my sister is number one

Chapter 180 Throw it out, this kid will definitely throw it out!

Chapter 180 Throw it out, this kid will definitely throw it out!
Chen Changqing received higher education.

Generally speaking, he is a very fair person.

If Ying'er likes it, then of course he will naturally start a series of assessments and evaluations on the other party.

Only those who have reached the level of excellence are eligible... to enter the next stage of evaluation.There are only more than 900 stages in total, which is not difficult.

And now the most important thing,

Chen Ziying had no feelings for the Ninth Prince.

Do you know who you're talking to, boy?
The little girl in front of you is a fairy from the Yumen sect, the largest immortal in the Yumen world!
All her masters are golden immortals!

Her magic weapon may be more than the magic weapon in your palace!

And the most important point is that she is my sister!
Chen Changqing considered his words for a while and said, "You really don't have to be polite. We, brother and sister, want to quietly... have a look at the scenery of Nanfeng Pagoda."

"I'm also very familiar with the historical allusions here, or I'll introduce and comment to the two of you." Yang Yaotian continued to persevere.

Chen Changqing: "..."

Boy, do you not understand human language?

I tell you to go!
Chen Changqing: "Since that's the case, we won't watch this scene anymore."

Chen Changqing took Chen Ziying's hand, turned around and left.

You don't want to leave, do you?
I go!

Yang Yaotian: "..."

His eyes fell on Chen Ziying.

There was a blur in his eyes.

Girl, you have managed to get my attention.

Yang Yaotian glanced at Master Qingsong beside him as if asking for help.

Master Qingsong shook his head slightly, and then said to the Chen Changqing brothers and sisters: "You two, please stay. Our young master is warm and hospitable by nature. If there is any offense, please forgive me. We will leave now."

Only then did Chen Changqing stop in his tracks.

It's still Master Qingsong who listens to others.

Yang Yaotian cast a reproachful glance at Master Qingsong, but Master Qingsong said indifferently as if he hadn't seen him, "Master Ninth, it's time for us to leave too."

Yang Yaotian wanted to say something, but he still didn't say it.

He and Master Qingsong walked towards the direction of going down the pagoda. When they came to Chen Ziying's side, he slightly clasped his fists in greeting. Seeing that Chen Ziying ignored him, he turned and left.

After they left, Chen Ziying and Chen Changqing looked at each other, and the two brothers and sisters saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

To be honest, although the Ninth Prince is also a typical dude.But he treated the Chen Changqing brothers and sisters very politely and politely.

You can't just shoot and throw people down, can you?
At this moment, Chen Changqing faintly heard Master Qingsong talking to the Ninth Prince from the other side of the stairs.

Yang Yaotian: "My lord, I want that girl to be my concubine. Later, you will order someone to investigate the identities of the two. Afterwards, I will come to the door to propose a marriage, and we will make an appointment first."

Venerable Qingsong: "Ninth Young Master, please be careful with your words!"

Yang Yaotian: "What are you afraid of? You have traveled so far, no one can hear you."

Chen Changqing: "..."

He regretted it in an instant,

Why didn't you throw that kid away just now!
Don't say that throwing away Nanfeng Pagoda is even throwing out of Yumen Realm is not an exaggeration!
Think of you beautifully!

"Brother! That person is so annoying." Ying'er's voice came, no need to describe it, it's disgusting anyway.

Chen Changqing sighed: "We don't care about the idiots."

Chen Ziying: "What is brain damage?"

Chen Changqing pointed to his head: "It's the brain disability."

Chen Ziying: "..."

Chen Changqing took Chen Ziying's hand: "Let's go, let's take a look at the stele."


About the same time,

Yang Yaotian and Venerable Qingsong have returned to the pagoda together.

A well-mannered male cultivator with an extraordinary temperament walked over quickly.

Master Qingsong recognized the male cultivator at a glance.

That person is Cai Yongda's famous disciple, the master of Yang Jingguo's younger generation - Song Jingnian.

Venerable Qingsong stepped forward to say hello: "Friend Song Daoist."

Song Jingnian saw Master Qingsong and at the same time Yang Yaotian who was standing beside Master Qingsong, he was also taken aback.

"Song Jingnian met Senior Qingsong, met..."


Master Qingsong added a sentence next to him: "My lord."

Song Jingnian thought: "Ninth Young Master."

"I heard that Fellow Daoist Song comes here every year?"

Song Jingnian nodded and said, "Yes, I dare not forget the great kindness that Senior Zhuge preached in the past."

"Senior Song, I heard that you have made great achievements in the Yumen Grand Competition this time, can you tell me about the Grand Competition?" Yang Yaotian asked suddenly, his words were full of anticipation.

Song Jingnian himself was born in Yang Jingguo's official family, and he also knew the identity of Yang Yaotian. Hearing what Yang Yaotian said, he didn't know how to refuse for a while.

Master Qingsong next to him also added: "I heard that the Yumen Grand Competition this time is very interesting, and I also want to have a chat with you, Song Daoyou."

"'s okay. Please wait here for a while, both of you." Song Jingnian nodded in response.

But he sighed inwardly.

This time in the Yumen Grand Competition, the only one who shines is Chen Changqing!

If it weren't for Chen Changqing's low-key behavior and not going back to Yangcheng to participate in the emperor's award dinner, the limelight might not have fallen on him this time.

But for Chen Changqing, Song Jingnian was still in admiration.

He is a wonderful man,
Still a powerful guy.

Song Jingnian climbed up to the South Peak Pagoda while thinking about it.

As soon as he came to the top floor, Song Jingnian saw the two brothers and sisters.

"Brother Chen?"

