my sister is number one

Chapter 179 Don't even think about thinking about me!

Chapter 179 Don't even think about thinking about me!
Today's wind is very noisy.

Chen Changqing was a little depressed.

Some people are in a bad mood and will hide in the corner and draw circles.

Chen Changqing was in a bad mood, so he hid in the corner to draw a symbol.

Very good, and output.

Chen Changqing's face was slapped from the beating.

I just said that I don't have the ability to be the protagonist.

It's all right now, I was slapped in the face by my sister.

Originally, he thought that the roll of Taixu silk cloth could soothe his pain.

However, when he was really defeated by Chen Ziying,
Chen Changqing found out that he was wrong,

At least two volumes are required!
Hey, let out a long sigh, and continue to draw symbols.

Chen Ziying squatted beside him, comforting him constantly: "Brother, it's normal that you can't beat me. I have so many magic weapons."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Chen Changqing was even more sad.

Chen Ziying stretched out her finger and poked Chen Changqing's arm: "Brother, it's really not your problem. After all, my master is a golden fairy. You deserved the loss. I really can't blame you."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Ah, forgive me.

Chen Ziying: "Besides, I can protect you when I become stronger."

What Ying'er said unintentionally many years ago has come true at this very moment.

As Chen Ziying said, he stood up and patted Chen Changqing's shoulder and said, "Brother, don't be sad. I have a question to ask you."

Chen Changqing took a deep breath, finally there is still something that needs me.

Chen Changqing forced a smile and looked at Chen Ziying: "What's the problem? Ask."

Chen Ziying said suspiciously: "Why, I can't beat your puppet. But can I beat you? Is it because the puppet is stronger than you?"

Chen Changqing: "..."

He silently turned his face away, without saying a word, and continued to draw symbols.

If it weren't for you being my sister! ?See if I can beat...

Well, I can't beat you, and I can't do anything to you.


A few days later, the brother and sister came to Nanfeng Town.

Chen Changqing first sent a little golden man to go around and make sure there was no danger, then the brother and sister left the Eight-faced Exquisite Tower and walked to the town.

Chen Ziying took Chen Changqing's hand, and looked up at his brother from time to time.

Well, I don't seem to be unhappy anymore.

That's good, that's good.

"Brother, snacks, snacks!" Chen Ziying excitedly pointed to the candy store on the street.

Chen Changqing nodded: "Let's go!"

Chen Changqing took Chen Ziying into the candy store and began to frantically sweep the goods.

It took about half an hour for Chen Changqing to buy most of the candies in the candy store, um, leaving only a few that he thought were not tasty.

When it was time to check out, the owner of the candy store was dumbfounded.

A total of more than 900 Yumen Tongbao.

Chen Changqing thought arrogantly: Yumen Tongbao, which is only more than 900, what's so great about it?I have also drank more than 300 spirit stones.

"Brother, did you buy too much?" I couldn't help sticking out my tongue in surprise.

Chen Changqing said: "I don't think it's enough, half of it is for Sister Yaoyao."

Chen Ziying: "..."

Chen Changqing continued: "That's all, let's buy more in the next town."

Chen Ziying: "..."

Chen Changqing put away the snacks, and sighed in his heart: Fortunately, this cultivator has no tooth decay.Also won't gain weight.Shouldn't have diabetes?
"Brother, are we going to Nanfeng Pagoda next?" Chen Ziying asked.

Chen Changqing nodded: "Yes, maybe I met Senior Zhuge, and he gave us a gift again?"

Chen Ziying nodded: "Okay!"

The two walked towards the South Peak Pagoda. Five years later, there were still people coming and going under the South Peak Pagoda.

Since the crack in the fairy world appeared on the Nanfeng Pagoda last time, more and more people came and went, including many practitioners.

This time, Chen Changqing took Chen Ziying with him, and went directly to the South Peak Pagoda without putting on too much disguise.

At the entrance of the last floor of the South Peak Pagoda, there are two guards guarding them to stop those who want to climb up.

Chen Changqing frowned suspiciously.He could see that those two guards were at the level of Linghu, and they were pretty good experts in Nanfeng Town.

But, why are they blocking here to prevent people from climbing the tower?
"What's the matter with you? This Nanfeng Pagoda is a scenic spot in Nanfeng Town, and you have no right to stop it here." A young cultivator said.Want to break through.

One of the guards straightened up and stood in front of the cultivator.

As soon as the cultivator bumped into it, he was bounced away, and several companions behind him supported him.

"My young master comprehends the stele on it, and no one is allowed to enter."

When Chen Changqing heard this, he was also taken aback.

This is the first time he has encountered this kind of playboy since traveling for so long.

So there really is such a person in the novel?

Chen Ziying glanced at Chen Changqing, and asked with the Ten Thousand Miles Concentric Curse: "Brother, what should we do now?"

Chen Changqing: "Sister, go!"

Chen Ziying: "How?"

Chen Changqing: "Go up and cry!"

Chen Ziying: "Do I still have to do such a thing that loses points?"

Chen Changqing: "You can fight if you really want to."

Chen Ziying thought for a while: "It seems more interesting to go up and cry."

