my sister is number one

Chapter 218 This Must Be Some Kind of Conspiracy!

Chapter 218 This Must Be Some Kind of Conspiracy!
It is now certain that,

Chen Feng is the system.

Needless to say.

It's just whether Chen Changqing is Chen Feng,

This is up for debate.

At this time, Chen Changqing checked the mission.

Task: Check the seal in the center of the earth and solve related problems. This is really not a pit.

Mission objective: Check the seal of the source of spiritual recovery.

Quest rewards: You'll find your rewards at the source.

Earth core seal?

What the hell is this?

Has the system assigned him a task directly this time?

Chen Changqing sat down again and continued to think.

"Brother, are you okay? Why is it taking so long?"

Chen Ziying's voice came from beside his ear.

Chen Changqing smiled: "It's done, it's done. Ying'er, don't worry."

Chen Ziying: "No, tell me a few little secrets between you and me."

Chen Changqing: "..."

"Ying'er, I know, that person should know too."

Chen Ziying: "Then just pick a few stories I'll tell you"

Chen Changqing: "..."

Chen Ziying: "I don't care, anyway, if you don't say a few words, I won't believe you!"

Chen Changqing: "All right, all right, let me say what I say."

Chen Changqing took a breath and recalled those little stories about Chen Ziying.

Fortunately, Chen Changqing had previously sent his clone puppets to publicize the story.

He recited several short stories.

Only then did Chen Ziying reluctantly believe Chen Changqing's words: "Then brother, what are you going to do next?"

"I have a mission here. But I'm not sure if it's safe."

Chen Ziying sighed: "Hey, I know, I know. You just feel too unsafe, so you don't let me go. I know, I know."

Chen Changqing: "Hey, I'll come back as soon as I go."

Chen Ziying hurriedly called Chen Changqing: "Brother, wait a moment, you wait a moment."

Chen Changqing: "How is it?"

Chen Ziying: "Hey... are you going now?"

Chen Changqing: "Otherwise?"

"Are you being closed and stupid? If you go there so rashly, what should you do if there is any danger?" Chen Ziying reminded.

Chen Changqing patted his forehead hard: "Yes, yes, why did I forget?"

After chatting with Chen Feng, Chen Changqing drifted away unknowingly.

"Brother, tell me about your mission?"

Chen Changqing said it directly: "That is, that mysterious existence gave me a hint. It is said that there is a seal in the ground of this blue star, which seals the origin of the recovery of this planet's spiritual energy back then."

"What could it be?" Chen Ziying was a little puzzled.

Chen Changqing shrugged: "I don't know either."

"Why don't you go?"

In fact, Chen Changqing also thought so after being reminded by Ying'er.

Chen Changqing: "You're right, in fact, I probably figured it out, so let's go."

Chen Changqing felt his heart beating strongly.

No, not just my heart!
What he felt was that there was an energy beating along with his heart on the entire blue star.

What is this?
Another violent beating.

It felt like the blue star's heart was beating.

"Previous, senior!"

Lin Yi's voice came suddenly.

"Lin Yi? Why are you here suddenly?"

Lin Yi: "Senior, something serious happened!"

Lin Ai ran towards Chen Changqing.

"Hmm, I see. Don't bump into it."

Chen Changqing raised his hand while speaking.

Lin Ai's movements stopped completely.

"Speak well if you have something to say, don't touch your hands."

Lin Yi: "Senior, there is a problem with the leylines, the leylines."

Chen Changqing: "What leylines?"

Lin Yi: "The leylines are what you sealed back then. You said that you will solve the problem of the leylines after you come back."

It turns out that this is the task.

Every time I come up with these tasks, I must be asked to do them.

I don't want to go!

Benefits or something, I don't want it anymore, okay!
There was another strong shock.

Chen Changqing felt his heart throbbing.

Chen Changqing took a deep breath and inspected his physical body.

The physical body is fine,
The repeated heartbeats just now,

It is caused by the sea of ​​consciousness light ball.

"Senior, senior. The earth's veins are shaking again. If you don't go, the world will change!" Lin Ai was about to cry.

Chen Changqing gritted his teeth.

"Brother, are you going to save the world again?" Chen Ziying asked.

Chen Changqing: "I...don't...go..."

Damn it!

The heart throbbed again.

"If you don't go, you may die..."

Chen Changqing's soul might have something to do with this ley line.

Or it was the golden ball of light that got in the way.

Grandma drops!
Chen Ziying: "..."

"Just go! We can't delay!"

Chen Changqing gritted his teeth and fled underground.

Drilling in along the trembling point, Chen Changqing quickly got into the center of the earth.

Chen Changqing used several fire-avoiding spells one after another...

Entering the center of the earth, Chen Changqing saw a huge golden dragon.

This is……

The golden dragon curled up and fell into a deep sleep.

Around the golden dragon, there are countless chains made of spells.

This is the leylines?

The legendary dragon vein?

At this moment, Chen Changqing saw the golden dragon turn over.


Those chains also trembled with this turning over.

Chen Changqing's heart beat again.

One of the rune chains suddenly broke.

Chen Changqing said nothing,

What could go wrong here?
What is the strength of this golden dragon?
Under the seal of the golden chain, Chen Changqing couldn't even sense the strength of the golden dragon.

It is the source of the revival of spiritual energy on the blue star?
clack clack...

Two more chains broke.

You can't sit still.

These seals are to be strengthened.

Chen Changqing raised his hand, a spell flew out, and a new chain flew out, entangled the golden dragon.


As soon as it was wrapped, it broke immediately.

Chen Changqing: "..."

"Don't waste your energy. I told you back then, the day you come back will be my recovery."

An old and deep voice came.

Immediately after...

bang, bang, bang...

Two, three, countless rune chains were broken.

In an instant, all the rune chains were broken.

The golden gathering suddenly raised its dragon head,
Antlers, white whiskers, golden scales...

A real dragon?

"Chen Feng, you are finally back."

Chen Changqing pursed his lips and said, "To be honest, my name is Chen Changqing."


The golden dragon let out a roar, and a powerful impact came oncoming.

Chen Changqing raised his hand to condense several layers of shields.

The first layer of the spell shield was shattered, the second layer of the spell shield was shattered, and the third layer...

The golden dragon was stunned: "Why are you so cautious?"

(End of this chapter)

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