my sister is number one

Chapter 200 Nine dragons emerge from the water, and the demons are exhausted

Chapter 200 Nine Dragons Out of Water, Demons Exhausted

Chen Changqing couldn't hesitate for long.

Because Zhao Lin's team should fall into the trap of the old demon in about half a day.

He thought for a while and said to Chen Ziying: "Ying'er, I'll go."

Chen Ziying: "Brother!?"

Chen Changqing's decision surprised Chen Ziying.

In Chen Changqing's dictionary, there is almost no such word as adventure.

But how to advance the plot without taking risks?

Ahem, just kidding.

Chen Changqing said to Chen Ziying: "Ying'er, don't worry, this time I won't make a move unless it is absolutely necessary. The Tianshen should be able to deal with that Earth Demon."

"Then why did you go there in person?"

Chen Changqing smiled and said, "In order to let Tiandao feel my sincerity."

Chen Ziying: "..."

Chen Changqing: "Just in case. What if the Earth Immortal has some special means?"

Speaking of this, Chen Changqing paused: "If there is a chance, I will personally take that old demon back."

Chen Ziying: "Brother, how about I go with you."

Chen Changqing quickly said: "Of course not, you are my last card."

Chen Ziying: "Huh?"

Chen Changqing: "If I am in danger, I will definitely use the front line to bring me back as soon as possible."

Chen Ziying: "..."

Before setting off, Chen Changqing quickly made some arrangements and preparations, and then flew out of the Eight-sided Exquisite Pagoda.

After flying out of the Eight-sided Exquisite Pagoda, Chen Changqing felt an inexplicable connection between his sea of ​​consciousness and this world.

His whole being seems to have a connection with the world.

The approval of heaven, the blessing of luck.

Although Chen Changqing has never felt that luck is a part of strength.

But what is given for nothing,
Can I not?

Not long after, he had already flown to the place where Old Demon set up an ambush.

Zhao Lin may not arrive here in another hour or two.

Old Demon was transformed from a merman, so the location where it turned and set up ambush was by the edge of a large lake.

The lake was pitch black, and it was impossible to see what was hidden in it.

Those demons who hunted Zhao Lin were to force them to cross the Great Lake.

Then Old Demon will launch a surprise attack on Zhao Lin and others in the lake.

From Chen Changqing's point of view, such an like no arrangement at all.

There is no beauty at all.

Chen Changqing flew over the lake, and after thinking for a while, he turned the Tianshen into an inexplicable appearance of Sikong.

Then send the thousand-color picture scroll that has not been used for a long time into the body of the Tenshen, so that the cultivation of the Tenshen will show the state of the late spiritual sea.

The Tenjin made a circle in the distance, and then flew towards the Great Lake.

For an old demon, a cultivator with late-stage spiritual strength is fatally attractive.

The Old Demon who was lurking in the lake suddenly cast a spell when he saw the figure of the Tianshen flying over the lake.

A stream of water jets sprayed out on the surface of the lake.

The water column shot up into the sky, forming barriers one after another to block the way of the Tenjin.

Under Chen Changqing's control, the Tianshen seemed to be taken aback at this moment, and lost all its mobility for a while.

The water column kept gathering, compressing the Tenjin into a narrow space.

"Hey! I didn't expect to have a windfall!"

The old demon suddenly appeared in a certain water column, holding a harpoon in its hand and stabbing straight at the vest of the god from behind.


The harpoon hit the Tenjin with a sound of metal clashing.

But it couldn't penetrate a single bit.

The material of the Tianshen is hard, and it is difficult for ordinary earth immortals to cause damage to him.

"So hard?"

The old demon's face changed slightly, and he couldn't judge the cultivation level of the Tianshen for a while.

But at this moment, the Tianshen turned around abruptly, and grabbed the harpoon of the merman and old demon with one hand.

The old demon sneered: "A mere spirit sea realm, how dare you attack an old demon like me?"

Tianshen had no expression on her face, but Chen Changqing secretly smiled inwardly.

Are you allowed to sneak attack?Forbid me to fight back?
With a thought, Tianshen tugged hard.

The old demon was taken aback, why was it so powerful?

The old demon stimulated the demon energy, and the strength in his hand increased greatly, and he directly pulled the Tianshen to his side.

It smiled slightly, that face was extremely ugly.

But what the old demon didn't expect was that after the other party was pulled in front of him, he didn't show any timidity at all. Instead, he opened his arms and hugged him.

This move made Old Demon stunned.

What is this operation?
In its demon life, it has never experienced such an experience, and there are still human cultivators who volunteered to sacrifice themselves?

Does he want to become a demon?
Before Old Demon could react for a while, he was hugged tightly by the Celestial.

When it wanted to break free, it found that it couldn't break free, and it felt that the magic energy in its body couldn't move, and it was gradually draining.

"You are not a human race? What are you?"

The old devil finally realized that something was wrong.

But it's too late!
This is a new usage Chen Changqing has developed for the Tianshen over the years.

Sacrifice the devil!

