Chapter 997
Chapter 997
The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is the day when the Buddha became enlightened. On this day, faithful men and women go up the mountain to worship Buddha in various temples.

At the same time, there is also a custom on this day. Whoever can snatch the stick of incense in the Daxiong Hall in the temple at the third quarter of Maoshi means that the next year will be smooth, safe, rich, and prosperous.

As for Jiuhua Temple, this stick of incense is often reserved for Princess An, as long as Princess An will come to worship Buddha on this day, no one will dare to fight for it.

But this year, Princess An Guo had already announced that she would not come on the eighth day of the lunar new year.

As soon as the news got out, every family was eager to grab this stick of incense, so as to ensure the safety and wealth of the coming year.

On the eighth day of the lunar new year, even Siyue went to Jiuhua Temple in a carriage. Every once in a while, she would go to Jiuhua Temple to donate some sesame oil money and talk with Abbot Jiufang.She can't be said to be devoted to the Buddha, but in the pure place of Buddhism, her heart can find peace.

She knew that many people would go to worship Buddha today, and many people would want to take this stick of incense away.She left the Prince Heng's mansion early and headed for the temple.It's not that she deliberately set off at Maoshi just to grab that stick of incense, she wanted to go earlier and return earlier.

"Princess, let's grab this stick of incense this year too, to protect His Highness the Ninth Highness, His Highness the Eleventh, Fourth Master, and the safety of the baby in the womb of the Princess." Qing Dai said as she walked. .

Lian Siyue said lightly, "I'm afraid there are not a few people who want this stick of incense."

"If Princess An doesn't go, today's stick of incense should naturally belong to our Prince Heng's mansion. Who would dare to grab it with you, Princess Tai?" Mother Tai said.

Lian Siyue didn't speak, just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

At this moment, another carriage also set off early from Xie's house.

Mrs. Xie asked the servant girl to pull Xie Furong up, and after washing up, she went to Jiuhua Temple to worship Buddha. After hearing the news that Princess Anguo would not go to Jiuhua Temple today, Mrs. Xie was determined to grab this stick delicious.

The Xie family's carriage arrived at the foot of Jiuhua Temple. At this moment, several carriages had already gathered at the foot of the mountain. The servant girl went to the carriage and reported, "Madam, Miss San, Dingyuan Duke's Mansion, Qi Beihou Mansion, and the wife of Liang Guofu and Mrs. The ladies have already come, but they are all standing there and haven't gone up yet."

Mrs. Xie was taken aback, and opened the curtain of the carriage, and she saw the carriages of these families parked there, and the ladies stood there as if waiting for something, so she got out of the carriage with Xie Furong, and walked over, Xie Furong She looked a little absent-minded, she didn't like any Buddhist pure lands, it was her mother who wanted her to come.

When everyone saw Xie's carriage, they all nodded slightly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I must have come here today for that stick of incense. Why are you waiting here? Could it be that Princess An is here again?" Mrs. Xie asked.

"Princess An Guo didn't come, but Princess Heng came and has already gone up. Naturally, this stick of incense will be given to the princess." The old lady of Duke Dingyuan's mansion said.

Xie Furong, who was drowsy and disinterested, immediately woke up after hearing this, and asked, "Why must this stick of incense be given to Princess Heng?"

"Princess An Guo didn't come, and Princess Heng is the biggest. This stick of incense is naturally given to her. This is the rule of seniority, Miss San." Mrs. Liang Guofu couldn't help but sigh when she heard Xie Furong's unconvinced tone. Glancing at her, he said.

"In terms of seniority, my sister... also has the qualifications!" Xie Furong said.

When everyone heard Xie Furong's words, smiles of unknown meaning appeared on their faces.

Madam Xie pressed Xie Furong, and said, "Furong, stop talking nonsense, your sister is just the second young lady of the Xie family, how can she be compared with Princess Heng, step back!"

"Yes, mother." Xie Furong blessed Mrs. Xie and other wives, walked back to the carriage and waited.

Time passed slowly, but Xie Furong became more and more aggrieved, why, why when they were in Princess An's mansion, their Xie family wanted to let Lian Siyue come to Jiuhua Temple to grab a stick of incense, thank you The family still wants to let her go.

She didn't even have a home, her natal family didn't have any, and there was only one younger sister and younger brother left who didn't know where to go. Why was she so tyrannical, why did she rush for it!
She opened the curtain of the carriage, and saw more and more carriages gathered at the foot of the mountain, and everyone was waiting for Princess Heng to finish her worship before going up.

When Mrs. Xie walked back to the carriage, Xie Furong said, "Mother, do our Xie family really need to be so useless? With so many people watching, they all know that even Siyue has suppressed us, and we have to be restrained from even going up the mountain to pray to the Buddha." to him!"

"Furong, I don't want to either, but your grandfather, father and second sister all said to keep a low profile and be cautious, and not play against Princess Heng. You have only been imprisoned for three days and almost starved to death. You should bear it. If you want to fight for it, you have to wait until your second sister officially becomes Princess Yu." Mrs. Xie said.

"It's better for me to become a princess. If I become a princess, I will definitely suppress this moon-like arrogance, who doesn't even have a natal family, why should I rush ahead of our Xie family! I won't be as useless as the second sister. " Xie Furong thought of the demeanor of the Sixth Highness Feng Yu in her mind, and a layer of blush appeared on her face involuntarily.

Mrs. Xie couldn't help but glanced at Xie Furong again, and said seriously, "Furong, what are you thinking, a girl's family, don't think about men, if it spreads, others will laugh at our Xie family for not having a tutor, and laugh at you for being watery !"

"Mother!" Xie Furong was upset when she heard this, and said, "There is no such thing! I just can't get used to the uselessness of the second sister, and made our whole family follow suit."

After waiting for another half an hour, news came from the mountain that the concubine Hengqin had finished worshiping and everyone could go up the mountain.

So, the carriages drove up the mountain one by one.

inside the temple.

After Lian Siyue offered incense, Qing Dai put the generous amount of sesame oil money that she had prepared long ago into the merit incense.

Abbot Jiu put his palms together, nodded, and said, "Amitabha, the poor monk thanked the princess for her kindness."

"Abbot, you're being polite." Lian Siyue returned the salute and said, "Abbot, there must be a lot of people going up to the mountain to offer incense. Abbot, go and say hello. My princess can just walk around."

"Amitabha, thank you, Princess." Abbot Nine bowed, and then went to the temple's treasure hall with his young disciples to welcome the ladies and ladies who came to offer incense one after another.

Today is the eighth day of the lunar new year, there are many people in the temple and it is very lively.

"Qingdai, Mother Tai, tell Wu Qiao, I'll go to the meditation room for a while, after everyone has left the treasure hall, let's go down the mountain." After Lian Siyue gave his instructions, he went to the meditation room.

"Yes, princess."

(End of this chapter)

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