my sister is number one

Chapter 169 Sister, save me!

Chapter 169 Sister, save me!
Chen Changqing's face was pale.

Control the puppet to use the thunder escape technique.

The thunder flashed, and the puppet appeared in front of the two pillars of lava and fire.

Damn, this escape skill has become a gun-blocking skill.

The puppet appeared in front of the pillar of lava and fire, and stretched out its arms to prop up a dark red shield.

The lava fire pillar was blocked again.

The lava giant slowly folded his hands together, two fingers together, and the two pillars of fire merged into one pillar of fire.

Although Chen Changqing was only controlling the puppet, the tyrannical fire spirit power seemed to be transferred from the depths of his soul to his body.

Inside the cave, Song Jingnian and others used various water attribute spells at the same time.

One by one, water polo, ice puck, ice arrow, and phantom ice dragon flew towards the lava giant.

Some water balloons have transpired before flying halfway.Some flew onto the lava giant, and then made a "sizzling" sound, turning into a wisp of white smoke.

The phantom of the ice dragon collided with the lava giant, but it only weakened the flames on his body.

It's really a drop in the bucket.

This lava giant, only this puppet in the explosive spirit state has the power to fight.

At this moment, the lava giant suddenly raised its head and spit out a fireball.

The fireball flew over to the cave in an arc.

Chen Changqing raised his hand, and the Luotian flower umbrella flew out.

The Luotian flower umbrella formed a shield above the midair of the cave.

The fireball fell on the flower umbrella, and the shield flickered a few times before it shattered.

However, a purple-blue flower phantom also grew on the Luotian flower umbrella.

Polar snow lotus!

Lucky shit?
Chen Changqing's eyes lit up.


An extremely cold field appeared above the midair of the cave.

Under the extremely cold domain, the sparks on the fireball gradually cooled down.

Moreover, the effects of all water attribute spells under this domain are doubled!
So the group used various water attribute shields one after another.

boom!Kankan blocked the fireball.

The sun rises in the east, and the sun is scorching like fire, which contrasts beautifully with the lava giant on Huoyun Island...?
Blossoming flames rose all over the island.

Even the water in the small lake to the north began to boil.


Mr. Qingzhu, who is thinking about life here, finds it very strange.

What happened outside?
What if the lake is burned dry?
Fortunately, this small lake is a certain distance from the main battlefield, and the lake should not dry up.

On the top of the cloud on Huoyun Island, a kind of immortal cultivator was amazed by the battle between the puppet and the lava giant.

Who would have imagined that such a high-quality battle could be seen watching the Mortal Kingdom Competition here?
This can already be regarded as the highest standard battle below the immortal level.

Minguo and others were silent.

Lan Jingjing pursed her lips.

She knew very well that Long Kai paid a high price for turning into a lava giant this time.

It can be said that Long Kai has done his best for the country's national fortune in the next 50 years.

She couldn't help but asked Emperor Wangyuan next to him: "Master, Brother Long... what will happen to him?"

Emperor Wangyuan said lightly: "You must not become a fairy within 500 years."

This is indeed a great price.

500 years, the lifespan of a spiritual sea realm is about 500 years.

Long Kai didn't know if he could live to that time.

Long Kai's attack was blocked by the puppet again.

It's just that the body of the puppet has faint signs of melting.

Even a puppet in the spirit-exploding state is actually no match for the lava giant.

Unexpectedly, Long Kai's last resort was so powerful.

Chen Changqing's body uses the Ten Thousand Miles Concentric Mantra.

"Ying'er, Ying'er! Please help me ask, if there is a cultivator of the beast sect who recovers a red dragon, and then uses the red dragon to absorb the spiritual power of the volcano's internal fire, turning himself into a lava giant, how can he defeat him? ?”

As everyone knows,

If you have a difficult question that you don't know how to answer, you can use the tip [Call and ask a friend].

In other words, the explanation is: sister save me!

