Chapter 998
Chapter 998
For Xie Furong's side, she had no interest in worshiping Buddha, as soon as she entered the temple, she found an excuse, left Madam Xie and ran away.

Because she wanted to see where Lian Siyue, the dignified Princess Hengqin, was.

The maid, Birou, followed behind, and said worriedly, "Miss, madam told you not to run around, I'm afraid something will happen later."

Xie Furong opened her almond-shaped eyes and said angrily, "Grandfather is in charge of me, mother is in charge of me, and second sister is in charge of me. Are you a servant girl also in charge of me? What do you think of Miss Ben?"

Birou was startled, knelt down quickly, and said, "I don't dare, it's just that before leaving the mansion, the second miss specifically told the slave, if you want, you have to look at the third miss."

"Crack!" Xie Furong raised her hand, slapped Birou hard on the face, and said, "Second Miss, Second Miss, you are my personal maid, but you are now Second Sister's dog! The second sister is useless, I don't want to imitate her, if you plan to be the second sister's person, go to her now, and don't follow this lady anymore!"

Birou didn't dare, kowtowed quickly, and said, "Miss San, this servant is wrong, this servant is wrong, this servant belongs to Third Miss."

Xie Furong gave her a hard look, and said, "Baby maid, you are wise, if you mention Second Sister in front of this lady again, don't blame me for cutting off your tongue and feeding it to the dog!"

"Yes, this servant has remembered." Birou broke into a cold sweat from fright.

Xie Furong walked all the way to the Daxiong Palace, originally her mother got up early to come here to grab the stick of incense, but she was blocked by Lian Siyue at the foot of the mountain, unable to get up.

At this time, a young monk came out from inside, Xie Furong stopped him and asked, "Little Master, do you know where Princess Heng is at this time?"

The little monk clasped his hands together and said, "Benefactor, the princess should go to the meditation room. In the past, after worshiping the Buddha, she would always go to the meditation room to meditate."

"The meditation room?" Xie Furong and Yan Jing turned around.

"By the way, benefactor, you must not approach that courtyard over there. A swarm of wasps came there a few days ago, and they will be driven away after two days." The little monk walked a few steps and saw Xie Furong Like the kind of unruly noble lady, she turned back and said a few more words.

"Understood, thank you little master." Xie Furong folded her hands together and said.

Suddenly, she looked at the small courtyard over there, and then at Birou, and suddenly she took a look at it.

"Biore, come here!" As Biore approached, she leaned against Biore's ear and said a few words.

"Miss San, you can't do it, you can't do it, you can't do it at all!" When Bi Rou heard Xie Furong's words, her knees gave way in fright, she knelt down on the ground, kowtowed repeatedly, her face turned pale with fright.

Xie Furong straightened her face immediately, and said, "If you don't want to go, why don't you still want me to go? This lady wants to marry, how can you ruin your reputation? You are a maid, even if your reputation is ruined, when you leave the house in the future No one will remember when you get married. Besides, you are my maid, and no one dares to tell you, so go!"

As Xie Furong said, she tore off a bracelet from her wrist and stuffed it into Birou's hand, "When I get back to the mansion, I will give you another ten taels of silver. This is your monthly money for several years."

"But..." Birou still hesitated, this is a pure place of Buddhism, she is a woman, and there are so many people who come to worship Buddha today, if word spreads, she...

Xie Furong's complexion sank, and she said, "Birou, if you refuse to obey my lady's order, then today you will not be able to follow my lady's reply. I have this bracelet in your hand, so I will report to my mother that you Stole something from Miss Ben."

"Miss San, servant girl, maidservant, just go, but Miss San please go back to the mansion, I want to keep the name of servant girl." Birou wiped away her tears pitifully and said.

"My lady assures you." Xie Furong said.

So, Birou stood up, wiped away her tears, and walked over to the little master.

"Hurry up!" Xie Furong ordered.

Birou quickened her pace, ran over quickly, closed her eyes, and hugged the little master's waist from behind.

Seeing this, Xie Furong had a triumphant smile on her face.

The little master who was about to get the wooden fish suddenly felt a woman's fragrance, looked down, and saw a woman hugging her tightly, suddenly his whole body went limp from fright, and he rushed to push Birou away with a red face.

"Okay, Fomen Jingdi, a little monk dares to tease my maidservant, I'm going to tell Abbot Jiu immediately!" Xie Furong said, turned around and left.

"Benefactor, benefactor!" The little monk was in a hurry, exhausted all his strength, and then pushed Birou away, Birou's whole body went limp, and she sat down on the ground, her face pale.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that there are prostitutes here! I'm going to tell all the wives and ladies!" Xie Furong's eyes flashed, and she pretended to walk outside.

"Benefactor, benefactor!" The little monk hurriedly stopped in front, clasped his hands together, blushing, and said, "I never underestimated this girl, it was this girl, she..."

"Anyway, I saw you entangled with this lady's maid." Xie Furong insisted on the little monk's frivolous tone.

"Benefactor! My family is poor and I became a monk in the temple. If the benefactor wrongs me like this, I will not only be driven away by the master, but also arrested by the government. The benefactor has mercy." The little master is young and in the temple, so he is naturally pure-hearted , very scared.

Xie Furong looked at him and said, "It's not impossible if you want me to keep it a secret, you can just do something for me."

"Please tell me, benefactor." The little monk wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking very pitiful.

But this couldn't move Xie Furong's compassion, she said, "Little master, it's actually very simple, you just go to the meditation room and trick Princess Heng into the courtyard with hornets, and you don't have to worry about the rest. "

When the little monk heard it, "Did the lady let the wasp bite the princess?" He was startled.

"You don't need to worry about these things, you just call people here, the rest has nothing to do with you." Xie Furong said.

The little monk understood Xie Furong's intentions, knelt down quickly, and said, "No, no, Princess Heng gives a lot of money for sesame oil to the temple every year, and she is a distinguished guest of the abbot. Doing so will offend the Bodhisattva. Master knows, You won't forgive me either."

"Sesame oil money? What is this? Our Xie family can also give the temple sesame oil money, and we even took away Lian Siyue. Little master, let me tell you, the family of Princess Hengqin is dead, and she can't give much sesame oil. Don't count on her too much if you call the abbot." Xie Furong snorted coldly and said contemptuously.


"Little master, if you don't go again, I'll call you contemptuous of the servant girl!" Xie Furong said directly, having no patience with the little monk anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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