my sister is number one

Chapter 170 Long Kai, what a miserable man.

Chapter 170 Long Kai, what a miserable man.

what outsiders see,
It was the puppet that suddenly became smaller, and then used the fire escape technique to get into the body of the lava giant.

After a while, waves of explosions suddenly occurred on the lava giant, and not long after, a red dragon soared into the sky.It flew into the air and disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, lumps of magma flew out and fell to the ground, and the ground was instantly ignited.

Song Jingnian and others looked at Chen Changqing beside them, knowing that Chen Changqing should be in the most critical state, so they didn't bother him.

Such an explosion lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and the area where the lava giant was standing was burnt into a scorched black hole.

Suddenly a particularly large lump of magma was ejected and landed on the ground with a clatter.

Everyone took a closer look and found that it was a large lump of puppets that had been melted by more than half.

After the puppet was ejected, Chen Changqing spat out a mouthful of blood, then half-knelt on the ground.


"Brother Chen!"

Everyone was shocked, but they saw that the mouthful of blood that Chen Changqing spit out actually burned on the ground.

Song Jingnian was the first to help Chen Changqing, and wrote "ice" with one hand to freeze the burning blood.

Zhai Tianfeng passed by second, and a lavender spiritual light flashed and landed on Chen Changqing's body.

Chen Changqing's face became much ruddy.

"It's done." Chen Changqing took a breath, then gritted his teeth and said.

Just now after Chen Changqing used the soul fixation technique on Long Kai, Long Kai couldn't control the red dragon, the red dragon flew away, and the lava giant began to disintegrate.

And at this moment...

A clatter.

The mass of lava that formed the lava giant disintegrated, and a large mass of magma fell from the sky.

Flock in all directions.

The faces of everyone who felt this change changed at the same time.

The surging magma might cover most of Huoyun Island.

Song Jingnian soared into the sky: "Form an formation and block the magma!"

The other eight people flew out of the cave together when they heard the sound, Zhai Tianfeng helped Chen Changqing back quickly.

Song Jingnian yelled: "Zero-degree earth wall array."

The crowd formed a rhombus, and the land below the rhombus was raised like a wave, and a layer of hoarfrost covered the raised land.

The lava bypassed both sides of the land and flowed into the low-lying area, where it came into contact with the frost.

There was a sizzling sound, and the white mist kept rising.

Huo Yunqing and the others also flew out, and ten of them formed an formation in the sky at the same time.

Snow and frost fell from the sky.

At this time, Tianhuo Island did not take advantage of the danger, but worked together to prevent the magma from spreading.

Pieces of snowflakes fell, and the surface of the magma was instantly frozen.

However, it didn't take long for the frozen ice to melt away.

Chen Changqing reminded Song Jingnian through sound transmission: "Brother Song, dig a ditch to guide the magma into the sea!"

When Song Jingnian watched Chen Changqing fight just now, his chest also rose.

He flew into the air with his hands: "I'll come!"

He poured his spiritual energy into the magic pen in his hand, and then touched it a little on the ground. With a click, the ground cracked a huge hole, and then he drew the magic pen, and the pit was drawn into a tunnel.

Crack clap.

The tunnel became longer and longer, rowing along the seaside of Huoyun Island.

Seeing this, Huo Yunqing yelled after a little thought: "I'll help you!"

She took out the long spear in her hand, and pulled it in another direction to make a hole.

Inside the cave,

Zhai Tianfeng, who supported Chen Changqing, said, "Brother Changqing, I also want to help."

Chen Changqing said indifferently: "You'd better not go, it will be bad if you are accidentally attacked by someone."

"Who else?" Zhai Tianfeng asked with a question mark.

Chen Changqing shrugged and said: "Long Kai is not dead, and Mr. Qingzhu is not dead. It is not a bad thing to be more stable now."

Zhai Tianfeng nodded obediently: "Okay."

Following Huo Yunqing and Song Jingnian's attack, a cultivator from the Raksha Kingdom suddenly emerged from the soil.

"I'm coming too!"

Zhai Tianfeng found his companions outside through the induction circle, and he was also surprised: "Old Huang is all right?"

Unexpectedly, besides Zhai Tianfeng, there was one survivor in Raksha Kingdom.

The cultivator also began to dig a tunnel, and the magma slowly flowed to the sea from three directions.

Before I knew it, two hours had passed.

It can be said that the dust has settled since the end of the competition.

Chen Changqing asked Zhang Yueyue and others to set up a defensive circle before he asked Zhai Tianfeng to help him out.

At this time, Huo Yunqing and the others saw Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing?
Why is he still here?
Wasn't he eliminated by Long Kai on the first day?
Chen Changqing cupped his fists and apologized to Huo Yunqing: "Friend Daoist Yun, I have always been here. But we have already given three spiritual treasures to Zhai Tianfeng from Raksha Kingdom. Yang Jingguo has no intention of competing for the first place."

Before Huo Yunqing could ask Chen Changqing anything, Chen Changqing had already opened his mouth, which caused Huo Yunqing to not know what to say for a while.

At this moment, at the place where the lava giant fell and was covered by rock formations, someone actually stood up.

It was actually Long Kai.

He is not dead!

Long Kai was very embarrassed, all the clothes on his body were already shredded, and half of his pants were torn.Only the two spirit treasures used to calculate the points and the jade badge on his waist are still on him.

He flew into the air, teetering on the verge of falling, but his gaze was very firm.

When everyone saw him flying up suddenly, they all entered a state of alert.

I'm afraid he can come up with something else.

