Chapter 990
Chapter 990
"Princess, it's rare for you to have a banquet. Everyone here must have prepared a wonderful show waiting for you to watch. I can't wait to see it." Lian Siyue said with a smile.

Princess An Guo nodded and said, "Before the performance, I will take out the rewards for today's best performers for everyone to appreciate first. This is the Nine Dragon Jade Cup that I have worked hard to get. Sister Wen, bring the baby up."


After a while, Mother Wen held a silver plate in her hand, and there was something in the silver plate, whose real face was covered with red silk cloth.

Princess An Guo nodded, and the maid Xueli lifted the red silk aside, and it turned out that what was inside was a jade cup carved from white jade.

Everyone looked over and thought to themselves, this looks like an ordinary jade cup, and there seems to be nothing special or magical about it. Why did Princess An say it took a lot of effort to get it?
Lian Siyue, who was sitting at the side, could see clearly that nine delicate cranes were carved on the wall of the jade cup.

Princess An Guo seemed to see through everyone's thoughts, but she just smiled and poured the jade wine from the side into the jade cup, and the jade cup became translucent, and nine flying cranes were visible, vividly, Regardless of attitude or mood.

"..." People who were puzzled at first suddenly let out exclamations one after another.

"It's so exquisite!"

"It's so ingenious, as soon as the nectar enters, the crane spreads its wings, wonderful, wonderful!"

"The subtlety of this baby princess is that it looks plain at first, but once poured into the wine, it will surprise and shock you."

Feng Yu said to Feng Ye, "This thing is really wonderful, but Aunt Huang is really generous, she is willing to show this treasure to others." Feng Yu really wanted to get this jade cup, and usually used it for wine tasting.

"The treasures in Huanggugu's mansion are more than tens of millions. She has always been generous." Feng Ye said, compared to Feng Yu's high spirits, he seemed less interested.

"Hey, tell me, these noble ladies here will get this jade cup when they sleep tonight?" Feng Yu was also very interested in this.

Feng Ye glanced at him lightly and said, "I don't know either."

"If Lian Siyue hadn't been pregnant, this jade cup would definitely belong to her. I've seen her perform a few times at previous banquets, and it was amazing and unforgettable. It's a pity that I won't be performing this time." Feng Yu Looking at Lian Siyue, who seemed to be staying out of the matter, he felt a little regretful.

He has always admired talented people, regardless of gender.

All of a sudden, everyone was attracted by the jade cup, and those who had prepared performances were even more eager to move.

Xie Furong approached Xie Jinran and said, "Sister, go and perform your special skills. This jade cup belongs to our Xie family. You take it back to the mansion and present it to your grandfather, who will surely praise you for your glory."

"Third sister, stop talking nonsense, there are so many talented people here, why can I get this jade cup, among other things, just this Princess Heng, I have heard about her before, this is also a very powerful one People." Xie Jinran frowned slightly in disapproval, "Also, third sister, I have warned you just now, don't let people think that our Xie family members are too flamboyant, you should restrain yourself tonight, you are not allowed nonsense!"

Xie Furong listened, pouted, and said, "Second Sister, you obviously..."

"Okay! You are so unrestrained, I will tell my mother when I go back, next time, I won't bring you out." Xie Jinran gave Xie Furong a few words in displeasure.

"Don't, don't, Second Sister, it took me a while to come out, so don't tell mother." Xie Furong hurriedly begged for mercy, "I don't want to talk nonsense, but, Second Sister, you have to put on a show later, You have never shown your face in front of the noble daughter and noble son of the capital, this time it will definitely become a blockbuster, and it will also make His Highness the Eighth Highness appreciate you even more."

"Look first, don't be in a hurry to get ahead, if it's not necessary, don't get ahead." Xie Jinran said.

"..." Xie Furong really doesn't understand this second sister, why is she always so humble?

"My princess sees that everyone likes this jade cup, and everyone is ready to move, so I won't say much, let's start." Princess An Guo ordered someone to put the nine-crane jade cup in a conspicuous place. Whoever she thinks performed the best, the jade cup It's up to whoever it is.

First, Qi Yu, the fourth lady of Qi Beihou's Mansion, was the first to appear on the stage, performing an ink and wash dance, dancing gracefully, graceful and moving, everyone applauded, and Princess An also nodded slightly.

Xie Furong murmured in her heart, what is there to applaud, they have never seen how powerful her second sister is.

Then, Ning Xin from Dingyuan Hou's Mansion performed a piece of music, her voice was like a nightingale's crooning, it was melodious and melodious, with a lingering lingering sound, which lasted for three days.

Then there was Liu Ruyan, who once admired His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng, also performed a water sleeve dance with a graceful posture. When she left the stage, she took an extra look at Lian Siyue, with a wry smile on her face.Now, even Siyue is pregnant, and because she never forgets the grace of His Highness the Ninth Prince, she can't accommodate other people in her mind. She is still unmarried. I really don't know anything about these.