Chen Ziying was taken aback for a moment: "Brother, what strange thing have you provoked?"

Chen Changqing: "No, it's messing with me. I can't beat it."

Chen Changqing focused on two things, controlling the puppet while chatting with Chen Ziying.

Chen Ziying responded: "I'll help you to ask the scholar master right now! Brother, you have to be careful, don't get hurt."

Chen Changqing: "Yes!"

Injuries shouldn't hurt.

In case the puppet can't stop the lava giant, it will either die or use the jade card to escape.

Injuries or something, nonexistent.

After a while, Chen Ziying added another sentence: "Don't die, too."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Thank you so much, sister, for your concern.

At this moment, the finger fire pillar of the lava giant seemed to have entered a certain cooling state.

One step at a time, it walked towards the cave.

Chen Changqing could only control the puppet to fly over, blocking the way with his body.

The two fire-avoiding spells on his body were activated at the same time, plus the fire-avoiding spell of a spell.

Under the blessing of the triple fire-avoiding spell, the puppet's entire body stood in front of the lava giant.

Even so, it was still difficult for the puppet to stop the lava giant.The lava giant raised his hand and slapped the puppet vigorously. The puppet dodged the attack, and then slammed into the lava giant forcefully. The lava giant was forced to take half a step back.

So back and forth, repeated many times, the lava giant is still slowly approaching the cave.

Chen Changqing and others are ready.

Once the lava giants are close to the cave, they use the teleportation array to leave.

Naturally, the back door for escape had been prepared long ago.

However, this lava giant's strength is amazing, and its size is huge. After leaving the cave, I don't know if they can escape completely.


at the same time,

Inside the Yumen sect.

The sky had just dawned, and Chen Ziying was already flying towards the study of the scholar master Tian Qiguang.

There is no class from Tian Qiguang today, but Chen Ziying knows that the master scholar will stay in the study hall to meditate when he has nothing to do on weekdays.

It was about Chen Changqing, and Chen Ziying couldn't take it lightly.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ziying met Song Yaoyao only halfway through the flight.

Song Yaoyao swayed her body, and directly came to Chen Ziying's side and held Chen Ziying's hand: "Ying'er, where are you going so early?"

Chen Ziying: "Ah, Master Yaoyao."

"Let you call me sister. Look, I'm not more numerous than you!" Song Yaoyao immediately corrected Chen Ziying's statement.

Chen Ziying: "..."

It is indeed not much older, at most it is only a few thousand years older.

"Sister Yaoyao."

Song Yaoyao said with a satisfied smile: "Good girl Yinger, where are you going?"

Chen Ziying said: "I have something to ask the scholar master."

"What's the matter? It's the same if you ask me if you don't understand." Song Yaoyao asked curiously.

Chen Ziying thought for a while and said: "Master Yaoyao, I'll tell you directly. My brother met an enemy outside, which should be related to the Divine Beast Sect. That person recovered a red dragon that lived under the volcano, and then Through the characteristics of this red dragon, it absorbed the most active fire spirit power in the volcano, and became a lava giant made of magma. How to defeat him?"

Song Yaoyao shrugged: "It's simple, just freeze him with an extremely cold ice blast."

Chen Ziying: "..."

"Sister Yaoyao, my brother is only in the Spirit Sea Realm, the Spirit Sea Realm!" Chen Ziying was also anxious.

Song Yaoyao: "Meet this thing in the Linghai Realm? You can't escape, right?"

Chen Ziying: "I'd better ask the scholar master. I'm afraid my brother will die."

Song Yaoyao nodded: "Okay, I'll take you there."

Speaking of Song Yaoyao's body emitting a burst of light, Chen Ziying came to the study dizzy for a while.

Tian Qiguang had closed his eyes and meditated on the pulpit of his study.

Song Yaoyao and Chen Ziying suddenly appeared, making him open his eyes slightly.

"Sister Yaoyao?"