"Who controlled the puppet just now?" He glanced around, but his eyes fell on Chen Changqing, "Why are you still here?"

Yang Jingguo and others also looked at Chen Changqing at this time.

Long Kai frowned and asked, "You saved me?"

Chen Changqing didn't speak.

Originally, when the lava giant collapsed, Long Kai was likely to die.But Chen Changqing rushed to Long Kai's side with a puppet to protect his body.

Among the people in Minguo, anyone can die, except Long Kai.

Long Kai's status is very important in Ming country.

If Yang Jingguo's people really killed Long Kai, then the two countries would really become deadly enemies.

Long Kai was silent for a few seconds: "You might as well kill me."

Chen Changqing smiled: "Brother Long, don't do this. I dare not kill you."

At noon, the scorching sun was in the sky.

The Yumen Grand Competition is officially over.

The green bamboo boy also flew out of the lake.

Immortals from the five major forces appeared on Huoyun Island at the same time. Among them, the immortal from Tianhuo Island had an extra red dragon at his hand, which was obviously recovered just now.

Then came the old speeches.

Next, the fairy from Tianhuo Island announced the ranking of the contest.

No.1, Skyfire Island.

No.2, Yang Jingguo.

No. 3...

When the fairy said No.3, the green bamboo boy walked out with his chest out.

Mr. Qingzhu really has a plan in mind, this time it is their Lan Ruoguo who won the third place.

Everything is in his calculations.

However, as soon as he took half a step, he found several immortals looking at him with strange eyes at the same time.

The fairy from Tianhuo Island said, "No.3, Raksha Country."

Master Qingzhu was stunned: "How could it be?"

He calculated clearly, No. 2 must be Tianhuo Island and Yang Jingguo.

In addition, both the Raksha Country and the Min Country have fewer spirit treasures than their Lan Ruo Country.

How could it be Rakshasa?

Mr. Qingzhu wanted to say something, but the fairy from Lan Ruoguo gave him a glare.

Well, he dared not make a sound.

No matter how he thinks, it is impossible for him to think that Chen Changqing would actually take the initiative to control the score, allowing Rakshasa to come third.

No.4, Lan Ruoguo.

No.5, Minguo.

Originally, the call for Minguo to win the championship was the highest.

But under the calculations of Yang Jingguo and Chen Changqing, he was abruptly placed in the last place.

Long Kai,

What a miserable man.

Chen Changqing felt that he could form a CP with that Young Master Qingzhu...

Oh no.The Tianhe Divine Beast is staring at it.

The big competition is over, and all the contestants are arranged to rest and heal their injuries.

Chen Changqing received the highest standard of care from Yang Jingguo.

Senior White personally treated Chen Changqing.

Senior White understands life and is good at healing. Under his treatment, Chen Changqing quickly recovered.

Even the hidden wounds left by the previous and subsequent battles were all healed by Senior White.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past few days, Master Cai Yongguo has been discussing with other forces about the distribution of major resources in the Yumen Realm.

With Chen Changqing's foreshadowing before, Cai Guoshi's negotiation went very smoothly. In addition to getting the resources that should be ranked second, both Tianhuo Island and Luocha Kingdom have each given Yang Jingguo a lot of benefits.Even Minguo made up for Chen Changqing's mercy in rescuing Long Kai in the end.

This is the harvest outside the arena.

It is also an unexpected harvest that Cai Guoshi did not expect before.

Even if Cai Guoshi is already a celestial being, it is impossible to calculate that Chen Changqing will perform so well in the Grand Competition.

Three days later, Chen Changqing walked out of Senior White's room.

He bowed towards the room: "Boy, thank you senior for healing."

"Small matter, you have made great contributions to Yang Jingguo this time, go to Master Cai Yongguo, if he recovers from your injury, go to him." Senior Bai's voice came from the room.

Chen Changqing responded, thanked him again, then turned around and walked to Cai Guoshi's resting room.

When Chen Changqing arrived at the door, he happened to see Song Jingnian coming out of Master Cai Yongguo's room.

Chen Changqing cupped his fists and bowed to Song Jingnian.

Song Jingnian said, "Teacher has been waiting for you for a long time, let's go in."

Chen Changqing nodded, and then stepped forward to knock on the door: "Cai Guoshi, boy Chen Changqing, please see me."

Master Cai Yongguo chuckled: "Come in. Little friend Changqing, your etiquette is still so considerate."

Chen Changqing pushed the door open and entered the room, then turned around and closed the door.

"Sit down." Master Cai Yongguo pointed to the chairs in the room.

Chen Changqing nodded and sat down.

Cai Guoshi: "This time, Changqing, you have done a great job."

Chen Changqing hurriedly said: "Changqing dare not take credit for it, the victory this time is due to everyone's joint efforts."

"The matter of the Grand Competition can indeed be counted as everyone's credit. However, your method of allocating spirit treasures and adjusting the ranking during the Grand Competition is beyond what I expected. It has also gained a lot of extra resources for us, Yang Jingguo. That’s the real feat.”

Chen Changqing smiled slightly, although he knew he did a good job.

But you can't sell yourself, can you?

In fact, this is also Chen Changqing's consistent style of doing things.

In many cases, killing all sides and winning to the end is not a real victory.

Just like this time, Chen Changqing took a step back, but he could help Yang Jingguo get more.

This is the way of balance.

Cai Guoshi sighed lightly, and suddenly asked: "Changqing, let me ask you again. Have you ever thought about practicing with me?"

PS: It was revealed yesterday that there are still many pirated readers.I beg pirated readers to reward me with a subscription.I am fighting with my life.

(End of this chapter)

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