First-class daughter

Chapter 994 Apologize

Chapter 994 Apologize
Chapter 994 Apologize
This is Feng Ye's concubine. If she talks too much in front of Princess An, there will inevitably be a suspicion that she is targeting Xie's family and Xie Jinran.

In fact, it has nothing to do with who Feng Ye married and who became Prince Yu's concubine.

What she wanted was to give birth to the baby safely, and wait for Ye Feng and Leng Mei to bring Ling Yue'er and Lian Yan back to revive the Lian family.

After leaving the princess mansion, Lian Siyue saw Liu Xiren's carriage was still parked there and did not leave. When she saw her, she immediately asked her mother-in-law to help her and walked over.

"Siyue, are you okay?" Liu Xiren asked with concern, "Did the princess ask you about Xie's family?"

"Xiren, it's still early, take Bao'er to Prince Heng's mansion for a while, and we'll talk when we return to the mansion." Lian Siyue invited Liu Xiren to the mansion.

"Alright, I haven't been there for a while, let's have a good chat."

Therefore, Liu Xiren ordered the groom to turn the carriage around, follow Lian Siyue's carriage, and head to Prince Heng's mansion together.

Into the palace.

Lian Siyue ordered the dining room to make a lot of snacks that children could eat, and gave them to Bao'er. Bao'er's fat little hands grabbed the snow jade dumplings and ate them all over his mouth.

Liu Xiren shook his head, and said, "This food-loving nature is just following me. When I encounter something I like to eat, I won't stop. Look at the fleshy hands and feet."

"Eat, eat, eat." After stuffing one, Bao'er went to grab the jadeite cake, eating it with great enjoyment.

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "It is a blessing to be able to eat, and eating can eliminate all kinds of troubles. If a person can do something about eating, it can be regarded as another realm in life. I like to see Baoer eating so much look."

As Lian Siyue said, she reached out and touched Bao'er's head, but she suddenly thought of her younger brother Lian Yan. He was about the same age as Bao'er, but was forced to flee, and he didn't know that he was living with Ling Yue'er now. What a day of ups and downs.

"Siyue, do you think of you, Yan'er?" Liu Xiren asked as he signaled the nanny to take away the food and Bao'er.

"..." Lian Siyue nodded and said, "I think about it every day. It's not easy to give birth to this child. At that time, my mother had a difficult delivery, and he almost died in the womb. Later, Lian Siyu drugged him and almost died. I lost half my life. Now, I don’t know where to go with Ling Yue’er. Such a big experience at such a young age, it can catch up with half a lifetime of an adult.”

"Hey." Liu Xiren sighed, stretched out his hand, held the back of Lian Siyue's hand, and said, "Thanks to you, after going through such a tragic thing, you can still grit your teeth and deal with so many things. If someone else, it's just I couldn't bear the stimulation, so I followed it a long time ago. When I heard about this in the mansion, I fainted. I really admire you, you are so strong in your heart."

"If I don't recover from the fall, the Lian family will really be over. So, no matter what, I will hold on. As long as I'm here, the Lian family will not be over." Lian Siyue's eyes flashed with determination and rejection.

Tears flickered in Liu Xiren's eyes, and he said, "You are like this, I really feel distressed and finally relieved. I feel sorry for you to support a family that has almost disappeared. Don't worry, just wait and see like Xie Furong today. The person you laughed at won’t be able to do what she wants. I think of her triumphant energy today, and now I still regret giving her a hard slap in the face for you.”

"Hehe..." Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing, and said, "You really haven't changed at all. You were like this when you were fighting with me when you were young. Now that you have children, it's still like this."

Liu Xiren also laughed, "Isn't there a saying? The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. I am afraid that I will never change my temperament."

"You also said that Xie's family is the most popular, so you are not afraid of offending Xie's family?" Lian Siyue looked at her as if she was not afraid of anything, and thought to herself, who really is friends with someone.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't Xie Furong get a lesson today? She was slapped twenty times by Princess An, and it would be embarrassing to spread the word." Liu Xiren looked down on Xie Furong.

Looking at this friend, Lian Siyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Xiren in the previous life also died in her husband's house for no apparent reason, and it was probably related to her fierce temper.

But the fate of this life seems to have all changed, the tragedy of the previous life will not happen again, and Liu Xiren has another life.

Lian Siyue found that because her own destiny and temperament had changed, the lives of those people around her who had close relationships with her also changed accordingly—this is probably the result of the mutual influence of fate.

"By the way, what do you think of Xie Jinran, the prospective princess of the Eighth Highness?" Liu Xiren asked.

"Princess An Guo asked me this question when she asked me to stay today. What I said was extraordinary intelligence, low-key and prudent, and I didn't say much about the rest." Lian Siyue said.

"You are right to answer Princess An in this way. I don't know why, but Xie Jinran's performance today is perfect in every aspect, but I always feel... I don't like this person very much. I feel that she is not as pure as she looks on the surface. But what is wrong with it, I can't say, maybe this is the so-called eye relationship, I really don't have eye relationship with her." Liu Xi's people don't like Xie's people very much.

"Princess, the Second Miss of the Xie family is asking to see you outside." At this moment, the housekeeper said outside.

Liu Xiren's eyes widened, "Why did she come here?"

Compared to Liu Xiren's surprise, Lian Siyue seemed to have expected it, and said, "Second Miss, please come in."

After a while, Xie Jinran walked in, knelt down and gave Lian Siyue a solid kowtow.

"Second Miss Xie, get up quickly, there is no need to perform such a great gift." Lian Siyue said, while Liu Xiren sat aside, didn't say anything, seemed to be watching coldly.

"Princess, please allow Jinran to speak on her knees first. Today, my third sister, Furong, was reckless and spoke rudely to the princess, even though the princess had reprimanded her on the spot.

However, after our two sisters returned to the mansion, my grandfather heard about this and immediately punished the third sister. Now she has been imprisoned in the ancestral hall, and she is not allowed to eat for three days and three nights. Even if she is about to starve to death can not eat.

In addition, my grandfather also said that Jinran had neglected her duty as a sister, and ordered me to come to the palace and kowtow to you, the concubine, to plead guilty. "After Xie Jinran finished speaking, she kowtowed three times in a row. After kowtowing, she saw that Lian Siyue had a slightly surprised expression on her face after listening to what she said.

"Miss San is young, so she must not have any bad intentions. She is just impulsive. There is really no need for Mr. Xie to be so strict. Besides, this princess does not take herself seriously. You go back and tell your grandfather to release Miss San. Well, if I get starved because of this matter, my concubine will not be able to take care of it." Lian Siyue said.

(End of this chapter)

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