to flatter Xie Furong, talking about how the Xie family is doing now.

With the help of the maid, Xie Furong walked to the side seat and sat down, said, "I don't think she dares to come, the Ninth Highness is not here, she is still pregnant, why come to join in the fun."

"That's right, Princess Heng may not come today, after all, such a tragedy happened to Lian's family, she must still be sad." Someone echoed.

"If it were me, I would not only be sad, but I would be worse than death. If she is in a hurry to attend this kind of festive banquet, it is really unreasonable." Xie Furong said.

"Miss Xie, it's windy, don't lick your tongue." At this time, a faint voice sounded from the side.

When Xie Furong saw it, she was suddenly annoyed, and said, "Liu Xiren, what do you mean?"

The one who spoke was Lian Siyue's good friend Liu Xiren, who now has two children, one in her arms, more than two years old, and the other at home.

Liu Xiren put a mouthful of pastry into the child's mouth, and let the nanny take it away, looked at Xie Furong leisurely, and said, "When Princess Heng is in the capital, I'm afraid you, Xie Furong, are not qualified to enter the princess mansion. "

"You!" Xie Furong blushed at Liu Xiren's words.

Now that Xie's family is enjoying themselves in the spring, whoever met them would not flatter them, but Liu Xi, who is ignorant of current affairs, actually came to confront her in front of her.

She smiled coldly and said, "You also said it was the past, but now she doesn't even have a family, she..."

"Thank you Furong!" Liu Xiren stood up abruptly, and said, "Don't hold back your tongue, don't shut your tongue tightly in your mouth, or you will be cut! If you are proud of yourself, restrain yourself. There is no benefit in showing off like this. , I’ll be the first to go up and say congratulations to you when it falls.”

Liu Xiren has a hot temper. When he and Lian Siyue were not good, they fought and bickered countless times.

Although she has become a mother now, she has restrained a lot, but when she encounters something that really annoys her, she will still open her mouth as before, and she will not be afraid of anything. Besides, the person Xie Furong is laughing at here is her long ago. Lian Siyue is regarded as a close friend.

"You, Liu Xiren!" Xie Furong was used to being flattered recently, and when she suddenly met Liu Xiren who was so prickly, she was so angry that she couldn't speak for a while.

Liu Xiren sat down leisurely, raised his voice, and said, "People, don't rush to add insult to injury, push high and step low, who knows what will happen in the end? Everyone, take it easy when you speak."

She is warning these female guests here not to step on Lian Siyue.

"Besides, even the family is gone, and there is His Highness the Ninth Highness. You all have heard about how much His Highness the Ninth Dotes on his concubine. Even the family has something to do. When the Ninth Highness heard the news, he came back from Shanhaiguan immediately, just for himself. How many people can enjoy this kind of love and attention. Besides, with the degree of His Royal Highness's doting on his wife, if he finds out what wronged his princess in the future, I think no matter how long it takes, he will find it. of."

As she spoke, she glanced at Xie Furong lightly.

Sure enough, after Liu Xiren finished speaking, everyone stopped talking casually and focused on the matter in front of them.

Xie Furong's face turned pale with anger, she turned around, and ignored Liu Xiren, but she said in her heart, compared to her sister Xie Jinran, even Siyue is nothing now!
"Look, Miss Xie is here." After a while, someone looked at the door and said.

I saw that Xie Jinran, the most popular person in the circle of girls, walked in like a star holding the moon, wearing a light apricot-colored long dress with pink inlays, and a red gemstone butterfly plum hairpin in her hair. She looks rich and powerful, but her face still has the beauty and beauty of a good girl.

Xie Jinran is also a real beauty.

When Xie Furong, who was originally sullen, heard her sister's name, she immediately stood up, ran over, took Xie Jinran's hand, raised her chin slightly, and said with a proud expression, "Sister, you've come."

As he said that, he deliberately glanced at Liu Xiren, and Liu Xiren glanced back at her.

Seeing her sister like this, Xie Jinran said softly, "Fu Rong, what's wrong with you, are you making people angry again?"

Liu Xiren saw that Xie Jinran was not so tricky and mean as Xie Furong, but gentle and generous, just because Xie Furong was in front of her, and because she couldn't like Xie Jinran.

However, she took a closer look, why does Xie Jinran's brows look so similar to Siyue?

At this moment, Xie Jinran pulled Xie Furong up to Liu Xiren, and said, "My sister is not sensible, she offended Madam, I brought my sister to accompany Madam Xiang."

"Sister!" Xie Furong became anxious when she saw that Xie Jinran was clearly the Princess Zhunyu and still looked so humble.

Liu Xiren saw that she had said that, so it was not good to say anything, after all, she was the future Princess Yu, so it was not easy to rush to offend her.

So, she also stood up and said, "Miss is well educated, generous and kind. I was also impulsive just now, please forgive me."

"It's good that you don't get angry, Furong, make it up soon." Xie Jinran said to Xie Furong.

Xie Furong was unwilling, but because of Xie Jinran's words, she had no choice but to say, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Liu Xiren smiled faintly and said, "I'm sorry for you, Second Miss."

"..." Xie Furong looked annoyed, but when she saw Xie Jinran, she suppressed her anger and returned to her seat to sit down.

This scene was watched by many people, and everyone praised Xie Jinran for his generosity.

"His Royal Highness really married a good wife."

Someone was talking in a low voice below.

Hearing this, Xie Jinran blushed slightly, revealing a decent smile.

She sat down and looked in the direction of the door. Although she had only met him two days ago, she was already looking forward to seeing Feng Ye very much. Her heart had already secretly promised Feng Ye.

At the gate of the Princess Mansion, Lian Siyue's carriage arrived.

"Princess, the Princess Mansion is here, please get out of the carriage." Qing Dai and Mother Tai stood at the door of the carriage, the curtain was lifted, and a pair of white and tender hands led the gentleman out.

(End of this chapter)

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