A man in his early fifties called Song Yaoyao "Sister"...

Indeed, although Song Yaoyao looks only twelve or thirteen years old, she is actually ranked fourth in the Yumen Sect.

Chen Ziying immediately felt a sense of dislocation.

I didn't know what reaction to give for a while.

Song Yaoyao looked at Tian Qiguang and asked, "Xiao Guang, Ying'er has something to ask you."

Tian Qiguang looked at Chen Ziying and asked, "What's the matter?"

Chen Ziying hurriedly told the situation of the lava giant again.

Hearing this, Tian Qiguang frowned with doubts on his face: "How dare anyone else do this?"

"This method is actually to combine people with fire spirit power. Fire spirit power is violent, difficult to control, and powerful at the same time. Using this method, firstly, he needs to control the red dragon, and secondly, he also needs to control the fire spirit. This means that his mind must be on the verge of losing control."

Tian Qiguang suddenly asked: "I remember your elder brother, he should be in the Spirit Sea Realm?"

Chen Ziying nodded.

Tian Qiguang said: "If you can't escape and can only fight hard, then there is a way to try."

Chen Ziying's expression was serious: "Master Scholar, tell me."

"Use the fire escape technique to sneak into the lava giant's body and find the person at the core. Then use the spirit spell aimed at him, and it should be able to crack it." Tian Qiguang said.

Chen Ziying's face changed slightly: "Inside the lava, isn't it..."

Tian Qiguang nodded slightly: "For mortals, it is indeed extremely dangerous."

Chen Ziying thought about it and bowed to Tian Qiguang to express his gratitude: "Thank you, Master Scholar."

Tian Qiguang smiled slightly: "Ying'er is just polite, and I don't know who I learned from."

Song Yaoyao said calmly beside her: "She is my true disciple, of course she learned from me."

Tian Qiguang: "..."

Chen Ziying smiled awkwardly beside him.

Don't make a sound, don't make a sound...


Fire Cloud Island.

The puppet's explosive state is almost reaching its limit.

Its hard body also showed signs of softening in several places.

It was burnt and melted.

At this moment, Chen Changqing received a reminder from Chen Ziying.

"Brother, I asked the scholar master, and he said to do this..."

Chen Ziying quickly repeated the method Tian Qiguang said.

"Brother, this method is too dangerous. Or you should run away."

Chen Changqing smiled: "It's okay, I'll let the puppet go in."

Chen Ziying felt that Chen Changqing had a problem: "Those little golden men of yours? You have to melt if you don't get close?"

Chen Changqing: "No, no, no, it's not a newcomer, it's a newly made puppet. The hard one."

Chen Ziying: "Hey, brother, what are you talking about?"

The little girl has grown up and mastered a lot of strange knowledge.

Chen Changqing coughed dryly: "I said puppet!"

While speaking, Chen Changqing had already controlled the puppet to return to its normal state.

The explosive state can no longer be maintained.

Without the protection of the surrounding spiritual power, the puppet melted faster.

Chen Changqing said to the others: "Everyone, get ready, if the giants attack later, use the teleportation array to leave."

On the other side, he controlled the puppet and took out a piece of fire escape charm.As soon as he took out the talisman, the kit suddenly caught fire... But Chen Changqing himself couldn't care less.

Fire escape!
While using the fire escape technique, the fire-avoiding spell on the puppet also flickered at the same time.

In an instant, the puppet dived into the body of the lava giant.

The heat wave was rolling, and Chen Changqing saw a vast orange-red area around through the puppet.

He controlled the puppet to look around, and finally found Long Kai's trace above his head.

Long Kai controlled the actions of the lava giant in a state of depression.

Chen Changqing immediately controlled the puppet to rush forward.

The puppet came to Long Kai in an instant, and a red light flickered above his eyes.Soul Concentration Art!

 Tell me, am I fast and durable today! ?
(End of this chapter)

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