Chapter 157

Chen Changqing's reason for convincing Miss Huo Yunqing is not complicated.

Without him, driven by political factors.

First of all, he has already confirmed with Master Cai Yongguo the relationship between Yang Jingguo and Tianhuo Island.

The two forces have always been friendly.

And the team of Tianhuo Island is not the most powerful among the five major forces.

In the previous competitions, Tianhuo Island went from No.1 to No.3, ups and downs.

As the captain, Chen Changqing took the initiative to propose cooperation with Tianhuo Island, gave the details of the cooperation that had been written long ago, and swore by the way of heaven.

In this way, Chen Changqing immediately convinced Huo Yunqing.

Of course, the content of the cooperation does not mean that the two forces will never fight each other.Instead, they should cooperate with each other as much as possible during the competition.And before the other three are eliminated, absolutely do not attack the opponent's cave.

At this time, Chen Changqing explained the situation to others, and also showed the contract he signed with Huo Yunqing last night, so that others should not violate the provisions of the contract.

In the next few days, the immortal sects and sects all over the Yumen Realm sent many people to watch the battle.

In any case, this can be regarded as the once-in-50-year prosperity of the Yumen world.

Among them, the person from the Jueqing Sect is Jueqing Fairy, the person sent by Shuiyue is Wuyue Tianzun, and the person from Zhenyuezong is Chen Changqing's old acquaintance Guan Zhenshan, who also brought his two disciples Ouyang Yongfeng and Liang Shanshi. Here we come, as well as Tianyue Sect, Wujianmen and other sects have sent people here.As for the Immortal Sect, besides the Yumen Sect, the Five Great Immortal Sects also sent people here.The person Chen Changqing is most familiar with is of course the Taoist Liu Shiyun.

However, during these days, Chen Changqing was busy preparing for the big competition, so he didn't have time to get close to these seniors.

Finally, a few days later, the Yumen World Competition officially began.

The five major forces and five teams entered the teleportation circle respectively.

The major immortal sects and envoys from various countries took their seats under the arrangement of Tianhuo Island. A light curtain will appear in front of everyone. On the light curtain, you can clearly see the situation of the entire map.

There is a sense of déjà vu watching Warcraft multi-clan confrontation.

Guan Zhenshan explained to the two apprentices, then walked over to the seat of the Lingyue Sect and sat beside Liu Shiyun.

"San Su, did you already know about Chen Changqing's cultivation?" Guan Zhenshan patted Taoist San Su on the shoulder and said.

Liu Shiyun shrugged: "Hey, I have an agreement with that kid. And I made an oath of heaven."

"This competition is finally something new. Which one do you think can win?" Guan Zhenshan asked.

"Any more questions? Of course..."

Before Liu Shiyun opened his mouth, a bald man next to him said flatly: "Of course Min Country can win. We have five contestants in the Spirit Sea Realm, and their strength is second to none. And...there are three others who are proficient in the art of controlling beasts." .”

This bald head is an elder of Ming Kingdom's Divine Beast Sect, named Dong Xuan.The Divine Beast Sect is the Immortal Sect of Ming Kingdom.Good at controlling beasts.

And in Ming Country, part of the codes of the Divine Beast Sect are also circulated in the country, so many people in Ming Country are good at the art of controlling beasts.

The art of controlling beasts is a special technique, and it has a huge advantage in the Yumen Grand Competition.In addition to being able to bring pet beasts in, you can also temporarily regain the monsters in the competition venue.It is indeed a huge advantage.

Liu Shiyun smiled and said casually: "I'm optimistic about Yang Jingguo, why don't I make a deal here?"

The Sanya Taoist is worthy of being a Sanya Taoist, he did it when he thought of it, and he actually invited friends to come over and opened a handicap to bet who would be the winner.

at the same time……

Chen Changqing and the others were in a trance, and were transported to one of the temporary caves on Tianhuo Island.

This cave is the base of Chen Changqing and the others for the past ten days.

As soon as Chen Changqing came back to his senses, he immediately summoned five big golden men and a dozen small golden men.

These are all transformed by Chen Changqing's psychic liquid, so they are not foreign objects.

These statuettes started working immediately, leaving the cave with small kits to collect materials in the distance.

In addition, Chen Changqing lent the thick soil of the emperor's sky to Yue Rushui, who majored in the method of water and wood and was good at farming.

There are a lot of seeds in the materials she brought.

Bring all the seeds similar to Ghost Entangling Demon Teng, Misty Demon Flower, Poisonous Fang Beast Flower, and Huiling Grass.

And this time, the Aomori Immortal Rod borrowed by Master Cai Yong is also in Yue Rushui's hands.

After a while, Yue Rushui had already placed seeds around Huoyun Tianjing.

Use the power of the emperor's thick soil to turn this small area of ​​land into spiritual soil.

Then use the Aomori longevity stick to catalyze the plants.

It only takes the better part of a day for the plants to fully mature.Moreover, the Misty Beast Flower will directly cover the surrounding area of ​​the Fire Cloud Sky Crystal.

The magic weapon in Song Jingnian's hands is the Tianxu Magic Brush.

He is also a talisman painter, and when Chen Changqing was busy controlling the collection of materials, he was in charge of drawing talismans.

There is a limit to the number of spells each person can bring, but they can bring their own rune paper in and draw their own runes.

Zhu Nianshou is an alchemist specially invited back by Cai Guoshi.Besides Song Jingnian and Chen Changqing, he is the third non-Yang Jingguo Academy student.The Azure Dragon Cauldron was naturally arranged in his hands.Just after teleportation, he started to make medicine.The main medicine to be manufactured is Huiling Pill, because Chen Changqing and the others want to build an iron wall, and the biggest consumption is everyone's spiritual power.

