my sister is number one

Chapter 199 The Will of Heaven's Call for Help

Chapter 199 The Will of Heaven's Call for Help

Fortunately for Chen Changqing,

Accidents only happened twice.

Chen Changqing believed that similar accidents had a high probability of happening in the history of Wanmo Realm.

Especially after Chen Changqing saw the countermeasures of those demons, he became more certain in his heart.

The demon handled it properly without arousing any suspicion from others.

Because of this, Chen Changqing's actions did not arouse the evil spirit's suspicion.


However, Chen Changqing aroused a little bit of dissatisfaction with his sister.

Well, there should be only a trace, right?
After all, Ying'er hasn't spoken since that day.

In fact, Chen Changqing also thought about explaining to Chen Ziying.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he found that his sister should understand and understand everything he wanted to explain.

She just couldn't get over this hurdle emotionally.

Chen Changqing was a little helpless,
But that's all there is to it.

Necessary sacrifices are inevitable.

Thinking of this, Chen Changqing couldn't help smiling.

How come I seem to have become a big villain?
Finally, after some time,
The time has come for the seed to explode,
On this day, various actions broke out in most of the caves and arenas.

Those seeds also used various means,

Some people resisted directly with their companions in groups, some created chaos and left quietly, some made noises to create opportunities for their companions, and of course, some chose to do nothing.

Not everyone would believe in the arrangements left by Chen Changqing and the others, and some people would even turn a blind eye to these reminders and arrangements and be content with the status quo.

Chen Changqing glanced at Chen Ziying who was squatting in the corner, and shouted, "Ying'er, it's started. Come and have a look?"

Chen Ziying looked back at Chen Changqing, and responded with a rare sentence: "I don't want to see..."

Poor, wronged, helpless.

It's all immortal, and it's like a little girl.

Chen Changqing didn't say much, just quietly observed the picture on Lingyu.

After a while, he felt Ying'er move, and the little girl finally stood up and walked to his side.

The picture on Lingyu can only be described as tragic.

When those seeds broke out, the demon side also began to make the most timely response.

The seeds of one of the caves led a large group of companions to break through the siege of the formation and climb over the high wall, but they were surrounded by demons, and only two of them escaped in the end.

In another cave, a seed sneaked away with his two best friends, leaving behind three puppets as a disguise.They all went very smoothly at the beginning, but after escaping from the high wall, one of their companions was sealed inside by a sealing circle.In order to save him, the other two delayed their escape and were discovered by the evil spirit. In the end, all three of them fell into the mouth of the evil spirit.

At this time, Sikong inexplicably caught Chen Changqing's attention.

In the arena where Sikong was inexplicably, large and small battles broke out.

In fact, as early as more than a year ago, Sikong inexplicably kept inciting conflicts between those slaves and those demons who were in charge of guarding the arena.

In fact, before the full-scale outbreak, there have been many small conflicts in this arena.It's just that every time, Sikong is inexplicably not involved.

And on the day of the outbreak, he used a psychic spell left in the kit to make other slaves explode emotionally. Those slaves rushed to the slave camp one by one frantically. Rush to those demons.

At this time, Sikong inexplicably had already eaten the elixir in the kit, broke the restriction, and then took advantage of the confusion to sneak away according to the tips given on the kit.

Chen Changqing opened his mouth, he really wanted to say "this is good" to Chen Ziying.But I was worried that it would stimulate Ying'er's emotions.

So he could only close his mouth and sigh in his heart.

In this troubled world, the so-called feelings can only become weaknesses in many cases.

What Chen Changqing didn't expect was that at this time Chen Ziying suddenly said: "Brother, this guy named Sikong is inexplicable, does he have a good chance of escaping?"

Chen Changqing nodded: "Yes."

Chen Ziying sighed slightly: "Brother, I didn't know why you behaved so strangely in the Yumen world before. But now I know..."

Seeing the performance of each seed on Lingyu, Chen Ziying intuitively felt why Chen Changqing was so timid before and had to prepare so much before every action.

A person wants to have such a weakness as "emotion", and wants to protect the emotion he cares about.

Then they have to pay more.

In the past so many years, although Chen Ziying also knew that most of the things her brother did were for her own benefit, but she had never had such a direct feeling like now.

Chen Changqing patted Chen Ziying's head, but did not speak.

At the same time, Sikong inexplicably escaped from the arena.On the kit, there is a map of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, with more than a dozen red dots marked on the map.

Those red dots are the teleportation circle arranged by Chen Changqing, which can be directly teleported to the underground palace.

Each magic circle can only be used once, and only fifteen people can be transported at a time. After being used, the red dot will disappear.

