my sister is number one

Chapter 156 What, Yang Jingguo is actually the weakest force?

Chapter 156 What, Yang Jingguo is actually the weakest force?
In the next few days, Chen Changqing also stayed to train with Song Jingnian and others.

Under Chen Changqing's intentional or unintentional guidance, everyone began to train defensive battle formations.

In addition, Master Cai Yongguo and Senior Bai who went to the treasury to borrow treasures also borrowed the three spirit treasures mentioned earlier.In addition, they also assigned some suitable magic weapons to everyone according to Chen Changqing's previous suggestion.

After a period of running-in, Chen Changqing also discovered the advantages of the other nine people.Some people are good at drawing talismans, some are good at formations, some are good at healing techniques, and some are good at stealth techniques.

Five days passed quickly, and this day was the day to set off for Huoyun Island.

Senior White led a group of ten of them to sit on the Great Master's magic weapon folding paper flying boat.

The folding paper flying boat is a magic weapon of the earth immortal level, and it has only one function, positioning and flying.

Chen Changqing felt that he was much stronger than the Eight-sided Exquisite Tower.

No matter the flying speed or the protection ability of this stack of paper flying boats, it is not as strong as the Eight-sided Exquisite Tower.

But of course it is impossible for Chen Changqing to expose his strongest hole card.

The eight-faced exquisite pagoda combined with Lingyu is his strongest trump card.

It's a pity that neither of these two magic weapons can be brought into this competition.

Thousand-color painting scrolls, yin-yang matching, and trick rings, Chen Changqing can only temporarily put them down and store them in the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda.Then hide things in the void.After the game is over, take it out again.Oh, by the way, Lord Seagod was also thrown into the tower to recuperate during this time.

As for magic weapons, Chen Changqing chose three defensive magic weapons.

The first one is the pure gold aegis shield. This shield is usually like a watch, buckled on the wrist.The shield is only the size of the face of the watch.

Inject the spirit liquid, and it will become bigger and thicker.

The reason why Chen Changqing chose this shield was because it could cooperate with his supernatural power, Flowing Gold and Thousand Changes.

The shield can be as large as Captain America's shield at most, and it is extremely hard, impenetrable by water and fire.

The second magic weapon is called Luotian Flower Umbrella.

The Luotian Flower Umbrella can be used to attack and defend. It can absorb spells composed of pure spiritual power, and then randomly bloom different phantoms of divine flowers on the top of the umbrella. Different flowers have different effects.ever-changing.

For Chen Changqing, it doesn't matter what magical flower he blooms, what is important is that the Luotian flower umbrella can absorb damage.

The third magic weapon is called the Hundred Sons Concentric Ring.

Not only Chen Changqing had this magic weapon, but all Yang Jingguo's contestants had one.It is a matching magic weapon.

Within a certain range, all people can keep in touch with each other.

This is after Cai Yong learned the rules of this competition, he found several master craftsmen in China to refine.

The only flaw is that this magic weapon has a time limit, and the use period is about one month.

For this Yumen Grand Competition, Master Cai Yongguo also worked hard.

I don't know how the five major forces will allocate resources after the big competition is over.

Chen Changqing was also very curious.

However, 50 years of resources is probably an astronomical figure for Chen Changqing.

In addition to these three magic weapons, Chen Changqing brought several spells and elixirs that he often used, and some materials for formation.That little bit of thick earth is mixed in the material, and it is muddled.

In short, in a word.

No matter what happens to the other forces, Yang Jingguo must build the city wall as soon as possible and make it a monolith.

It doesn't matter whether you win or not, but you will definitely not lose if you lose.

Chen Changqing originally thought that other people did not agree with such a strategy.

But I didn't expect...

No one objected.

It's not because this strategy was proposed by Master Cai Yongguo and Senior White.

Instead, it was influenced by Yang Jingguo's national conditions.

Yang Jingguo, known as the country of gentlemen among the five major forces, was not very aggressive in the first place.

And the positioning of each country is related to the immortals who guard that country.

Anyway, this point can be understood mainly by seeing Senior Zhuge and National Master Cai Yong, so there is no need to elaborate.

In the past 20 days, Chen Changqing has already assigned everyone's work.

Everything is ready, I believe that when the Yumen World Competition starts, their Yang Jingguo will definitely give the other major forces a big surprise.

There was no wind or waves along the way.

After eighteen days of flying, Chen Changqing and others finally arrived at Huoyun Island.

They were the fourth group to arrive.

Tianhuo Island has already arranged staff to receive them.

And the person in charge of reception, Chen Changqing actually knew Lin Qingqing.

After the Immortal Gate was opened last time, Lin Qingqing resigned from Yang Jingguo Academy and returned to Tianhuo Island.

Unexpectedly, this time she actually came out to help with the reception.

Lin Qingqing and Senior Bai are also old acquaintances. After seeing the paper flying boat land, she immediately went up with a group of followers.

"Senior White."

She greeted Senior White, and then her eyes fell on Chen Changqing.

this person……

Lin Qingqing remembered very clearly that this person was clearly at the Spirit Spring Realm, but not long after, it was rumored that he had a Spirit Sea Realm cultivation, and he was able to do it alone...

