First-class daughter

Chapter 991 Slapped in the face

Chapter 991 Slapped in the face
Chapter 991 Slapped in the face

"Everyone is full of praise, even Aunt Huang has praised you, why are you shaking your head?" Feng Ye asked.

"The sound of the piano is perfect, but it lacks an unexpected surprise. It gives people a feeling that after thousands of times of practice, she has finally reached the point of perfection. When she is playing, she is only playing for others to listen to. I don't know how much I enjoy it, and as for Aunt Huang's praise, it may not be because of your face." Feng Yu said.

"Unexpectedly, you are not completely a person who does not think about making progress." Feng Ye sneered.

Xie Jinran's song "Happy Spring" won a lot of applause. In addition, she is related to Prince Zhunyu, and everyone praised her without hesitation. Only Feng Yu's picky ears picked out flaws.

Xie Jinran bowed and said, "Thank you Princess, thank you Wangfei, Jinran has made a fool of herself."

After she stepped back, she couldn't help but look at Feng Ye one more time, but she was a little surprised, Feng Ye didn't look at her, but was drinking with her head down, as if she wasn't as intoxicated as others, her heart couldn't help sinking slightly.

She thought that he would be attracted by her pipa music like everyone else, but it seemed that he had no interest in it.

Xie Jinran thought for a while, maybe he is not interested in cheerful songs, try other ones next time, maybe he can feel the same way.

Yes, it must be so. Thinking of this, Xie Jinran's uneasy heart slowly sank.

"Your Highness, since my second sister has finished performing, although I can't compare with her, I still want to make a fool of myself." Xie Furong took a fancy to the Sixth Highness, Feng Yu, and she didn't want to miss this opportunity. present yourself.

Her emotional eyes fell on Feng Yu's body affectionately.

Feng Yu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt a chill go up her spine.

Lian Siyue saw the expressions of these two people in her eyes, and couldn't help laughing in her heart——

It seems that this Xie Furong really has a crush on Feng Yu, but Feng Yu, I'm afraid she can't laugh or cry, there is suffering.She suddenly felt in a good mood, and couldn't help picking up the tea next to her, and took a few sips. She felt that there were no surprises today, and she was very bored, but now there is a good show to watch.

Xie Furong changed into a gauze-like white long-sleeved dance dress, and floated onto the stage. With the sound of the jump, she danced her waist and danced to the point of climax. Swaying, the gauze floated directly in Feng Yu's direction, and the white gauze gently slid across his face.

Feng Yu froze for a moment, the wine glass she was putting to her mouth fell on the table with a slap, and she was in a daze.

Feng Ye was at the side, took a sip of wine casually, and teased in a low voice, "It seems that we are going to become brothers-in-law, Brother Six."

But Xie Furong didn't notice it at all, and thought that the reason why Feng Yu was in a daze was because she was attracted by her dancing posture, so she danced harder.

On Feng Yu's side, there was an instant feeling of not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

The rest of the caring people also gradually understood Xie Furong's thoughts on Feng Yu. In all fairness, although her performance was not as good as that of the second sister Xie Jinran, her dancing posture was also remarkable.

But Princess Anguo saw it, but she was not happy. The face that was originally full of smiles gradually sank, and she didn't say anything anymore.

Lian Siyue was keenly aware of Princess An's expression—Princess An Guo didn't like women who were too unrestrained, and she didn't like people treating her banquet as a place for blind dates, flirting with winking eyes and having their own thoughts.

Xie Furong was eager to show Feng Yu herself, dreaming of becoming a sister-in-law with her own sister, but violated Princess An's principles.

Then Xie Jinran must have sensed Princess An's thoughts, and became anxious, and signaled to Xie Furong several times to get off the stage quickly, but Xie Furong didn't realize it, and the more she danced, the more she enjoyed herself.

Xie Jinran secretly checked Princess An's expression, and a slight chill began to appear on her back.

Finally, the dance is over!Xie Jinran finally secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness, I have heard that Princess Heng is proficient in playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I finally met you today. I wonder if you can invite Princess Heng to show us." However, after Xie Furong finished dancing, she asked made such a request.

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone on the field reacted differently——

Everyone thought, this Xie Furong probably relied on the presence of her brother-in-law, His Highness the Eighth Highness, to dare to ask the pregnant Princess Heng to perform, how brave she is!
Xie Jinran was stunned!She also didn't expect Xie Furong to make such a plea suddenly.

Feng Ye frowned slightly. She was pregnant but asked her to perform. Wasn't this a deliberate embarrassment?The third lady of the Xie family seems to be very unpleasant!
Feng Yu originally just thought that this woman's sudden expressive expression towards him disturbed him, but now she wants a dignified Prince Heng to compete with a group of unmarried ladies, he said to Feng Ye, "This is you Give her the guts."

Feng Ye frowned tightly. It was true that he wanted to marry Xie Jinran, but he did not give the other sisters in her family the right to act recklessly, especially, how dare she...

Princess An's brows furrowed even more, it was a good banquet, why did the Xie family make her unhappy!
Only Lian Siyue, with a slight smile, asked, "Miss Xie San, do you want this princess to perform for you while she is pregnant?" She had a smile on her face, but there was already a chill in her eyes.

"Princess, you..."

"Third sister, don't be rude, kneel down quickly!" At this time, Xie Jinran stood up quickly, walked to the center, took Xie Furong with one hand, made her kneel, kowtowed, and said, "Princess, it is my third sister who is arrogant. Knowing the etiquette, it is because Jinran did not manage the third sister well, please punish the princess and princess."

Xie Furong was surprised, "Second Sister..."

"Crack!" Xie Jinran slapped Xie Furong without saying a word, and said, "Quickly apologize to the princess!"

"Second sister, me, you hit me?" Xie Furong looked at Xie Jinran in disbelief, covered her face, and said aggrievedly.

"That's all!" Lian Siyue spoke at this time, looked at the two sisters indifferently, and said, "Miss Xie San, this king is pregnant, I really want to disappoint you."

"Bold!" At this time, Princess An, who had been patient for a while, finally became angry. She slapped the table with her palm and shouted sharply, "What is the third daughter of the Xie family? How dare you call her pregnant?" Concubine performing? When you see Concubine Hengqin, you are going to kneel and kowtow! There is no ups and downs, no big or small, what do you think of my Princess An's mansion, what do you think of my Princess An?"

Princess An was already furious, Xie Furong didn't expect this to happen, she was frightened dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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