Chen Changqing made several banning talisman formations on the clothes of the Tianshen, called the Prisoner Demon Formation, and at the same time replaced the Heavenly Furnace Formation on the chest of the Tianshen with a Magic Spirit Transformation Formation.

First use the magic prison array to control the demon, and then use the magic spirit conversion array to absorb the demonic energy on the demon's body and convert the demonic energy into aura.

As long as the demon is approached by the Celestial, and the Celestial can't be crippled and destroyed with one blow, then even if the demon has a true immortal cultivation level, it won't be able to break free easily.

At this moment, Chen Changqing suddenly appeared and put his hands on the shoulders of Tianshen and Earth Demon: "Let's go!"

The next moment, Chen Changqing returned to the Eight-faced Exquisite Tower with the Tianshen and Old Demon.

"Brother? It's done so quickly?" Chen Ziying was taken aback when he saw Chen Changqing's return.

Chen Changqing smiled: "This guy is so good, it's simpler than I imagined."

"Who are you guys? Why did you bring me here!" The old demon looked around and was also taken aback.

Soon its eyes fell on Chen Changqing: "Really, a real fairy? Why is there a real fairy in this world of myriad demons?"

Chen Changqing snapped his fingers: "Noisy!"

The next moment, that Old Demon couldn't say a word.

The Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda is one of Chen Changqing's most important trump cards. Since he brought this old devil in, of course he must take all countermeasures.

He first broke the limbs of the Old Demon, then sealed its primordial spirit with immortal energy, and finally continued to use the God of Heaven to seal its actions and absorb its demonic energy.

Chen Changqing still felt that it wasn't enough, so he set up another forbidden magic circle, surrounding the Heavenly God and Old Demon.

That old devil: "..."

I'm already like this, why do you still do so many things?
Chen Changqing breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Chen Ziying and said, "Ying'er, keep an eye on it, I'll go out again. Go and come back to search for the soul of this earth demon."

Chen Ziying nodded vigorously: "Okay! I will definitely keep an eye on it!"

While speaking, Chen Changqing flew out of the Eight-faced Exquisite Pagoda again.


Zhao Lin led a dozen brothers and sisters, while dodging the pursuers, while advancing.

Along the way, they have already lost three people.

If they hadn't had four Spirit Sea Realm back and forth to protect them, I'm afraid more people would have died.

At the beginning of their hunt, there were only three spirit-sea-level demons in their team, but who knew that there would be more and more people behind them.

Zhao Lin and the others realized that this was the world of demons, and all the demons came to support them!

As for the red dots on the map, they haven't found them yet, and they don't know if they are credible.

But it has reached this point, and they have no way out.

It was the Lord of Wangtian City who hunted Zhao Lin and the others, and its body was a lion.After being enchanted, it becomes a monster with the head of a lion.

As a demon at the late stage of Spirit Sea Realm, he also attached great importance to this task.

As long as he eats a few more human cultivators at the Spirit Sea Realm, he will most likely be promoted to Earth Demon.

Even so, it is still very cautious. The human cultivators who escaped this time are not simple, especially the battle formation they formed caused them to suffer heavy losses at the beginning.

Therefore, it still chose to cooperate with Old Demon.

Although there will be a few cultivators in the spiritual sea realm taken away, if they can eat one, it will be a profit.

Under its urgency, the group of cultivators were slowly fleeing towards the ambush preset by Lord Old Demon.

It sneered inwardly.

run away

In this world, where can you escape to?

This is the world of demons, this is the world abandoned by the Dao of Heaven.

The human race cannot become a fairy, but can only be reduced to the food of the demon race.

This is an unchangeable fate!
The Lion King kept chasing Zhao Lin and the others, and the new reinforcements put even more pressure on Zhao Lin and the others.

When it saw the big lake that appeared in the distance, a sneer rose from the corner of its mouth.

"It's now! Come on, boys!"

With the order of the Lion King, countless demons accelerated at the same time!
Zhao Lin's face changed slightly, and he instinctively made a decision: "Everyone, follow me across the lake and escape!"

The Lion King saw Zhao Lin and a group of cultivators flying out of the great lake and onto the surface of the lake.

The smile on the face is stronger.

Lord Shark King, it's up to you.

However, when Zhao Lin and the others flew to the center of the lake, there was still no movement on the surface of the Great Lake.

what happened?

Didn't Lord Shark King say that he had already ambushed here?
The lion king was stunned, but realized that Zhao Lin and others could not be allowed to escape.

So he continued to shout: "Everyone chase after me!"

Countless demons fly to the great lake at the same time,

Demonic energy lingers around, and the speed of the demons is therefore a bit faster than Zhao Lin and the others.

However, when the large group of demons flew to the center of the lake,

Ripples suddenly appeared in the lake water.

Countless roars sounded.

One after another, water dragons made of lake water rushed out of the water and attacked the endless demons.

How could this be?
The lion king was shocked.

The bodies of these water dragons are clearly filled with aura.

But this is the territory of demons, why is there such a strong aura?

Before it could react, a water dragon flew towards it with its mouth open, and then bit it hard...

The water comes out of Kowloon, and the evil spirits are gone!
(End of this chapter)

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