Chapter 988
Chapter 988
Then, Lian Siyue got off the carriage.

"Princess, be careful." Qing Dai and Mother Tai were extra careful, there were so many people at the banquet today, they had to pay extra attention to the safety of the concubine.

"You don't have to be too careful, I'm in good health now." Lian Siyue said.

"Before His Highness Ninth Prince left, he specifically entrusted us to take extra care of the concubine, and the servants are now following His Highness's orders." Qing Dai said.

"Yeah, princess, you don't know how much His Highness the Ninth Prince is worried about you. I have told the servant four or five times about the same thing. She seems to think that the servant will not remember when she is too old. The look in the eyes of the servant is very It's complicated, and this servant almost swears to the sky, and His Highness just said lightly, do it well. This servant is sweating all over." Mother Tai said as she walked inside with Lian Siyue on her arm.

Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing, patted Nanny Tai's hand, and said, "It's hard for you."

"Not only that, His Highness also wrote a booklet on how to take care of the princess and what to pay attention to, and handed it over to the humble official, and asked the humble official to gather all the servants who will be serving, and memorize it carefully." Wu Qiao said.

Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing, it used to be a love story book when Leng Mei was around, but now it's replaced by a care book, he, he, he, after having a child, I don't know how to love the child.

She couldn't help reaching out and touching her abdomen, and said, "You are so happy."

But when she said this, Lian Siyue didn't know why, but suddenly remembered her previous life, her son who was taken out by Caesarean section, and her daughter Le Yan who was dispatched to Khitan.

Feng Qianyue!Regardless of past life or this life, you have spared no effort to take my relatives away from me!
All of a sudden, there was a piercing pain in her heart, and she stopped suddenly, a little out of breath.

"What's wrong with you, princess? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Several people saw her and quickly helped her back to the carriage, asking anxiously.

"Is there something uncomfortable? The servant is going to ask the imperial physician."

"No need." Lian Siyue called Qing Dai, and said, "I'm not feeling sick, but suddenly thought of some unpleasant things."

It may be because she is pregnant and her body is different from before. She has indeed experienced sudden depression several times recently.

"Is Prince Heng's Mansion okay?" At this moment, a clear voice came.

Lian Siyue looked up, and saw a slender man standing in front of him, and asked, he was wearing a moonlight uniform, and his face was full of concern. Behind him was the Eighth Highness Feng Ye, but he did not speak.

"Nothing, thank you for your concern." Lian Siyue stood up and said.

"That's good. If you have any discomfort, you can tell it. Princess An's residence has everything you need." Feng Yu said.

"Thank you." Lian Siyue nodded to him, without saying anything, walked into Princess An's mansion, and did not communicate with Feng Ye.

After she walked away, Feng Yu reached out to touch Feng Ye, and said, "Both of you are here today, take it easy on your own, control where your eyes should look and where they shouldn't look, and don't make trouble. Come on, you know."

"I have already chosen my marriage partner, and my father's imperial edict has been issued. The whole capital knows that I want to marry Xie Jinran. I naturally know where to look. Don't worry about it, don't be surprised." Said happily.

"Hehe, there was something wrong with your eyes just now!" Feng Yu said.

"You're too nagging, and you've been following me too closely lately. You eat three meals a day at Prince Yu's mansion, and you almost didn't sleep in my bed." Feng Ye said dissatisfiedly,

"I don't sleep in every bed. Although my hobbies are different from yours, I am a self-sufficient person, not everyone wants it." Feng Yu said very arrogantly.

"Hehe!" Feng Ye glared at him, "Go in, I think Aunt Huang will show up soon, I want to see what kind of treasure she got."

As Feng Ye said, he raised his foot and walked inside.

Feng Yu shook his head and said, "If Xie Jinran finds out that he looks a bit like Lian Siyue, and Feng Ye has not controlled his feelings well, and Xie Jinran finds out that he is being proposed by Feng Ye, it's not because he likes her, but It's because she looks like Lian Siyue, will Xie Jinran feel ashamed and annoyed because she has been humiliated?"

Thinking about these complicated relationships in his mind, he shuddered and said—"It's really complicated." Then, he quickened his pace and followed Feng Ye. He had to keep a close eye on Feng Ye tonight.

When the figure of Princess Hengqin Lian Siyue appeared at the banquet, there were still many surprised eyes looking at her——

I saw that compared to the other ladies and ladies who competed for splendor and rich and luxurious attire, she was simply too plain. When she walked in, she exuded an orchid-like demeanor.

Lian Siyue noticed this, either in surprise, or sympathy, or felt that she shouldn't appear.

