First-class daughter

Chapter 996 Don't be angry anymore

Chapter 996 Don't be angry anymore
Chapter 996 Don't be angry anymore
"Moreover, from the whole process of this matter, Xie Jinran's performance is perfect, knowledgeable, self-denying and forbearing, and comprehensive. Although her temperament is different from Lian Siyue, you don't feel faint and Lian Siyue in the way she handles things. Is it a bit similar? Feng Ye, isn't that what you want, a princess like this? Maybe this time, you are really right, and I shouldn't stop you." Feng Yu said thoughtfully.

Feng Ye didn't answer.

Feng Yu got up, walked in front of him, and said, "However, you still can't let Xie Jinran know your feelings for Lian Siyue, no one is willing to be another person's substitute, let alone a woman like Xie Jinran. Jealousy How many beautiful women have become hysterical, I'm afraid Xie Jinran will become like this."

Feng Ye raised his head, frowned, and said, "Can you stop mentioning it?"

"You thought I wanted to mention it, but you just stared at you like that, but you still looked at Lian Siyue twice, tsk tsk tsk, what you said and your body's reaction are totally different." Feng Yu shook her head and said.

"You should worry about yourself, Xie Furong's sleeves flew to your face, it smells so good. Maybe when she is released from the ancestral hall, she will be the first one to come to you." Feng Ye teased.

"..." Feng Yu suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and said, "Don't, don't talk about it, my face is still cramping, if cutting off this layer of skin won't disfigure me, I will definitely cut off this layer of skin Feed the dog."

"Hahahahaha..." Thinking of the scene where Xie Furong teased Feng Yu, Feng Ye laughed loudly, "That scene is so funny, I can laugh for a lifetime. Otherwise, you will be wronged and wronged, follow that Xie Furong, and I'll be a brother-in-law."

"Feng Ye!" Feng Yu roared angrily, the palace fan in his hand had already flown out, Feng Ye dodged in time, and the palace fan fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, hahaha..." Feng Ye laughed out loud.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Feng Yu yelled angrily, and everything in Feng Ye's study was thrown away by him.

Xie Furong was imprisoned in the ancestral hall for three full days, without food except a few sips of water, no matter how Mrs. Xie begged, Xie Guogong and Xie Shengwu would not soften his heart.

On the third day, Xie Furong lost a lot of weight. When she was carried out of the ancestral hall, her lips were pale, her whole body was trembling, her legs were crippled, and she was almost unable to get up. She was almost dying.

Mrs. Xie cried when she saw her beloved daughter like this, she just said a wrong sentence, why did she commit such a crime, she was so angry that she fainted on the spot.

Xie Jinran immediately asked Shuyan to send someone to quickly invite the doctor in, and treated Mrs. Xie and Xie Furong respectively. Mrs. Xie was just overwhelmed with grief, and woke up after pinching the person. The wives wrapped martial arts belts around their heads.

As for Xie Furong, she didn't even have the energy to speak, she looked at Xie Jinran with bulging eyes, and finally said the word "Second Sister" from her mouth, and Madam Xie burst into tears when she saw this.

Xie Jinran comforted his mother and Xie Furong at the same time, and ordered Shuyan to bring over the rice porridge she had prepared a long time ago, and fed it to Xie Furong bit by bit.

After drinking rice porridge, Xie Furong finally gained strength, and finally cried out, "Mother, grandfather and father are too cruel, I, I just said a wrong sentence, my sister pulled me on the spot to the princess and Princess Heng made an apology, and the princess even asked her mother to slap me twenty times. Are they trying to force me to death?" As she spoke, she began to cry again.

"Furong, my child, how pitiful! It's just a wrong sentence, how can you be so cruel." Mrs. Xie said, wiping her tears.

Xie Jinran continued to persuade from the side, Xie Furong didn't close her eyes to rest until she was exhausted from crying again.

Mrs. Xie stayed by the bed all the time, while Xie Jinran went to report the matter to his grandfather and father.

As soon as Xie Jinran left, Xie Furong opened her eyes, pulled Mrs. Xie's hand and said, "Mother, after all, it was that Princess Hengqin who made a hindrance. I just asked her to perform once, and I wanted to see how good she is." Powerful, she felt that I offended her and spoke in a strange tone. If she hadn't spoken in such a strange way, Princess An would not have become so angry and caused me to suffer so much.

I really don't understand the second sister, she is obviously the most proud woman in the entire capital now, and Princess Heng has lost her mother's house, like a leaf without roots, where can she be proud?However, the second sister was so jealous of her, she watched me being scolded and beaten, and went up to her to apologize. "

"It's more than that. Today, under your grandfather's order, I carried a box of rare and exotic goods to Prince Heng's mansion to plead guilty for you." Mrs. Xie said with a sigh.

"What?" Xie Furong blushed angrily when she heard this, "She, she... She really is this Prince Yu's concubine for nothing, she is so weak, she even protects her own sister No."

"Furong, don't be too angry. Although your grandfather didn't have to treat Princess Heng like this. However, your sister's actions are the best. As you said, she is now the most proud person in the capital. Our Xie family has also received unprecedented attention. It is not appropriate to offend anyone at this time, and we must be more modest and cautious.

You are really unlucky, it was just a tool used by your grandfather to show others that he was modest and cautious. Madam Xie sighed and said.

"Mother, I really can't hold back this tone!" Xie Furong clenched her fists.

When she turned her head and saw Xie Jinran walking in, she stopped talking, closed her eyes, kept a sullen face, and did not speak.

Xie Jinran smiled and said, "Is the third sister blaming the second sister in her heart?"

"Sister, how dare you, Second Sister wants to be Prince Yu's concubine." Xie Furong said angrily.

"Okay, don't be angry, this time you really passed, not only because of Princess Heng, but more importantly, Princess An, no one can afford to offend you. The matter is over, and the punishment has been taken. You must firmly remember the lesson of this time, and don't be reckless anymore. Otherwise, grandfather's punishment will be more severe in the future." Xie Jinran turned Xie Furong's body over and warned.

"Okay, okay, you two sisters, don't talk about each other anymore, the matter is over, forget it. I plan to bring incense to Jiuhua Temple in Furong District in two days, Jinran, you should enlighten her well these few days For a moment, don't let her figure it out, and then something will happen." Mrs. Xie rubbed her aching temple and said.

(End of this chapter)

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