Chapter 271 The True and False Daughter of the Wild (17)

The surprise was too much, and Zhu Jiayi fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up, she heard the bustling outside, and there were many people shouting "Master Su" and "Master Su He"...

After coming to the Wilderness for more than half a month, Zhu Jiayi really didn't have any entertainment, even if he went on a poor trip with that Yu Shiqi, it was just climbing mountains and wading to eat some game.

The spiritual world is particularly lacking. In the past two days following Xiangyu, Zhu Jiayi has developed a gossip brain. She can't control her hands and feet wherever it is lively. She quickly dressed and washed, biting a piece of steamed bun baked on an iron plate. Then jumped out.

The hunting competition has officially started. The spiritual boys of all tribes are riding tall horses, fully armed, wearing all kinds of beautiful and mighty feathers, leather skirts and spikes, and holding extremely precious knives, axes, bow and arrow etc.

A strangely dressed witch doctor with blood streaks on his face and extremely long feathers stood on the highest platform holding a mahogany scepter. After a burst of strange screams and jumps, he loudly announced the official start of the hunting contest.

Then several witches stepped forward and announced the rules with their chins raised in a very arrogant manner.

Hunting competitions have been going on for hundreds of years, and one game carries many missions.

Whichever man wins No.1, the tribe behind him will have the right to use a piece of fertile land, a lot of life, and a highly disputed territory among multiple tribes for one year!
The top ten all have hunting territory rewards of varying sizes.

Every man will also have the opportunity to marry first and second-class tribe Wang Gui's daughters first...

In short, the contestants are full of enthusiasm, and they are bound to win a good ranking!
Among the dense crowd, one stood out, and the girls and women around her looked at her with mixed expressions of love and fear.

That man is tall and big, but he is not overly muscular like other men. He is full of wildness and viciousness all over his body, with a row of gray and white feathers on his forehead, a huge tooth necklace, and a leopard-print leather skirt. Cool!
"Master Suhe is here! Sure enough, he is the fiercest and most handsome, and he feels so safe. Where can I go with him?"

"This year's number one is none other than Su and your lord..."

"That's right, there are eagle feathers on top of people's heads, eagle feathers! How many eagles can catch halfway up the cliff?"

"And he has ivory hanging around his neck! An elephant so big, even lions would not dare to provoke it..."

"His waist is leopard skin! The leopard's fur is so beautiful, it's golden in the sun, but the leopard is so hard to catch, it's smart, and it runs fast..."

"Why do Su He and his lord only fall in love with the green-sleeved princess? There won't be another second king of Ji, right?"

King Ji is Aunt Xiangyu's son.

Zhu Jiayi followed everyone's directions to find the green-sleeved princess.

The little girl is said to be about [-] or [-] years old, and like all wild girls, she already has the beauty of a woman.She has fair skin and thin eyebrows and eyes, and she is not comparable to a group of wheat-skinned girls.

With a blush on her face, she looked at Su He with shyness and a little joy.

Xiangyu also sneaked over at some point, hey hey, "What's the matter, envious of that young couple? These few days I'll ask you, Fu, to help you take a look and see if there is any young man who can only want you as a wife. His family background is very good, and he dared to swear in front of the gods that he will grow up, Yiyi, you will get married, and you don't have to envy others!"

Speaking of this, she smiled again and said: "Our Shihan tribe has a few good young men. If you become successful, Auntie will cover you in the future and keep you crawling like a crab in the Shihan tribe!"

The corners of Zhu Jiayi's mouth twitch...

She felt a burning gaze that was hard to ignore.

Zhu Jiayi looked around suspiciously, but she didn't see anything. Instead, a little girl screamed excitedly: "Aww, did you see that, Mr. Su and Mrs. looked at me just now!"

"Look at how skinny you are, Su and the lord must see me..."

"Have you noticed that since Mr. Su and Lord came, they haven't looked at Princess Green Sleeves. Princess Green Sleeves is staring eagerly, her face turning red like a monkey's butt..."

"Hey, I think Su and lord are looking at my family's Yiyi, and this area is just you shining white!" Xiang Yu also hurriedly added in a low voice, "But this Su and lord are so fierce, let's stand far away and see Two eyes, just enjoy the eye addiction.

If they live together, he must beat his wife three times a day? "

Zhu Jiayi's face is full of black lines, women, this part of the attributes are deeply ingrained in thousands of years of inheritance!

Every night is a celebration banquet, all the prey brought by the men are roasted on the fire, everyone sings and dances around the campfire, and drinks the rare monkey wine.

Zhu Jiayi couldn't help taking a sip, the fruit wine was sweet and delicious.

She couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she was about to continue sending it to her mouth.

"Hey, just a little bit of this wine," Zhu Wu didn't know when he touched it. Although they were leaning against the campfire, the sky was dark and there were many people. Who would notice them?

"This wine has a strong aftertaste, so don't drink too much, lest you fall into other people's tricks."

Zhu Jiayi tilted her head, "Auntie, you mean..."

Zhu Wu sneered: "I didn't know that this little girl who crawled back from the slave's den is so capable!
She focused on Guixi, who is pure and kind in my family, and took advantage of my sister-in-law's time to talk, pulled my son out and asked him if he would stay with a woman for the rest of his life.

Don't even look at her sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, why is she so big-faced, thinking that we are a good second-class tribal prince's cub, so we can only pick and choose from her?
Fortunately, you gave me the right idea, and I also specially told Gui Xi to fool that girl first.

Huayan thought that the matter was mostly done, so she wanted to sell it to me, so she told her plan.

Calculate a well-handled prince and green-sleeved princess in Beiliang to make things happen, and then make you and Lord Su He a pair! "

Zhu Jiayi was surprised to look at the man with a strong sense of presence and a strong aura who sat casually on the opposite side, "Auntie, isn't this pretty face too bold? Can others control who Su He wants to marry?"

"Hey, or he's too smart to snatch Su He's lord Xiaoqingmei, and then introduce you who looks similar to Xiaoqingmei, or even more prosperous, and this matter can be [-] to [-] percent.

She reckoned that she would take other paths, and if she took multiple approaches, she would always get you married! "

Zhu Wu snorted, "But Yiyi, don't worry, no matter how good-looking you are, we can show you how to do it!
My family, Guixi, really needs a daughter-in-law. Although the green-sleeved princess is a pitiful little girl, she is cute and fits my son's liking.Besides, Princess Green Sleeves has a pretty good family background, and the young couple live in harmony and happiness, so I don't have to worry about the future stability of Guixi and I. "

(End of this chapter)

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