Chapter 999
Chapter 999
The little master was so frightened that he lost his mind, put his palms together quickly, and said, "Go here, go here, donator, don't make a fuss, don't make a fuss, Amitabha, Amitabha."

"Then I'll wait for you here." Seeing the little master trotting to the meditation room to find Lian Siyue, Xie Furong had a smile on his face that was about to succeed.

Birou tremblingly stood beside Xie Furong with a pale face, very uneasy, "Miss San, if this matter spreads, slaves, slaves..."

"Stop rambling, hurry up and call Hu Ben over, I want him to do something." Xie Furong instructed, Hu Ben is one of the guards of Xie's family, and this time he came to protect him.

"Yes." Birou wiped away her tears, and hurried to find Hu Ben.

Xie Furong looked at the yard, and heard that the wasp stings people very badly, and people will die. Even Siyue is pregnant and scared by this swarm of wasps. gone.

Just as he was thinking about it, Hu Ben hurried over and said, "Miss San, what do you want me to tell you?"

"Hu Ben, you hide behind that yard. When someone comes in, you use stones or other hidden weapons to knock down the hornet's nest on the tree in the yard, and then close the door. Do you understand?" Xie Furong ordered , with a vicious look on his face.

"Miss San..." Birou was still worried.

"Let's hide first, so that no one will find out." Xie Furong signaled Birou to hide behind the pillar together, staring intently at the yard over there, waiting for Lian Siyue to appear.

Here in the Zen room.

Lian Siyue closed her eyes, sitting cross-legged, while a little master knocked on the wooden fish, muttering words.

Wu Qiao, Qing Dai, and Nanny Tai stood quietly outside the meditation room and waited.

At this time, a little master came over, with a slightly uncomfortable expression, clasped his hands together, and said, "Amitabha, the abbot asks the princess to come and see her."

"Amitabha, little master, now?" Wu Qiao asked.

The little master lowered his head and said, "Yes."

Wu Qiao couldn't help but look at the little master again, then gently knocked on the door of the meditation room, and said, "Princess, a little master has come and said that the abbot has an invitation."

Lian Siyue slowly opened her eyes and looked outside the meditation room. The little master came over and said, "Princess, please."

With Wu Qiao's support, Lian Siyue stood up, and said, "I'm going now, my princess, I'll be led by the little master."

"Please." The little master has been afraid to look up at Lian Siyue, and his eyes are a little dodged.

"Princess?" Wu Qiao called out in a low voice, noticing the strangeness.

Lian Siyue shook her head, told her not to talk too much, and followed the little master out of the meditation room door, and walked outside.

"Little master, where is the abbot waiting?" Lian Siyue asked.

"In front of the Daxiong Palace." The little master replied.

In front of the Daxiong Palace?As Lian Siyue walked along, she thought to herself, Abbot Jiufang had only separated from her not long ago, and he had nothing to say before leaving, and the abbot would never disturb her when she was meditating, let alone let other people call her she.

Looking at this little master again, from the first time he spoke to her, his eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to look directly at her, maybe there was a ghost in his heart.

After walking for a while, when passing a rockery, Lian Siyue nodded to Wu Qiao, Wu Qiao understood, and while the little master was restless——

She moved forward suddenly and caught him. Just as he was about to scream, Wu Qiao covered his mouth and dragged him to the back of the rockery. Mother Tai quickly stepped forward and grabbed his hands. Kicking his knees, the little monk bent his knees and fell to his knees, with a frightened expression on his face.

Lian Siyue looked at the person in front of him coldly, "In the pure place of Buddhism, the little master is also a disciple of the abbot, if he puts his mind on this princess, isn't he afraid of offending the Buddha?"

"Uh, uh..." The little monk shook his head desperately, tears streaming down his face.

Lian Siyue nodded to Wu Qiao, and Wu Qiao slowly let go of the hand covering the little monk's mouth, but a vicious word came out of his mouth, saying, "If you dare to think about our princess, you must be good at cramping your skin." end!"

"Wangfei, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was confused for a while, I should never listen to the evil person's order to harm the princess, Amitabha, Amitabha." Annoyed, very scared.

Lian Siyue had an intuition about what happened, so she said, "Little master encountered any troubles, just tell me straight up, my concubine and the abbot have a deep friendship, and I will definitely not deliberately embarrass you."

"Yes, yes, my concubine, it's like this. I met a young lady just now, and the maid of that young lady rushed over and hugged me suddenly. I..." The little monk explained what happened just now in detail. After hearing this, Siyue kowtowed again and again, "I have evil thoughts, I don't deserve to stay in this pure place of Buddhism anymore, I am ashamed of my master and princess..."

As he spoke, the little monk suddenly slammed into the rockery.

Seeing this, Wu Qiao immediately moved his body and quickly blocked the front. With both hands, he grabbed the little monk's shoulders so that he could not hit him.

"What's the use of dying? If you die, you will really become a flower monk who treats other people's maids lightly." Wu Qiao said.
The little monk was limp all over, slumped on the ground, trembling.

After listening to the little monk's words, Lian Siyue felt a chill in her heart, her eyes were icy cold, and said, "Little master is not bad at heart, but he was coerced by bad people and took a detour, my princess will not blame you. .”

The little monk hurriedly said, "Thank you for your kindness, princess, thank you for your kindness."

"The young lady mentioned by the little master is surnamed Xie?" Lian Siyue asked, with a touch of sarcasm on his face.

The little monk thought for a while, and said, "I didn't hear that, I just heard that maid called that young lady the third young lady."

Miss Three?
Xie Furong no doubt.

Lian Siyue sighed faintly, she didn't provoke others, she kept a low profile again and again, but others bumped into her repeatedly, which really forced her to go out of the mountain.

"Little master, do you want to prove your innocence?" Lian Siyue asked, with a hint of meaning flashing in his eyes.

Hearing this, the little monk hurriedly said, "Think, think, I am not being frivolous, it really is that maid who suddenly ran up, from behind, from behind..." He no longer had the courage to continue.

"Then little master will do what this princess says. This princess will clear my name to my master, and my little master is willing to do this princess a favor." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, yes." The little monk said quickly.

"Wu Qiao..." Lian Siyue gave Wu Qiao some instructions, and Wu Qiao quickly left the rockery.

Lian Siyue's deep eyes fell on the little monk.

(End of this chapter)

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