my sister is number one

Chapter 192 People's hearts are hard to calculate, heart demons are hard to overcome

Chapter 192 People's hearts are hard to calculate, heart demons are hard to overcome

Chen Changqing had already made preparations for this lightning calamity.

Wearing clothes made of lightning-resistant materials, even if Chen Changqing were to be pierced by a lightning strike, nothing would happen to the clothes.

All kinds of pills for crossing the catastrophe have already been prepared, and various magic weapons for coping with the catastrophe are also waiting at any time.

Everything is waiting for the thunder to come down that day!

Blue clouds billowed above Chen Changqing's head, and thunder streaks loomed above the clouds.

The first thunder came with the sound.

It was a blue sky thunder.The thunder light fell on Chen Changqing's body, and Chen Changqing felt as if he was struck by lightning... bullshit, he was struck by lightning.

The thunder seemed to be washing his whole body, penetrating his clothes, acting directly on his body, and then immediately penetrated into his body from the skin, and finally invaded his sea of ​​consciousness.

Lei Ming actually directly acts on the spiritual sea!

The thunderbolt hit the spiritual sea, and the spiritual sea churned, but the thick spiritual sea seemed to be vaporized and turned into aura.

Could it be that this thunder calamity is going to vaporize the entire Linghai?

No way……

Chen Changqing recalled that someone told him that the thicker the ectoplasmic liquid was, the more difficult it would be to ascend. This is probably the reason!
This is... embarrassing.

Because he has been using the boiling spirit method to practice the sharp gold and fierce sun art, Chen Changqing's spiritual sea is much thicker than other people's.

How powerful a lightning strike is needed to vaporize the Linghai?
Feeling the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness, Chen Changqing even wanted to yell at the sky: "Come and chop me!"

The first thunder fell,
Chen Changqing hasn't changed much.
That is to say, some gray and black appeared on the clothes on his body, and his hair was a mess from being struck by lightning. As for the others...not to mention the pain, he didn't even feel it!

That's it?

Come on more violently, okay?

This thunder lasted for about a moment, but Chen Changqing's spirit sea vaporization couldn't even reach one percent.

This is very embarrassing.

Chen Changqing even had time to take advantage of this gap to look at Chen Ziying from a distance with his piercing eyes.

Chen Ziying's Tianlei was even slightly weaker than Chen Changqing's, and Ying'er's body protection with various spiritual treasures was even better than hers.

But the little girl didn't seem to know that her brother was looking at her.

With a serious face, he is preparing for the second round of catastrophe.

Chen Changqing also calmed down, because he felt the change in the blue cloud above his head.

A little drizzle fell on the blue clouds, and the rain was mixed with snow. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and suddenly thunder roared. The rain and snow were swept together by the whirlwind, and the thunder got into the storm.The storm rolled straight in.

Chen Changqing was immediately involved in the thunder storm.

A burst of stinging pain followed.

This time the thunder was not violent, but its penetrating power was much stronger than the previous one, and bursts of stinging pain struck, making the whole person in a trance state.

His body was completely wet by rain and snow, he gritted his teeth, and stabilized his body in the storm.

The water mines kept invading his sea of ​​consciousness, and a storm was also rolled up in his sea of ​​consciousness, and the spiritual liquid in the spiritual sea was also rolled up, involved in the storm, in the spiritual sea The storm became stronger and stronger, and Chen Changqing became dizzy for a while.

He could hardly control his body, his whole body was rolled up, and the wind and snow turned into sharp blades, directly cutting his clothes.

Lightning is useless!

There were bloodstains on Chen Changqing's body and face.

Chen Changqing barely catalyzed the spiritual power in his body, protecting his body with spiritual power!

At the same time, he discovered that mobilizing spiritual power in the sky thunder helps to vaporize the spiritual liquid!

That's it!

After confirming this point, Chen Changqing activated the spiritual power to protect the body, and the spiritual fluid in the body accelerated to vaporize.