Lin Qingqing's mood was very complicated, but she suppressed these emotions and said: "Everyone, your resting place has been prepared, please follow me."

Senior White nodded and followed Lin Qingqing.

Lin Qingqing wanted to say something to Senior Bai several times, but she didn't say anything in the end.

The residence arranged on Tianhuo Island is similar to the temporary cave where Chen Changqing lived in Zhenyuezong.

Senior White led everyone to live in.

That night, Chen Changqing and his party had a good rest here.

Early the next morning, the last people from the Raksha Kingdom also arrived.

All five major forces are here.

That night, the organizer Tianhuo Island held a grand dinner.

Chen Changqing also saw many acquaintances at the banquet.

One of the representatives of Min State was He Peiyong, one of the representatives of Lan Ruo State was Situ Jingxin, and one of the representatives of Raksha State was Zhai Tianfeng.

However, what surprised Chen Changqing was that there were three or four Spirit Sea Realm members in the teams of other forces.

Just Yang Jingguo and their two spirit sea realms.

Chen Changqing was very surprised. He looked at Senior Bai and asked, "Senior White, aren't you cheating me this time? Why do they all have so many spiritual sea realms?"

No wonder Senior White and the others supported his ostrich tactic so much, it turned out that it couldn't work without an ostrich!

Senior Bai glanced at Chen Changqing: "Remember one sentence, Cai Guoshi is the sky of our Yang Jingguo."

Chen Changqing understood the meaning of this sentence, because among the five major powers in the Yumen Realm, only Master Cai Yongguo was an immortal.The defenders of other forces are almost all true immortals.

However, it is also because of Master Cai Yongguo's philosophy that Yang Jingguo's cultivators, and even cultivators' schools, practice the human way and put people first.

This kind of way is a bit like Confucianism in the world before Chen Changqing traveled.

Compared with the practitioners of several other forces, these cultivators are relatively less bloody, and their progress is a little slower when they are practicing.

Therefore, the overall cultivation of Yang Jingguo cultivators is slightly weaker than other forces.

This is also the reason why Yang Jingguo has been ranked in the bottom two before.

Chen Changqing sighed silently.

Nothing can be done.

At this moment, a bald man wearing a tattered monk's robe walked to the table of Yang Jingguo's banquet.

Chen Changqing felt that this bald man should have a higher level of cultivation than Senior White.

It may be the cultivation base of a true immortal.

"Hey, you Cai Guoshi has no face to come here this year? Afraid of losing to our Min country again?" The bald head walked in front of Senior White and said something with a half-smile.

Senior Bai smiled: "I have seen Emperor Wangyuan, Cai Guoshi has heavy state affairs, so he sent me here."

That Emperor Wangyuan smiled slightly: "Indeed, this time you..."

He glanced at Chen Changqing and the other ten people, and then said: "There are only two Spirit Sea Realm. Even if there is not one in the late Spirit Sea Realm, I am afraid it is guaranteed No. 5."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked away without waiting for Senior White to reply.

Everyone in Yang Jingguo's group changed countenance, but Chen Changqing took a sip of tea calmly.

Jin Guangnian, who has the strongest personality, couldn't help but said to Senior Bai: "The people from Ming Kingdom are really deceiving people too much!"

Senior White looked at Chen Changqing and asked, "Changqing, what do you think?"

Chen Changqing almost blurted out "Master Di"...

Just kidding.

He said lightly: "Actually, this might not be a good thing."

"Brother Chen, how could this be a good thing?" Lin Baosheng asked beside him.

Chen Changqing smiled lightly: "There are a lot of people here, let's wait until the banquet is over."

Chen Changqing made a fool of himself, and the others were even more curious.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Being underestimated, two possibilities are most likely to appear.

First, the first one is targeted and killed.

Second, was placed last.Because other forces felt that they could beat Yang Jingguo.

Of course, after the big competition really started, the five major forces fought in a melee, and the situation changed rapidly.

But of course Chen Changqing already had other considerations, and he could have some influence on the situation before the official competition.

There are so many masters here at the banquet, of course it is impossible for him to say it here.

It was not until the banquet was over and the five major forces returned to the temporary cave respectively that Chen Changqing explained to the others.

"During the competition, as the weakest force, there is a high probability that the above two possibilities will arise. However, I have already communicated with Miss Huo Yunqing, the team leader of Tianhuo Island yesterday. We will cooperate .”

Chen Changqing sat in a hall of the temporary cave and talked to everyone.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard what Chen Changqing said.None of them knew that Chen Changqing had actually gone to find Huo Yunqing.

"Fellow Daoist Changqing, how did you convince that girl Huoyunqing?"

Chen Changqing smiled slightly, and said indifferently: "Of course it is moved with emotion and understood with reason."

For some reason, as soon as Chen Changqing finished speaking, everyone else looked at him with strange eyes.

Chen Changqing was also a little confused.

Why did they seem to think of something strange and go there?

(End of this chapter)

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