Chapter 191

The three children were dumbfounded.


Do you look younger than us?

At this time, Chen Ziying looked only in his early 1.3 meters, wearing the new skirt given by Chen Changqing, with a little baby fat on his face, looking smart and cute.

However, no matter how you look at it, Chen Ziying is only six or seven years old.

How can you say that little aunt?
Seeing that the three children were in a state of bewilderment, Chen Ziying suddenly aroused his spiritual power, and his body kept growing taller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The three children were dumbfounded.

Not long after, a fairy in a long skirt, with a frosty face, bright eyes, and full of aura stood in front of their eyes.

Chen Changqing urged: "Aren't you called Auntie? She won't be able to dance soon."

Hearing Chen Changqing's voice, the three children shouted in unison: "Welcome Auntie."

Hearing this sound——Auntie, Chen Ziying was satisfied.In an instant, she returned to the state of a little lolita.

"Let's go, let's go back to the house. Today I will cook for everyone." Chen Changqing picked up Chen Zi and kissed him, then walked towards the wooden house.

The three little ones could only follow quickly behind.

Why is the treatment so different?

On this day, Chen Changqing cooked a lot of food by himself.

The three children have been here for a year, and this is the first time they have experienced Chen Changqing's cooking skills.

During the meal, Chen Ziying asked Chen Changqing: "Brother, we are going out to remove demons, do you want to take them with you?"

Chen Changqing glanced at the three children.

All of them were in the early stage of Spirit Well Realm.

The three children were full of anticipation.

Seeing this, Chen Changqing shook his head again and again: "No, no, no."

"Then what should they do? Can't they all be left here?" Chen Ziying asked.

Chen Changqing smiled and said, "How about asking Master Sea God to help?"

As soon as Chen Changqing finished speaking, Lord Sea God's voice came from next to his ear: "Delusion...thinking..."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Chen Ziying: "What did Lord Seagod say?"

Chen Changqing shook his head: "She rejected me."

Chen Ziying nodded: "It's expected."

Chen Changqing: "..."

What's the meaning?You make it clear what you mean! ?

"Then what should we do now? We can't let them stay here, right?" Chen Ziying asked.

Chen Changqing thought for a while and said, "You can take them back to Beihai Town first, and then we can go out."

Chen Ziying nodded: "It's also a method."

The children were also very happy to hear that they could go back to Beihai Town.

It is equivalent to the children who have been in boarding school for a year and always want to go home.

Finally no more classes!
Chen Zi greeted the sound transmission of the Wanli Unifying Mantra and asked, "Then how do we go back to Beihai Town? Wouldn't it be possible to flee through the void with them?"

Chen Changqing replied: "Learn about the sleeping spell. Wait until they sleep until the sky is dark and the sky is dark."

The three children were arranged clearly by Chen Changqing.

finished eating,

Taking advantage of the children's inattention, Chen Changqing directly used the Sleeping Charm.

Then take them on the road.

Having lived here in Yulong Mountain for several years, Chen Changqing felt that the outside world had become completely different.

After more than half a month, Chen Changqing and the others returned to Beihai Town.

During this period of time, Chen Changqing has been using the elixir to maintain the state of the three children.This sleep mode is similar to practicing meditation.

The brother and sister put down their three children, simply met with the elders of the family, and then set off to slay the demon.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they left Beihai Town, Lord Sea God said to Chen Changqing: "I... want... to go..."

Lord Seagod is leaving?

The best tool around Chen Changqing is leaving?

"Master Sea God? Would you like to stay a little longer?" Chen Changqing couldn't help but persuade him to stay.

Do you just have the heart to leave your descendants alone?
"I...will...promote...promote...true...immortal..." Lord Sea God replied again.

Dare to feel that she is not only healed from her injury, but also ready to be promoted.

It's good to be promoted to a true immortal...

Chen Changqing couldn't help but said: "Congratulations, then remember to come to me when you are promoted, Lord Sea God."

Immortal-level tool man coming online soon?
"I... want to... close... close... for five... hundred... years..."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Can this talk go on?
"There is... fate... see you again..."

Chen Changqing sighed helplessly: "Master Sea God, take care of yourself, remember to drink plenty of water, eat well... Yaodan..."

Lord Seagod: "Hmm..."

After she responded, she flew out of Chen Changqing's sea of ​​consciousness.

It flew out of the Eight-sided Exquisite Tower directly.

Chen Ziying was taken aback for a moment: "How did Lord Sea God leave?"

"Master Sea God, you will be promoted to a true immortal soon." Chen Changqing said lightly.

I'm envious, I haven't seen Lord Sea God do anything these years, just eat and sleep every day...

That's how you get promoted.

It is worthy of being a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, the blood of Xuanwu.

Speaking of which, Yinger and I are also of Xuanwu blood!

Is it okay to sleep too?

After Lord Seagod left,

Chen Changqing's sense of security suddenly dropped.

It's really uneasy not to have an earth fairy by my side.

But now there is no other way.

Afterwards, Chen Ziying asked Chen Changqing: "Brother, where are we going to fight the demons now?"

Chen Changqing shrugged: "Did sister Yaoyao give you instructions?"

Chen Ziying shook her head: "She said that she only needs to get a hundred spirit pills from spirit sea demons."

"Did you say if I could help?" Chen Changqing asked.

