Chapter 272 The True and False Daughter of the Wild (18)

Zhu Jiayi pursed her lips and looked at the other side, just in time to meet Su He's eyes. Although the distance was quite far and the light was very dim, she still felt the deep and burning eyes.

She turned her head, but whenever she thought about the unreliable Yu Shiqi, she would inevitably feel a little unwilling in her heart.

Her appearance and name are not honest, is she marrying an air?

After all, Zhu Wu is deeply rooted in the second-class tribe, and he raised his son healthy and well, with good means.

Zhu Jiayi didn't care about it.Follow Xiangyu to watch the excitement every day, and work hard in the space at night.

The speed between space and the outside world is still ten to one, but there is no difference between day and night in space, and the fertile land and the vitality in the air make the crops grow [-] to [-] times faster.

The food crops are okay, and some short-term vegetables are cropped one crop after another.

In the void, there are more transparent grids out of thin air, just to store things in different categories.This is a bit like the space magic weapon in the cultivation world in the novel, it is too humane, and it is also easy to use.

When the hunting competition is coming to an end, Zhu Jiayi has selected high-quality crops that are resistant to drought, cold, wind, and disease!

She is familiar with Xiangyu's daily activities, secretly throwing a small cloth bag of ten kilograms of wheat seeds and a bag of other fruit and vegetable seeds in a place where there are relatively few people.Sure enough, Xiang Yu looked like a thief, with a cloth bag in his arms, looking left and right and bowed his waist to look for her.

"Look, Yiyi!" Xiang Yu opened the belt with a blushing face, "I don't know who dropped a bag of food carelessly. Since I saw it, it must have been given to me by the gods.

You see, this grain is plump and beautiful. When it is molted and pressed into powder, it must be delicious! "

Zhu Jiayi cooperatively picked it up, looked at it in surprise, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it, and said regretfully, "Auntie, this grain is better than any I've ever seen.

It's a pity that there are only so few, and I don't know who lost them, and whether there are more.

After the shell is removed and then ground into powder, it won't be enough to eat a few meals..."

Xiang Yu was stunned for a moment, then patted his head abruptly: "That's right, why didn't I think of that.

This grain is good, if it is planted in the ground as a seed, it will definitely grow similar grain next year!

Even if it is almost, it is much better than what we eat now. "

Zhu Jiayi also nodded vigorously, "Auntie is really smart, this is a good idea.

When good grain is produced next year, you must save some for me.

I'm also looking for people! "

Xiang Yu naturally responded happily, and opened the bag of fruit and vegetable seeds, and was going back to secretly find a piece of fertile and remote land to plant these seeds.

With these as her support, will her man be able to go one step further?
But, so what if a man is powerful?They have no children, and the monstrous dignitaries cannot pass on.

Thinking of this, Xiangyu's mood faded, seeing Zhu Jiayi's well-behaved and beautiful appearance, he wanted to abduct him to his tribe for companionship.

Zhu Jiayi had a slight smile on her face, and the corners of her eyes were slightly raised with powder.

After all, she has lived for more than 200 years. She is not very capable, but because she was a graduate student in cognitive psychology in her first life, she is used to everything in her heart. Combined with theory, she has a very thorough understanding of people's hearts.

Zhu Jiayi doesn't know Xiangyu's heart knot!
Thinking about her koi attributes, she took Xiangyu's arm, smiled softly and said, "Auntie, you and Afu are such good people, you will definitely have a fulfilling life.

How can God forget you?
At this moment, I am afraid that he is picking out which smart and beautiful cub to send to A Gu's belly. "

Xiang Yu patted her hand with a wry smile, "I will accept your good words.

You Afu and I have been together for five years. Seeing other people's children strung together like grapes, my stomach doesn't even move. This is something that many tribes don't have. "

If a woman can't bear children, she is half a sinner in this era, not to mention that she monopolizes King Ji, and her reputation has long been ruined by the envy of many women.

She looks innocent and innocent on the outside, but the inside is already dark, if it weren't for Ah Ji who has never left her.Xiang Yu didn't know what kind of crazy thing he would do.

Probably because I was too filthy, so when I saw Zhu Jiayi, I wanted to give the best things in the world to her, so that she could bring her own purity and truly live happily.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, tomorrow all the big guys are going to leave." Xiang Yu pulled her to sit down, and asked with a smile: "Do you want to live in the Han tribe for a while?
In the first-class tribe, if you stay one more day, it will be of great help to the days to come.

With my aunt and your husband around, no one can bully you, and maybe I can still meet your fate? "

"Auntie, I will definitely go to the Shihan tribe, but not this time. When you plant these seeds, I will come to ask for them again?" Zhu Jiayi refused generously.

Xiang Yu didn't force it, but felt slightly regretful and reluctant. "That's alright, I'll go find you when Auntie is free. Although you're not a biological daughter of the Zhu family, you won't be at a disadvantage with Auntie around!"

Zhu Jiayi nodded with crooked eyebrows, and silently wished Xiangyu and King Ji would have a smart child in her heart.Not only this couple, but Zhu Wu also wanted to conceive a few more while they were young.Prosperous offspring are less likely to be bullied.

While the two were talking, they vaguely heard a high-pitched shout, and then everyone around cheered and went to watch the fun.

Xiang Yu also dragged Zhu Jia Yixing to join the team in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, everyone gathered in a big tent of the Tiansong tribe, and Zhu Jiayi was no stranger to this tent, it was where Zhu Wu was!

She learned from the onlookers that it turned out that after the bonfire party last night, for some reason, the green-sleeved princess rolled with a son of the Lie Wang of the Tiansong Tribe.

Although the ratio of men to women in the barbaric era was very different, women were well protected like treasures. If a woman was widowed, the next man would continue to take over, even including the children of the previous man.

However, there are exceptions in every era. The kings and nobles have no shortage of women, and they pay more attention to offspring.In order to ensure the purity of the offspring, a woman's reputation is still very important, at least no mistakes are allowed in the first marriage.

The green-sleeved princess is with Guixi, so the marriage will be eight or nine.

The woman's cries of grievance, unwillingness, and despair and humiliation could also be heard from the tent.

Gui Xi was at a loss, but kept admitting his mistake and comforting him in a low voice: "Princess Green Sleeves, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I drank too much yesterday and couldn't control it for a while.

Don't worry, I will take care of it!
In the future, I will be like King Ji, no matter what happens in the future, you are the only woman! "

(End of this chapter)

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