The wounds on his body were also slowly healed by spiritual power.

The storm gradually dissipated, and Chen Changqing felt that his whole body lost strength, and his whole body was floating in the air, his ears buzzing.

He forced himself to come back to his senses, opened his eyes, and then couldn't control himself and vomited out.

This is the second round...

Sure enough, one should not underestimate Heavenly Tribulation.

The round of catastrophe just now probably vaporized about one-thirtieth of Chen Changqing's spiritual sea.

He could already faintly feel the aura filling his sea of ​​consciousness.

He only had time to take a glance at Yinger, and found that Yinger's progress was much faster than his own.

She floated cross-legged in the air. Although her clothes were messy, they were not damaged, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth.No thunder falls?Heart Demon Tribulation?

Just when Chen Changqing was thinking this way, there was another roar in the sky.

The sound of metal collision can be faintly heard in the blue clouds,
He looked up, and under the thunder pattern in the sky, phantoms of magical weapons appeared.


There was a roar,

The golden thunder light fell along with the phantoms of countless magical weapons.

How is this different from the previous situation of the white predecessors crossing the catastrophe?

Chen Changqing raised his hand, and the aegis of gold appeared on his arm. A layer of spiritual liquid covered the aegis of gold, and a rune of the golden armor curse of the gods was engraved on the liquid.

Countless phantoms of artifacts landed on the pure gold aegis, making the sound of metal clashing non-stop.

Waves of pressure hit from the arms,

Chen Changqing couldn't control his floating body,

His body kept falling,

The spirit liquid covering the pure gold shield shattered, and the phantom of the artifact fell directly on the pure gold shield. Chen Changqing kept urging spiritual power to maintain the existence of the pure gold shield.

The spiritual power was continuously consumed, and as a result, the spiritual liquid in Chen Changqing's sea of ​​consciousness was also continuously vaporized.

Chen Changqing's spiritual power was hard to maintain for a while,

The adamantine shield retracted to the arm and turned into a bracelet shape.

The phantom of a spear penetrated Chen Changqing's body by itself.

A bloody hole was pierced through Chen Changqing's shoulder immediately, and thunder light jumped from the wound.

Immediately afterwards, a short knife pierced his lower abdomen again.

blood splatter...

It wasn't that Chen Changqing didn't want to block it, but that although he could weaken these injuries, he still had to bear what he had to bear.

Chen Changqing desperately protected his important parts, leaving wounds everywhere on his arms, shoulders, and lower abdomen.

Lightning flashes are left on every wound,
Chen Changqing's face turned pale, and his whole body was numb.

He mobilized the psychic liquid in his body, and used the psychic liquid to continuously repair his body.

Shenmu Rejuvenation Curse!
Three spells were used in a row.

The remnants of the Dao of Life on his body strengthened the effect of the Shenmu Rejuvenation Mantra.

The wounds on his body are finally beginning to slowly heal.

Can't die.

The next moment, a huge lightning fireball appeared in the sky.

A ball of thunder and fire that was even bigger than the Nine Heavens Thunder and Fire Curse fell from the sky.

Chen Changqing sacrificed Luotian flower umbrella, Luotian flower umbrella.

A barrier appeared around Chen Changqing.

When the thunder ball landed on the barrier, the barrier suddenly became faintly visible.

Chen Changqing shouted in his heart: "I beg my sister to give me luck!"

At the same time, a white flower bloomed on the umbrella.

The fragrance of flowers is overflowing, ten-petal golden lotus!
As a healing elixir, the scent of flowers can heal all injuries and strengthen the body.

All the wounds on Chen Changqing's body that hadn't healed completely healed, and there was a faint immortal energy lingering around his body.

The huge ball of thunder and fire shattered the barrier and directly submerged Chen Changqing's entire body.

Chen Changqing curled his body into a ball, but he could still feel the burning pain all over his body.

Clothes start to catch fire,
There is a sizzling sound on the skin,
The hair also started to burn off gradually.