When all the red dots disappeared, the seeds that escaped later could only rush to the underground palace on foot.

After Sikong escaped inexplicably, he looked at the vast forest, but his eyes were very firm, because he had a goal and a direction.

On the other side, Zhao Lin led a dozen or so friends to organize an operation.

During this period of planning, Zhao Lin had secretly contacted several partners who had a good relationship with him.

Then, through their own investigations, they discovered various suspicious places in the Grassland Cave Mansion.

They finally realized what kind of environment they were in.

They began to investigate information inside and outside the fence, collect accumulated resources, and prepare for escape.

This group of people is different from Sikong Moming, they hope that more people can escape.

A group of people have been practicing tacit understanding and secretly improving their strength together. On the day before departure, Zhao Lin and the others also used the spell in the kit to make the aunt lose consciousness for a short time.

Although it was only for a short time, it gave them a group of people a chance to escape.
When the aunt at the Spirit Sea Realm woke up, Zhao Lin and the others had already climbed over the wall.The aunt immediately sent a message to the demon outside.

More than a dozen demons rounded up Zhao Lin and a dozen of them.

But what those demons didn't expect was that out of a dozen of Zhao Lin and the others, four of them were promoted to the Spirit Sea Realm at the same time.

Moreover, more than a dozen people actually mastered a battle formation that they didn't know.

Thus, the evil spirits were completely wiped out.

And Zhao Lin also brought a large group of friends.Breaking through the cave circle, he escaped.

It's just that they fled with such great fanfare, which directly attracted Wang Tiancheng's attention.

The Lord of Wangtian City only had the strength of the late stage of the Spirit Sea Realm, so he directly contacted Lord Earth Demon who was the closest to Wangtian City, and then brought two subordinates of the Spirit Sea Realm to chase after him.

It has to be said that Zhao Lin's side had the largest number of people escaping.Because they were fully prepared, in addition to Chen Changqing's kit, they also prepared a lot of supplies themselves.

Moreover, four of them suppressed their strength and did not burst out until the last moment.Therefore, such an effect can be obtained.

However, the pressure they have to face is the greatest.

An old devil has already set off in person...

After all, there are four Spirit Sea Realm members in this team. For Old Demons, these are not only delicious food, but also a panacea that can improve their cultivation.


Apart from Zhao Lin and Sikong Moming, more or less seeds escaped from other places, but more of them did die under the hands of the evil spirits.

As the instigator of all this, Chen Changqing was silently observing all this.

The task assigned to Chen Changqing by the system has already been completed.

According to Chen Changqing's habit in the past, he should have left long ago.

However, he stayed.

Because he felt that the wish power in his body had changed.

He has been recognized by the Heavenly Dao of this world!
Not only Chen Changqing, but even Chen Ziying felt this change.

They couldn't tell why it happened,

Chen Changqing speculates that it may be because they are trying to save this world.

Moreover, the way of heaven in this world is still giving them guidance...

No, it should be said that Heaven is asking them for help.

This is a very strange feeling, it seems that there is always a voice in the bottom of my heart, asking them to do something.

"Brother, what is the situation? I... don't know why, but I really want to help them?"

Chen Ziying looked at the picture on Lingyu.

On the screen, Zhao Lin's team was besieged.They fought and retreated, but they didn't know that the demons chasing from behind were just bait.

An old demon has already ambushed ahead.Just wait for them to fall for it.

Chen Changqing pursed his lips and said nothing.In fact, he had the same feelings as Chen Ziying.

want to make a move,

Want to rescue them.

It's just that he knows exactly what kind of problems this will cause.

Chen Changqing thought for a while, and said, "The so-called way of heaven should represent the operating rules of a world, the will of the world."

"This world has been invaded by the demon world, the human race has been raised in captivity, and the will of heaven is very fragile. Our action this time has brought a glimmer of life to this world."

"So, the world will of this world is asking us for help."

After Chen Changqing finished speaking, he sighed.

How weak is the will of heaven to ask for help from a true immortal or an earth immortal?

In this world of demons,

The way of heaven is so weak that even the thunder of heaven cannot fall.

Does that mean that no one can become a fairy here?

Chen Changqing thought of this, and looked at Zhao Lin on the Lingyu.

"This person should be the son of luck. It is one of the turning points in this world."

"If you save him in this world, you can use a glimmer of life."

Chen Ziying asked: "Then what if we don't take action? Will Heaven punish us?"

Chen Changqing nodded slightly: "Although the heavens in this world can't punish us, if we go through the Golden Immortal Tribulation in other worlds, I'm afraid we will be cast aside by the heavens."

(End of this chapter)

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