my sister is number one

Chapter 217 Fighting with the sky, fighting with people, and fighting with yourself is endless fun

Chapter 217 Fighting with the sky, fighting with people, and fighting with yourself is endless fun
After Chen Changqing came to such a conclusion, he immediately thought of the ball of light in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Is that the system?The data in the light sphere are the memories of my previous life, as well as the skills I have mastered and the magic weapons I have?
Chen Changqing closed his eyes and entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

His original god slowly flew to the side of the ball of light.

Looking at the data flow inside the light sphere, I felt the strong immortal energy inside.

Chen Changqing didn't get close for a long time.

What if it was Chen Feng who made him think so?

Chen Feng just wants to imply that I am Chen Feng, and then induce me to enter this light ball,

Then take me away.

Then I'm not on GG?
There are too few six methods, and I think more arrangements are needed.

Chen Changqing thought, and left the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

He began to arrange a teleportation circle on the ground.

The magic circle is a one-way teleportation, and it can be teleported here directly from other places.

After setting up the formation, Chen Changqing used a thread to lead him back to the Eight-sided Exquisite Pagoda.

Chen Ziying looked back: "Brother? Why are you back?"

Chen Changqing: "I think we need to prepare a few more backhands."

Chen Ziying: "Huh? Isn't six backs not enough?"

"After all, he is likely to be a Jinxian-level opponent." Chen Changqing said sincerely, "It is respect for him to make more preparations."

Chen Ziying shrugged and said, "Brother, are you fighting with yourself?"

Chen Changqing: "..."

In case Chen Feng is Chen Changqing, Chen Changqing is indeed fighting with himself now.

I don't know if Chen Feng could have expected that Chen Changqing would have such a character.

Naturally cowardly.

Chen Changqing walked to Ying'er and said to her, "Ying'er, I have a present for you."

Chen Ziying was taken aback: "What gift?"

Chen Changqing nodded his forehead towards Chen Zi.

"Is it now?"

Chen Ziying was taken aback: "What will happen?"

"My hometown dialect, I have already passed it on to you directly through spiritual knowledge." Chen Changqing smiled.

Chen Ziying thought: "Hey, really. After that, I can understand what you say?"

Chen Changqing nodded: "So in order to repay me, you must do me a favor."

Chen Ziying: "Brother, tell me."

Chen Changqing: "Didn't you just say that? Let's think about a few more solutions together. Now the six solutions are too few."

Chen Ziying: "..."

As a result, the brother and sister began to think about new ways to deal with it, from reshaping the physical body to one body with two souls.

It's a pity that they only came up with four methods after spending more than three years this time.

There are too few ways to deal with Jinxian's strength.

Chen Ziying then tentatively asked Song Yaoyao.

Song Yaoyao asked around, and came up with two solutions.

The result is three years, six methods.

Including the original plan, a total of twelve sets of plans.

The plan doubled, and Chen Changqing felt a little relieved.

"Ying'er, then I'm going back. You stay here. Wake me up as soon as you find any problems. If I am really taken away, you should flee back to the Yumen Realm. Your master in the Yumen Sect They should be able to keep you safe."

Chen Ziying said impatiently: "I know, I know, how many times have you said these words in the past few years? Don't really treat me like a ten-year-old child."

Chen Changqing pursed his lips: "Okay, be careful."

After Chen Changqing finished speaking, he returned to Blue Star's teleportation circle in a flash.

came back.

The preparations are all done,

So he also had to make a try.

He sat down cross-legged, thinking about it.

Chen Changqing's primordial spirit appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, and slowly flew towards the ball of light.

Coming to the side of the light ball, he reached out to touch the light ball.

The fairy energy like countless data codes seemed to be attracted by Chen Changqing, and penetrated into Chen Changqing's body.

He seemed to see countless pictures flashing before his eyes.

Chen Feng hugged a little girl, sitting on the hospital bed and crying loudly.