Listen to this is human words?
Tangtang, a master of the spiritual sea realm, would rather go up and cry than make a move.

Chen Zi stepped forward and burst into tears.

"I want to go up, I want to go up to see the scenery!"

Chen Changqing really didn't see it.

This acting is really exaggerated!

Fortunately, Chen Ziying didn't arouse suspicion at all because of his young appearance.

Chen Changqing followed behind and shouted: "Brothers, my sister is born with supernatural powers, I can't hold her back!"

Chen Ziying was taken aback, why did you suddenly add settings to me?

The two guards blocked the stairs at the same time.

Just a little girl, can't they stop her?
Chen Ziying ran straight over and knocked the two guards into the air.

Those cultivators behind took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward.

Before the two guards figured out what was going on, they realized that the people they stopped just now rushed up.

Chen Changqing and Chen Ziying naturally followed.

After they climbed the pagoda, they saw a young man in brocade clothes who looked about 11 years old standing in front of the South Peak Monument, meditating, and standing beside him was a cultivator in green clothes, about 40 years old, should be Linghai. .

"Who told you to come up?"

As soon as the cultivator in green raised his hand, a green barrier appeared in front of the group of people who rushed up.

At the same time, the two guards also caught up: "Go down!"

Seeing the green-clothed cultivator make a move, those cultivators who rushed forward were all taken aback.

Such strength?

Could it be a cultivator in the spiritual sea realm?
Driven by the guards, they could only retreat silently.

Chen Ziying came out again at this time, with tears in her eyes, she hugged Chen Changqing's thigh: "No, I won't go down!"

Facing such a cute little girl, the two guards didn't know what to do.

The young man in brocade clothes saw Chen Ziying, his eyes lit up.

It's too cute, right?

He said, "Let this little girl stay."

Chen Ziying waved his little hands and shouted: "My brother will stay too."

"Ninth Young Master, I'm afraid this is inappropriate?" the green-clothed cultivator frowned and said.

Ninth Young Master glanced at the Tsing Yi cultivator and said, "Will I be in any danger with you here?"

The green-clothed cultivator looked slightly displeased, but he didn't say anything.

For some reason, he felt that the pair of brothers and sisters over there didn't look simple, but after careful inspection, they couldn't see that they had any cultivation.

Of course, the Chen Changqing brothers and sisters were all instructed by Song Yaoyao, let alone a cultivator in the spiritual sea realm.Even if the angels come over, they may not be able to find out their strength.

When the Tsing Yi cultivator was looking at Chen Changqing and the others, Chen Changqing was also looking at him.

For this person, Chen Changqing seems to have a little impression.

This person's way of speaking, clothing and strength are all similar to a master of the spiritual sea in his memory.

After all, there are only so many experts in the spiritual sea realm in Yang Jingguo.

Therefore, Chen Changqing guessed that this person might be a master from the imperial palace, Master Qingsong.

If this is Venerable Qingsong, then isn't the one behind him... a member of the royal family?
Master Qingsong called him the Ninth Prince just now, could it be that he is the Ninth Prince of Yang Jingguo?That Yang Yaotian who is most loved by the emperor?
Very likely.

However, that kid is very problematic!
From just now, he has been staring at Ying'er.

Take a look, what are you looking at?

You are losing money!
Chen Ziying also noticed the boy's gaze, shrank and hid behind Chen Changqing.

She said to Chen Changqing through voice transmission: "That person keeps looking at me, it's so annoying."

Chen Changqing had no choice but to smile bitterly. In fact, that young boy is not bad looking, but Chen Ziying doesn't like it, so there's nothing he can do about it, isn't it?
The young boy looked at the stele for a while, and then said to the Tsing Yi cultivator: "I have been looking at it for a long time, and there is no crack in the fairy world. I am afraid that it was just a legend back then."

The cultivator in Tsing Yi pursed his lips and did not speak.

The young boy pretended to look at the stele for a while, then suddenly walked towards Chen Changqing and the others.

The green-clothed cultivator hurriedly shouted: "Ninth Young Master, what do you want to do?"

"I think I have fate with this girl, just to make friends." The young boy walked up to Chen Changqing and the others, then clasped his fists and said, "Your humble Yang Yao, I have met you two. I don't know if the two of you are here because of the crack in the fairy world." Come?"

Chen Changqing nodded: "Indeed."

At this time, Chen Changqing was [-]% sure that the person in front of him was the Ninth Prince.

"I've been observing here for a long time, but I didn't find anything. Since there's nothing wrong, why don't we go to the restaurant in Nanfeng Town to have dinner together..."

Chen Changqing quickly interrupted the Ninth Prince's words: "You don't have to be polite, little friend. We still have important things to do, and we will leave Nanfeng Town after viewing the scenery here."

"I don't know where you two are going, how about we go on the road together?"

Chen Changqing: "..."

Is this over yet?
You kid, don't come up to strike up a conversation just because my sister is so cute, even if you are the Ninth Prince, don't even try to be petty about me!
 I couldn't hold on yesterday, and had a little collapse.Fight again today!
(End of this chapter)

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