Lian Siyue said to Princess An Guo, "Princess, everyone is on par with each other. I'm afraid it will be a headache to choose the best one later."

She herself is pregnant and married, so she naturally doesn't need to participate in these things, and just watches with a calm mood.

Princess An Guo nodded, and said, "You are right, unless there is a particularly outstanding person, you really have to think carefully about it."

At this time, there was a moment of desertion on the stage, and no one came up to perform again.

Xie Furong was a little anxious, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to push Xie Jinran, saying, "Second sister, what are you waiting for, if you don't go up, it will be over! Even if you are not interested in this jade cup, you can always go up and show your face .”

Sometimes Xie Furong really doesn't like the overly modest and low-key temperament of the second sister.

"What's the matter, did no one expect to get this princess's jade cup?" Princess An asked when she saw that the scene turned cold.

"Princess, my second sister is ready." At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, and Xie Furong stood up and said loudly, "My second sister Jin Ran's piano music once caused a hundred birds to dance and a hundred butterflies to linger. What a spectacle"

Xie Jinran hastily stretched out his hand to pull Xie Furong, and said, "Third Sister, you..."

Princess An Guo looked towards the sisters of the Xie family, and her eyes fell on Xie Jinran. She saw her willow eyebrows and almond eyes, jade skin and snow skin, elegant and delicate. She is charming.

Seeing Princess An looking at him, Xie Jinran knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he got up, got up gracefully, and saluted, "Jinran has seen the princess."

Princess An sized up Xie Jinran for a while, she was taken aback for a moment, and looked back at Lian Siyue, she also noticed that Xie Jinran was somewhat similar to Yue'er in eyebrows and eyes?
But she didn't express this thought, she just asked = said, "You are Ye'er's quasi-princess."

"Back to Your Royal Highness, it is Jinran." Xie Jinran said with a slightly flushed face.

Feng Ye also stood up, walked to Xie Jinran's side, saluted Princess An, and said, "Aunt Huang."

Princess An Guo looked at the two, nodded, and said, "Sure enough, a man and a woman are a natural match, Ye'er, you have a good eye."

"His Royal Highness Xie Princess (Auntie Huang)." Feng Ye and Xie Jinran bowed at the same time, Xie Jinran looked ashamed and joyful, but the moment Feng Ye bowed, his eyes involuntarily slid across Lian Siyue's body, and it was fleeting.

He saw that there was only a superficial expression on her face, but he couldn't see the true feelings and thoughts.

"Just now your sister said that you prepared a show, and I would like to see it."

"Then Jinran will show his shame, play a pipa with Anguo and Wangfei." Xie Jinran bowed slightly, and Feng Ye returned to the original place.

Feng Yu patted his arm and said, "That's right, there are no flaws."

On the field, Princess An ordered someone to lift the pipa up, Xie Jinran held the pipa in her arms, with a slight smile on her face and a slight nod.

Everyone knew that this was Princess Yu, who was inseparable. Just now, she received special praise from Princess An. All of a sudden, everyone on the stage waited with bated breath, waiting for Xie Jinran's performance.

I saw Xie Jinran's ten slender hands gently raised and landed on the pipa strings. When the first melody came out from the strings, everyone was attracted by the sound of the pipa.

Even Siyue listened quietly, Xie Jinran played the most popular "Spring is Good" nowadays, that sound like a clear spring flowing over a stone, the sound of flowing quietly fits the current situation very well.

Looking at her expression again, the watery eyes flashed slightly, and the slender white jade fingers flicked the silk thread quickly and slowly, which made people feel refreshed and happy, flickering and flickering, seeming illusion and reality.

She pursed her lips and sang words, her voice was soft and crooning like a nightingale, it was intoxicating——

The sky is warm at the beginning, the sun is long at the beginning, and the spring is beautiful.

At this time, Wanhui is proud and fragrant.

The bamboo shoots burst into moss and the money is tender green, and the flowers snuggle in the snow dock with a strong fragrance.

Who cut the golden thread and hung it in the setting sun?
Flower dew, willow smoke, sunny day.

The cherry blossoms in Yuji Mountain are about to die, and Gu Ying moves.

Xie Jinran gradually entered a state of ecstasy, allowing the audience to follow along in the scene, making people seem to see the spring grass growing in the gaps, the thin spring rain, and the falling spring apricots.

Xie Furong couldn't help showing a complacent expression when she saw the intoxicated appearance of the crowd.

She knew that once the second sister appeared on the stage, no one could compete with her.

At the end of the song, everyone didn't come back to their senses for a long time. Xie Jinran also had affection in his eyes. After a while, everyone clapped and applauded. Mu praised the sound of the piano for its beauty, dreamlike, and fascinating.

Xie Furong stood up triumphantly, and said, "Princess, if this song is performed in the garden, it will also attract birds and butterflies to surround it."

Princess An Guo looked at Xie Jinran and nodded, "It's true that the sound of the piano is exquisite, which makes people feel happy physically and mentally."

Here, Feng Yu, who loves poetry and has a good rhythm, shook her head.

(End of this chapter)

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