Chen Ziying said: "No, it should be possible."

Chen Changqing also felt that it should be possible, after all, this experience should be to temper the two of them, so as to avoid any accidents when they traveled above the galaxy in the ten thousand realms in the future.

Chen Changqing thought for a while: "Since this is the case, let's find a place to kill all the way... Let the puppet."

Chen Ziying: "..."

After wearing the new clothes, the Tenjin became much more powerful.

Although the material of his new clothes is not as good as that of the Chen Changqing brothers and sisters, it is still a rare material.

Chen Changqing controls the Eight-faced Linglong Tower, looking everywhere for the lairs of demons and the cracks in the demon world. Once found, he will let the Tianshen go there and kill all directions.

And Chen Changqing and Chen Ziying were hiding far away in the distance, and practiced a little lead by the way.

The strength of the Tianshen is comparable to that of the Earth Immortal, and ordinary demons and monsters are no match for it.

Chen Changqing has been practicing the skill of distraction and multitasking for the past few years, and now he has perfected it.

Even if he was manipulating the Tianshen to fight, and at the same time practiced a one-liner with Chen Ziying, there would be no problem at all.

In this way, it took less than a month for Chen Changqing to help Chen Ziying collect a hundred demon pills of the Spirit Sea Realm.

After collecting the demon pills, the brother and sister traveled around again.

Maybe it's because they don't have the physique of the protagonist, the two of them have been wandering around the Yumen Realm for so long, but they haven't encountered any large cracks in the Demon Realm, Fairy Realm or the like.

Paddle the whole way, it's boring.

After more than a month, the two returned to Beihai Town. After putting the three children to sleep as before, they started their journey back to Yulong Mountain.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Chen Zi welcomed back to the sect.

Not long after Chen Ziying returned to the Yumen Sect, she told Chen Changqing that the Spirit Sea Realm Demon Pills they brought back this time were prepared for her ascension to the Earth Immortal.Her masters have already made accurate calculations, and when Chen Ziying wakes up from the next retreat, it will be the day when she ascends to cross the catastrophe.

Wouldn't it take a long time to retreat this time?


Four years in a hurry, fleeting.

On this day, there are three little...

In fact, it is not small.

After five years of training, the three children have all been promoted to the late stage of the Spirit Well Realm.

Zhou Tian still showed faint signs of a breakthrough, and could be promoted to the Lingquan Realm at any time.

On this day, Chen Changqing personally cooked a table of dishes for the three children, accompanied them to finish the meal, and chatted casually.

Tomorrow is the time when they finish their studies and go down the mountain. These three children have followed Chen Changqing for five years. Compared with other Chen family children, they may not have surpassed much in terms of cultivation.But in terms of character and experience, he left the other Chen family members far away.

And even more cowardly...

cough cough.

Having been with these children for five years, Chen Changqing still felt a little bit reluctant in the bottom of his heart.

In the evening, Chen Changqing gave the three of them five kits, which contained sufficient materials, panacea, and clothes.

Enough for them to use later.

"Uncle Changqing, can we not leave?" Chen Siquan and Chen Changqing had the best relationship and were the least willing.

Before going to sleep, she pulled Chen Changqing's sleeve and asked.

Chen Changqing sighed slightly: "I have more important things to do, and you will have to go your own way in the future." After speaking, he snapped his fingers, and Chen Siquan fell into a deep sleep.

silent all night,
At noon the next day, Chen Weisong arrived.

He repeatedly expressed his gratitude to Chen Changqing.

In the afternoon, he left with his three children.

Chen Songwei also knew that after this farewell, he and Chen Changqing did not know when they would see each other again.

And when we met again, Chen Changqing was no longer the current Chen Changqing.

After watching Chen Weisong leave with the children, a stone monument was erected at the door of Chen Changqing's hut.

He engraved a few words on the stone tablet, "Retreat for ten years, don't disturb anything."

Afterwards, he flashed back to the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda.

After ten years of retreat, he ascended to Earth Immortal!
I don't know the years of retreat. During these ten years, the spiritual sea in Chen Changqing's sea of ​​consciousness was churning, and the spiritual liquid became thicker and thicker, until one day he suddenly realized something, the pores of his body dilated, and his eyes suddenly opened.


He realizes his chance has come,
The catastrophe is about to come.

Chen Changqing thought,
Leaving the Eight-faced Linglong Pagoda, he flew to the top of the Yulong Mountain.

To Chen Changqing's surprise,
He sensed that it was above the top of the cloud, hundreds of miles away...

Yinger is right there!

The two of them, brother and sister, unexpectedly ascended to cross the catastrophe on the same day!
The appearance of Chen Changqing surprised all the ten immortals of the Yumen School.

Song Yaoyao couldn't help laughing and said: "Brothers and sisters are brothers and sisters. It took a year longer than we expected for Chen Ziying's ascension. I thought it was impossible for Chen Changqing to keep up. Unexpectedly, it was as if they had made an appointment. "

"I see the blue clouds on Chen Changqing's head, I'm afraid the thunder calamity will not be easy." Tie Abacus next to him frowned and said.

"Back then, Chen Ziying relied on him to get started. It's not surprising that his talent is higher than Chen Ziying's." The black-faced man said.


Qingyun flew to, and thunder roared!
The catastrophe is here!

(End of this chapter)

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