Chen Changqing looked back when he heard this voice: "Brother Song."

Song Jingnian stepped forward to pay tribute: "I didn't expect to see you, Brother Chen, on this Nanfeng Pagoda."

Chen Changqing smiled: "It just so happens that I have nothing to do, so I brought my sister to see the scenery and see the beautiful scenery of Nanfeng Town."

After speaking, Chen Changqing introduced to Chen Ziying: "Ying'er, this is Song Jingnian, Brother Song."

Chen Ziying nodded: "I recognize him, I almost wounded him." Not to mention killing him is already a way of saving face.

Song Jingnian: "..."

"Ying'er, what happened last time was just a misunderstanding." Chen Changqing saw that Song Jingnian's expression was a little bit wrong, so he quickly opened his mouth to make a relief.

Then he looked at Song Jingnian again: "Brother Song, Tongyan Wuji, Tongyan Wuji."

Song Jingnian laughed, waved his hands and said, "It's not in the way. But I'm afraid sister She is not a child, is she? It must be that she has practiced some special kung fu of the Yumen sect?"

As he spoke, he bowed slightly to Chen Ziying: "Song Jingnian has seen Fairy Yumen."

When he spoke like this, Chen Ziying felt a little embarrassed, nodded slightly, and didn't know how to respond.

This Song Jingnian was also well-informed, and he could see the problem of Chen Ziying at a glance.

Indeed, Song Jingnian also heard about Chen Changqing guarding the fairy gate for his sister five years ago.

At that time Chen Ziying was already eleven or twelve years old.

Five years had passed, and of course she could not still be a child.

Chen Changqing also took the opportunity to praise Song Jingnian: "Brother Song is indeed well-informed and knowledgeable."

Song Jingnian nodded slightly: "Brother Chen, I want to thank Senior Zhuge in front of the stele, is it convenient?"

Chen Changqing pulled Chen Ziying aside, and said, "Of course it's convenient, of course it's convenient. Please go first."

Chen Ziying said to Chen Changqing through voice transmission: "Although this elder brother is a little weaker, he is much more polite than that ninth son just now."

Chen Changqing smiled: "Actually, apart from the last time you hurt him, you have seen him before. Have you forgotten?"

Chen Ziying frowned and thought about it for a while: "Oh, by the way, he was also sucked into the crack of the fairy world back then."

Chen Changqing: "Exactly!"

Song Jingnian bowed three times in front of the Nanfeng Monument.

After a while, the stele did not change.

It seemed that even Song Jingnian couldn't trigger the rift in the fairy world this time.

After Song Jingnian finished worshiping, Chen Changqing asked, "I heard that brother Song opened the crack in the fairy world of Nanfeng Pagoda?"

Song Jingnian nodded and explained: "Yes, thanks to Senior Zhuge's preaching, I will never forget my kindness, and I will come to thank you every year."

Chen Changqing asked again: "The crack hasn't been opened since then?"

Song Jingnian shook his head: "It should be gone. Maybe the two fellow daoists who completed the test back then will know the reason. I remember that when I was eliminated, there was still a father and daughter who were still passing the test."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Chen Ziying: "..."

Well, they don't know anything.

Seeing that even Song Jingnian couldn't reactivate this crack in the fairy world, Chen Changqing and the others had no choice but to give up.

"We brothers and sisters still have something to do, so don't hinder Brother Song. Let's just say goodbye and see you at the end of the world." Chen Changqing said to Song Jingnian, cupping his fists.

Chen Ziying followed suit and said, "Brother Song, goodbye."

Song Jingnian thought for a while and said, "I have nothing important to do, so I will go down the tower with you."

Chen Changqing nodded slightly and did not refuse.

The three of them went down the tower while chatting.

When he came to the exit on the first floor, Song Jingnian suddenly thought of something: "Brother Chen, just now I met a senior and a noble person under the pagoda. They wanted to know about the Yumen Grand Competition, and it happened that you were here. This time Chen Brother has performed very well in the Grand Competition, why bother to go with me and have a chat?"

Chen Changqing was taken aback, senior?Your Excellency?

Walking out of the South Peak Pagoda, Chen Changqing saw Yang Yaotian and Venerable Qingsong standing at the entrance of the pagoda.

Master Qingsong and Yang Yaotian watched Song Jingnian and Chen Changqing come down together, they were also stunned for a moment.

And talking and laughing, do you know each other?

Then Yang Yaotian's expression was even more exciting, his eyes fell on Chen Ziying's body, his eyes sparkled...

Don't you have another chance?Have you met this little girl?

Before Chen Changqing had time to answer Song Jingnian's words, Song Jingnian had already stepped forward and said to Master Qingsong and Yang Yaotian, "Both of you, this is my captain Chen Changqing in the Yumen Grand Competition, Young Master Changqing. This time, In the Yumen Grand Competition, the one who shines should be him, not me."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Master Qingsong was taken aback, the captain of Yang Jingguo's team?

Isn't that the spiritual sea realm?Why didn't I see it?

Yang Yaotian's face was ecstatic, and he said hastily: "Then you must ask this Mr. Changqing to tell me about the Dabi."

When he was talking, he was still staring at Chen Ziying.

Throw it out, definitely throw it out!

Song Jingnian paused, and continued to introduce: "This little girl is Young Master Changqing's younger sister. She was the winner of the Yumen Immortal Road five years ago, and a disciple of the top ten golden immortals of the Yumen Sect——Chen Ziying."

Master Qingsong: "..."

Yang Yaotian: "..."

PS: In the last chapter, the names of Nanfeng Town and Nanfeng Pagoda were wrongly written.All have been corrected.

(End of this chapter)

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