In addition,

Lin Baosheng and Zhang Yueyue led their younger brothers and sisters, and began to set up a magic circle outside the cave.The materials they brought were enough to set up three defensive formations.

Well, according to Chen Changqing's idea.

He doesn't care how other forces operate,
Anyway, he was playing Warcraft of the turret style, plus Plants vs. Repairer...

off site.

There are already many immortals and masters betting on Liu Shiyun's handicap.

Of course, not many people bought Yang Jingguo and won.

Most of the cultivators don't understand politics.Put strength first.

Judging from the strength on the cards, Yang Jingguo is the weakest and Minguo is the first.Skyfire Island, Raksha Country, and Lan Ruo Country ranked second, third, and fourth respectively.

The betting ratio is the same as the ranking of the five major forces.


There are very few people who are optimistic about Yang Jingguo.

Only a few people such as Guan Zhenshan supported Yang Jingguo.

The first stage of Dabi was the most boring time.

For example, the cultivators on Tianhuo Island, they separated a few people to explore the way, and the rest were to accumulate resources nearby.

Another example is the cultivator of the Ming Kingdom, some of them are looking for monsters that can be recovered, and some of them are exploring the way.

Raksha country and Lanruo country are similar, collecting resources, setting up formations, and then exploring the way.

On the surface, Yang Jingguo is also similar to other forces...

Their defense is the fastest growing.

When night fell, Yue Rushui had already completed the first part of the plant defense system.

She rested for a short while, then started another round of planting with new seeds produced by mature plants.

In the ten days of competition, at least seven or eight large arrays of plants can be planted.

In addition, the triple formation outside the cave had already been set up, and the gold men sent by Chen Changqing basically returned with new materials.

The only problem was the Dajin who was sent to the northeast.

The Dajin man put on a layer of camouflage, he was a boy in his early 1.5 meters.

When it was collecting a material called ghost-faced vine flower in the northeast, it encountered an attack.

It should be a master from the Raksha country.

The three masters of the Raksha Kingdom shot at the same time, first restricting their movements, and then bombarding them with spells from a long distance.

The Daikin man doesn't even have a chance to blew himself up...

Mi Xu's kit also lost money.

But these are all within Chen Changqing's expectation.

The strength of these Dajin people is probably in the early stage of Linghu Realm.It's not enough to put it in so many forces.

However, this golden man did not sacrifice in vain, at least it was confirmed that the Raksha Kingdom was in the northeast of Yang Jingguo's cave.

On the first night, Minguo, who was the most efficient, had already flown around the Huoyun Island with flying beasts.

In the cave of Minguo,

A girl who looked seventeen or eighteen drew a map.

The girl's name is Lan Jingjing, and her pet animal is a shadow mountain demon bird.This magic bird flies extremely fast, and possesses the technique of latent image, so it is not easy to be discovered.

Relying on the shadow spirit demon bird, she quickly drew a map of Huoyun Island.

"We are on the south side of the island, Luocha Kingdom is on our right, and Tianhuo Island is on our left. The distance is a bit close, so we need to be careful. Yang Jingguo is directly opposite us and slightly south, but their base is covered by layers of fog. I don't know what I'm doing. Lan Ruoguo is on the left side of Tianhuo Island. The current distribution of forces is like this."

After speaking, Lan Jingjing looked at a tall and strong man beside her.

This man's name is Long Kai, the prince of Ming Kingdom.He is also a disciple of the protector of the Ming Kingdom, and he also practiced outside of the Divine Beast Sect for three years.Although he is not a disciple of the Divine Beast Sect in name, his skill of controlling beasts is extremely good.

Long Kai's cultivation was at the late stage of the Spirit Sea Realm, and at the same time he was controlling two pet beasts with the strength of the early stage of the Spirit Sea Realm.With his own strength, he is enough to fight against three or four spiritual sea realm cultivators.

A lean man next to him asked, "Brother Long, what should we do next?"

"Start directly from Raksha Country and sweep across." Long Kai said lightly.

"We don't need to keep people here?" The thin man frowned.

"Take the four magic weapons with us, and take advantage of their unstable defense today, and we launch a surprise attack, so that we can achieve unexpected results."

"With our current strength, we can easily conquer Rakshasa, Yang Jingguo, and Lanruoguo."

After Long Kai finished speaking, his eyes swept over everyone: "Do you have any questions?"

No one answered.

That night, ten people from Ming Kingdom gave up guarding the cave and attacked directly.

And this battle became the opening match of this Yumen Grand Competition.

The Raksha country's small team really did not expect the surprise attack of Long Kai's team.

Not only them, but even the immortals onlookers could not have imagined that Minguo forces would choose to attack with the whole army on the first night.

In an instant, in front of the gate of the Raksha Kingdom's cave, the fight was in full swing.

Even Chen Changqing and the others could faintly hear the commotion over there.

Chen Changqing saw that other people looked different, so he said, "Don't worry, everyone, just do whatever you want."

In fact, Chen Changqing was also a little surprised by the choice of Minguo. In fact, so far, he had never imagined that the ten people from Minguo were launching a full-scale attack on Luochaguo at this time.

According to his expectation, there are at least two or three days of development period...

Chen Changqing frowned and thought for a while.

Will there be any changes this time?
Wouldn't the alliance with Skyfire Island be useless?
(End of this chapter)

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