Chen Changqing kept mobilizing his spiritual power to protect his body,
And above his sea of ​​consciousness, it was like a little sun appeared,
The spiritual liquid in the spiritual sea vaporized rapidly!
I don't know how long it took before the thunder ball slowly dissipated.

Chen Changqing in the Thunder Fireball was like a black charcoal, his whole body was scorched black.

He still breathed a sigh of relief, the black on his body began to peel off slowly, and a golden light glowed slightly on his skin.

Aura flashed.

The wrist guard made of Taixu silk woven cloth on his wrist survived the thunder disaster without breaking.

The universe spell in the sleeve above the wristband was activated, and a brand new set of clothes appeared on him.

He was reluctant before, but this time, he finally changed into the suit made of various precious materials.

Wooden mines, sea mines, gold mines, fire mines.

Unknowingly, the catastrophe passed four times.

The next one is, Heart Demon Tribulation?

Chen Changqing only felt a blur in front of his eyes,
He found himself on top of Phoenix Villa,

A group of people begged for help in his ear,

help me, help me...

Why, why don't you shoot!
Chen Changqing looked at those unfamiliar faces, and said coldly, "I'm not familiar with you!"

Be firm!

The next moment, the screen changed.

The female cultivator of the Unfeeling Sect appeared in front of his eyes.

"It was you, you killed me!"

As he spoke, the other party slapped Chen Changqing on the chest.

Chen Changqing spat out a mouthful of blood.

I carried it over.

The screen changes again,

Yu Zibo appeared in front of Chen Changqing,

"Why, why do you want to dress up as a woman!?"

"Why do you pretend to be me? You and I have no grievances!"

Yu Zibo's voice came, and every sentence was like a giant hammer, hitting Chen Changqing's head. "

Fresh blood flowed from Chen Changqing's mouth, two lines of blood flowed from his nostrils, and finally bloody tears flowed from his eyes.

" have killed countless people, humiliated and killed female cultivators, and you deserve to die!"

Chen Changqing gritted his teeth and squeezed out such a sentence.

The screen changes again,

Asgard Ruins,

Huang Ruofei, Huang Rufeng, Huang Rulong and two cultivators of Tianyue Sect...

"Chen Changqing, why are you entangled in my Huang family!"

"You Huang family are selfish and want to hurt Ying'er..."

Pfft, before Chen Changqing finished speaking, he felt a pain in his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"We are just walking with the Huang family, so you must kill us?"

Chen Changqing was in a daze for a moment, his chest felt as if he had been punched hard, and the pain was severe again.

It cannot be denied that Chen Changqing has no grievances with those two cultivators of Tianyue Sect.

Because of the Huang family, they were still killed by Chen Changqing.

Chen Changqing showed no regrets at the time, but deep down in his heart he still felt guilty...

At this time, Chen Changqing was already very weak,

There was a blur in his mind...

A strange voice came from my ear.

"This is just Yumen Dabi, why do you want to take my life!?"

"Why did you kill my father, aunt, uncle..." A childlike voice continued to ring in his ears.This is Huang Qiming's voice!

Every voice rings,
Chen Changqing's head and chest seemed to be hit by a huge force.

Excruciating pain.

People's hearts are difficult to calculate, even if it is Chen Changqing's own heart.

Chen Changqing himself didn't even think that the one that hurt him the most in this catastrophe was actually the catastrophe of the heart demon.

In a daze, he heard countless voices,
Countless memory fragments appeared in his mind,

What are these?
It wasn't me, it wasn't me who killed you!

I do not have!
Just when Chen Changqing was about to lose consciousness,

There are countless voices coming from his head.

There are men and women, young people, old people, children and adults.

"You, for your sister...are you willing to give up the protection of Blue Star?"

"Are you worthy of the thousands of survivors of Blue Star?"

Chen Changqing was shocked, and instinctively responded: "I...will!"

(End of this chapter)

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