Chapter 993

Chapter 993

Back at Xie's house, Xie Shengwu, Minister of the Ministry of Rites of the State of Xie, heard that Xie Furong was slapped by Princess Anguo's mansion in Princess An's mansion. Family rules - Shendu, Shenran, Shenwei, Shenchu, Shenmo, copy a hundred times, if there is a word that fails to pass, copy it another hundred times.

Afterwards, Xie Jinran walked into grandfather Xie Shengwu's study, knelt on the ground, and said, "Jinran dares to ask grandfather to go to Princess Anguo's mansion to plead guilty for the third sister. The bad impression of my sister, Princess An's reputation is very high, the Xie family must not leave a bad impression in the princess' heart."

Xie Shengwu listened, nodded appreciatively, and said, "I'm thinking about this matter. Jinran, you and I have thought of going together. This Princess An is the number one person who cannot be offended. In the past, our Xie family and your sisters were in the court and Kyoto is not eye-catching, now, because you are the established Prince Yu, the Xie family and your sisters have become more prominent, so we must be more cautious in all aspects."

"However, not everyone is as cautious and humble as grandfather. Jinran has observed recently that many Xie family members and even relatives who are far away from him are taking advantage of the Xie family's reputation and doing a lot of damage to the Xie family. What happened, so that everyone in the capital thought that the Xie family had the support of His Highness the Eighth Prince, so they were arrogant. If grandfather does not stop it, I am afraid that it will be bad for you and the Xie family." Xie Jinran said worriedly.

"Jin Ran, it's no wonder that His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince has taken a fancy to you. Compared to your elder sister and third younger sister, you are so smart. It really comforts my grandfather, and I think of him everywhere." Xie Shengwu was just angry with his third granddaughter Xie Furong His face was livid, and now seeing his second granddaughter being so sensible, he felt a lot of comfort in his heart.

Xie Jinran bowed and said humbly, "It's because of my grandfather's careful teaching over the years. Jinran just learned from your grandfather that you are a little afraid of hair."

"Hahaha." Xie Shengwu laughed happily, "You are still young, you have already learned superficiality, given time, you will definitely be better than blue."

"Thank you, Jinran, for your compliment." Xie Jinran said happily, the moment she lowered her head, a flash of emotion flashed in her eyes, "By the way, is grandfather familiar with Princess Heng?"

"It's not familiar. We don't have much contact with the Lian family. I have heard many things about Princess Heng, but I have never been close to her." Xie Shengwu asked, "Why, did you meet Princess Heng today? What do you think?"

"No, not yet, Jinran wants to know something about her." Xie Jinran said.

Therefore, Xie Shengwu told Xie Jinran some of the legendary deeds of Lian Siyue, such as leading the nursing home in the mansion to bravely rescue the son of the Lian family, who is now the Eleventh Highness, such as the grievances with Xiao Guogong and the Fourth Highness, and the relationship with him. The marriage contract between His Royal Highnesses and so on.

After listening, Xie Jinran nodded and said, "The granddaughter only knows that after the accident in Lian's family, Concubine Lian Shu suffered a lot and fell ill, and even the family's funeral was handled by Princess Heng alone while she was pregnant. Everyone handles it in an orderly manner. Many people are waiting to see the jokes of the Lian family, but today, when Princess Heng appeared in Princess An's mansion, she seemed to be telling everyone that the Lian family would not collapse if she was there one day. From what my grandmother said, Princess Heng is indeed not a simple person, even a man may not be able to do it."

"Therefore, this Princess Heng must not be underestimated. Furong is so ignorant today, she doesn't know the depth, she is really ignorant. Fortunately, you were at the scene, slapped her, and pulled her to kneel and kowtow, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Jinran, you have to remember that you must never have any results with Princess Heng. You just need to remember that what you want is the position of Princess Yu. Our Xie family also wants this position. The rest of the people are not important. Understand? " Xie Shengwu exhorted with deep meaning.

"Yes, Jinran will remember what my grandfather said." Xie Jinran said with a bow and nod.

After leaving Xie Shengwu's room, the servant girl Shuyan came over and bowed.

"How's Miss San?" Xie Jinran asked.

"Back to Second Miss, everything else is fine, but she complains that she is hungry and her face hurts, saying that she didn't eat anything in Princess An's mansion, and she is so hungry." Shuyan replied.

"Order, no matter how much she begs, without the permission of my grandfather and me, no one can obey the third lady's order, otherwise the hands and feet will be interrupted, and they will be given dumb drugs and driven out of the house." Xie Jinran ordered.

"Yes, miss, this servant will emphasize it once." Shuyan said, and went to the ancestral hall.

Xie Jinran stood where he was, the look Feng Ye had on Princess Hengqin today still flashed through his mind.

Anguo Princess Mansion.

Even Siyue left later than the others, because Princess An left her alone to say something.

"Yue'er, what do you think of Xie Jinran?" Princess An Guo asked.

"Back to the princess, it's the first time we meet, it's not easy to comment, besides, it's the person that His Highness the Eighth Prince likes. But it seems that he is a person who is sensible, knows when and where to say what to do, and is not confused, and the Eighth Highness is not confused. We really need such a sober person." Lian Siyue said.

"Oh, the daughters of the Xie family are interesting. One is as stupid as a pig, and the other is smart and cautious. The difference between the one born in the mother's womb is heaven and earth. Xie Furong is still flirting with Ye'er in front of this princess today. What a shame! I don’t know my Jin Liang!”

There was a faint smile on the corner of Princess An's lips, this smile seemed to carry a hint of sarcasm, because Xie Furong didn't know the heights of heaven and earth today, and Miss Xie Jiasan, who didn't have a single rank, dared to let the pregnant princess perform in public.As a princess, he hated such unruly people the most.

"I remember that Xie Jiafeng's commentary was originally good. Xie Guogong Xie Shengwu has always been low-key and cautious. Xie Jinran's temperament is similar to Xie Guogong's. And this Xie Furong is probably because the Xie family put their hopes on Xie Jinran. For this Xie Furong Negligence in discipline caused such a difference." Lian Siyue said.

Of course, there is another possibility that this Xie Jinran is also a person with certain skills in the Xie family.Referring to the previous life, under the background of Lian Shiya, although she is not as stupid as Xie Furong, she also looks dull and stupid under the background of her.

The eldest wife of the Xie family has a son and four daughters in total. It is not that simple for her to stand out from the four daughters and become the one most favored by Xie Sheng.

But, these words, even Siyue was not in a hurry to tell Princess An.

(End of this chapter)

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