"Xiaojie, why didn't you wait for me, Xiaojie! I can save you when I become a fairy!"

The next moment, the screen changed.

Chen Feng flew out of Blue Star.

"Within a hundred years, I will definitely return to Blue Star!"

After that, the screen changed again.

Chen Changqing was seriously injured, and Xian Nian was extremely weak.

"Finally gathered all the materials for the reincarnation array, and found Xiaojie's next reincarnation world...I didn't expect that I would..."

Finally, the light shines.

Chen Changqing found himself in a pure white space of nothingness.

There was a person who was seven or eight points similar to him floating in front of his eyes——Chen Feng.

"who are you?"

Chen Changqing asked.

The other party smiled: "You can call me a system. But in fact, I am you."

Chen Changqing: "Are you the one who arranges strange tasks to mess with my system all day long?"

I will never admit that you are me!
I admit it, isn't it that besides fighting wits and courage with myself, I have been trying to find trouble for myself?

"I am indeed you. It was you who insisted on fighting with me, and I didn't bother you. Aren't the tasks I arranged according to you easy to complete? You just don't want to go in. You have to give up!"

"I'm giving you magic weapons, equipment, and skills!"

Chen Changqing: "Then the gap in the fairy world of magic thoughts back then?"

"That's also very simple! With Ying'er's strength, she can definitely pass the test! You have to be cowardly!"

"You discovered me 30 years later than I expected!"

"I really didn't expect that I would be so stupid after reincarnation!"

Chen Changqing: "..."

Enough, let me save some face!

Chen Changqing: "So your memory will replace mine?"

"It's not time yet, so you don't have to worry. After we fuse, you will still be you. And I will disappear completely."

"However, your current body and soul cannot bear these immortal powers yet."

"Also, on this blue star, I left you a little test."

"Work hard, boy. Oh, no, it's middle age."

Chen Changqing: "..."

Haven't waited for him to speak yet.

Chen Changqing felt that the surrounding environment changed,
He found that he had returned to the sea of ​​consciousness.

The immortal energy in the Sea of ​​Consciousness is strong at one level.

Just say a few words like that, and then absorb the immortal energy on the ball of light, and you will be promoted directly?

Chen Changqing dissipated his primordial spirit, and opened his eyes physically.

Safe for now.

But Chen Changqing still didn't fully believe what Chen Feng said just now.

What if it was a trap?

But Chen Feng's younger sister just now does look like Ying'er in seven or eight points.

Maybe, should, maybe, maybe it is really the reincarnation of that Chen Jie.

As for Chen Changqing.

When he saw the third screen, he noticed that when Chen Feng was traveling in the Ten Thousand Worlds, he encountered some danger that caused him to be seriously injured, even the Immortal Soul was severely injured.

In order to save his life, Chen Feng sealed his immortal thoughts.Then he hid the fairy thoughts deep in his soul, and then used the weapon against the sky to return to Ying'er's brother.

Because Chen Feng's immortal thoughts had been injured when the seal was made, which caused some memory errors in the soul.

After reincarnation, Chen Changqing will forget everything about spiritual recovery, cultivation, and his sister.

As Chen Feng, Xian Nian has been sealing himself.

Because he was worried that once the immortal thought was liberated, Chen Changqing's body and soul would not be able to support it.

Xian Nian spent ten years self-generating the system based on the game knowledge that Chen Feng had mastered at Blue Star.

When Ying'er was born, the system was activated, and the system tasks were used to give gifts to Chen Changqing little by little, and to promote the growth and progress of Chen Changqing's siblings.

Chen Changqing carefully analyzed the existing evidence and came to the above conclusion.

Although everything sounded reasonable, everything was arranged by Chen Feng.

It's also possible he's lying.

Have to guard against.

There is another thing.

It was the task arranged by Chen Feng.

Yes, the system has scheduled tasks again.

(End of this chapter)

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