There is a slight smile on the corner of her lips, but she is not affected by anyone, which is one of the reasons why she wants to come——

She knew that Lian's family was down, and countless people thought that Lian's family was over, and they were waiting to see Lian Siyue's jokes, but she was still as indifferent and generous as before.

This has to be surprising.

She was tall and straight, her chin raised slightly, and she walked into the banquet hall step by step.

Xie Jinran has also heard of Lian Siyue's reputation, but he has never seen it before.Seeing her come in today, her eyes fell on her face, but she was slightly taken aback——

Why do you feel that Lian Siyue is a bit like yourself, how can it be such a coincidence?
Then Xie Furong saw Lian Siyue who was the most popular in any banquet in the past, and she couldn't help showing a sneer of irony on her face.

It's really not festive to be dressed like a moon, and if someone dies in the family, one should observe filial piety at home, and throw away the inside, it's really ugly!
Liu Xiren glanced at Xie Furong indifferently, she stood up, stepped in front of Lian Siyue, "Siyue, why are you here now, I've been waiting for you to come."

As she spoke, her gaze turned to Xie Furong coldly.

"I was pregnant, and the driver walked very slowly, so it was late." Lian Siyue seemed to sense what Liu Xiren thought of this Xie Furong.

After sitting down, she approached Liu Xiren and asked, "Did you quarrel with someone again?"

Liu Xiren didn't want Lian Siyue to know about other people's sarcastic remarks about her, and he was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable, so he said, "Yes, some people need to be dealt with. Anyway, I'm free, let's fight with her."

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "You are much better than me, and your nature will not change after marriage."

"Of course, I'm not easy to bully." Liu Xiren said boldly.

"It's because of me." Lian Lingyue said, as soon as she came in, she felt Xie Furong's disdain and contempt, but she didn't take this person seriously at all.

"You, you know, I just can't bear the appearance of this villain's success." Liu Xi said humanely.

"He's not a 'villain' anymore. Now in the entire capital, no one wants to curry favor with the Xie family. The eldest daughter, Xie Jinran, is the concubine of Prince Zhunyu. This Xie Furong is the second daughter, another favorite of Duke Xie. Maybe many people are asking her now. To propose a marriage, I want to take advantage of this." Even Siyue sees all this very clearly, and doesn't care so much like Liu Xiren, after all, she is a reborn person, and she takes everything lightly.

"The Sixth Highness is here, the Eighth Highness is here!" At this moment, another voice came from the door.

Everyone except Lian Siyue looked towards the door, Wei Lian Siyue lightly drank some of the tea in front of her, completely unaffected, and looked like she was staying out of it.

As soon as Xie Jinran heard the words "His Highness Eighth", he couldn't help but look over, his heart was pounding, his face was flushed, and his eyes were full of affection.

As soon as Feng Ye walked in, he looked around for a while.

"Be careful, don't chop randomly!" Feng Yu immediately reached out and pinched him, reminding.

Finally, Feng Ye's eyes fell on Xie Jinran, and he nodded slightly towards Xie Jinran, revealing a smile.

Feeling Feng Ye's gaze, Xie Jinran blushed even more, feeling very happy and happy in his heart.

The greatest happiness in life is that the person you like also likes you, and the person you look at is also looking at you.
"Sister, sister, look, the Eighth Highness came in and was looking for you." Xie Furong happily pulled Xie Jinran's arm and whispered.

"Furong, don't talk nonsense." Xie Jinran blushed brightly, but she didn't forget to stop Xie Furong. She said this, which made her feel embarrassed.

"Sister, His Highness the Eighth Prince really likes you." Xie Furong still whispered.

Seeing the result, Feng Yu breathed a sigh of relief, patted Feng Ye on the shoulder, and said, "You did it."

While Xie Furong was originally looking at His Highness the Eighth Highness, now she noticed His Highness the Sixth Highness. He was personable, handsome and straight.

Her eyes couldn't help being fascinated, she asked Xie Jinran, and said, "Sister, you're not too young at six o'clock, why haven't you been married?"

Xie Jinran looked at Xie Furong's expression and asked, "Have you taken a fancy to His Highness Six?"

Xie Furong blushed and said, "My sister has the Eighth Highness, and the Eighth Highness is on good terms with the Sixth Highness. If I can be with the Sixth Highness, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Xie Furong was a little excited, so her voice was a little louder, so even Siyue and Liu Xiren who were sitting next to her heard it.

Liu Xiren sneered and said, "I have such a big appetite, it's wishful thinking."

(End of this chapter)

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