my sister is number one

Chapter 225 The face of Yumen Realm, don't lose it!

Chapter 225 The face of Yumen Realm, don't lose it!
"Ying'er, don't waste time. Solve it quickly."

At this time, Chen Changqing's tone was like a big boss hiding behind the scenes, as if he wanted his subordinates to quickly clean up the protagonist.

As soon as Chen Changqing finished speaking, he saw the dragon turned into a ribbon collide with the phantom of a mountain peak.

It's the spell on the wordless book again!

This wordless book is not bad, it would be great if I could get my hands on it.

Under the impact of the flood dragon, the mountain peak kept shaking, but the flood dragon couldn't completely break the mountain peak.

After a few hits, the dragon turned back into a ribbon and flew back into Chen Ziying's hands.

At the next moment, Chen Ziying used six different magic weapons at the same time.

The five-element array disk, plus five other magic weapons of different attributes, the five auras were twisted together to shoot out a multicolored light.

The aura caused the surrounding air to surge, and directly penetrated the phantom of the mountain peak.

Chen Changqing: "Will Ying'er's blow go too far?"

Sensing the fluctuation of spiritual power around him, Chen Changqing couldn't help feeling a little scared.

What if you really beat someone to death?

Chen Ziying: "Didn't my brother tell you to solve it quickly?"

Chen Changqing: "..."

At this moment, the voice of Patriarch Tianxing came from the sky.

A big hand descended from the sky, blocking the five-color brilliance.

The huge palm directly blocked the five-color brilliance.

"Chen Zi wins this battle!" the voice of Patriarch Tianxing came again.

If this blow hit Zhong Ming directly, Zhong Ming would evaporate from the world directly, and the immortal soul might be fine, but the body is gone, and it would be very difficult to reshape.

So Zhong Ming's master directly asked Patriarch Tianxing to help.

When the big palm disappeared, Zhong Ming looked at Chen Ziying in astonishment.

The whole person was stupefied with fright.

The next moment, Zhong Ming and Chen Ziying were reported out of the small cave.

Chen Ziying's blow just now not only frightened Zhong Ming, even the other participating immortals and the onlookers were startled.

Even if it can be stopped, it is estimated that it will cost a lot.

Chen Changqing reckoned that after going back this time, the Tianxing faction would have to consider how to deal with Chen Ziying.

After two rounds of competition,

Only the last six people remained, including three angels.

Needless to say, the next round of Chen Ziying and Shang Tianxia is a sure thing.

To Chen Changqing's surprise, Luo Shanhe passed the test easily.

While the game was still going on, Luo Shanhe came in front of Chen Ziying.

"Congratulations Chen Daoyou." He said to Chen Ziying politely.

Chen Ziying clasped his fists in return, and then asked: "By the way, Fellow Daoist Luo, last time you only mentioned the rules for determining the top three. Then what is the ranking of the top three based on?"

"The top three will start another duel. It's called the battle for stars."

Luo Shanhe slowly explained to Chen Ziying: "The competition for the stars will send the top three contestants into a space full of stars."

"They're going to collect celestial fragments inside. Whoever collects the most wins."

Chen Ziying nodded, indicating that she understood.

Chen Changqing suddenly said to Chen Ziying: "Ying'er, I have thought of a backup method."

Chen Ziying: "What?"

Chen Changqing: "I've been busy thinking about what to do for you these past few days, but I forgot...we can still buy it."

"Buy?" Chen Ziying hadn't reacted yet.

Chen Changqing continued: "I mean, we can buy it! There are so many prizes for the top three, if we set a high price, maybe people will be willing to sell it."

Chen Ziying: "Yes, then why do we have to fight so hard?"

Chen Changqing: "Just in case. What if they refuse to sell it?"

Chen Ziying: "Then let me ask first?"

Chen Changqing quickly said: "Well, I guess Luo Shanhe should have already spread the news about what you want. It doesn't matter, anyway, we have already stated our purpose when we came this time."

With that said, Chen Changqing scanned Luo Shanhe through induction.

Luo Shanhe trembled inexplicably.

Chen Ziying said: "Brother Luo Daoist, your visit this time should not be as simple as congratulating me, right?"

Luo Shanhe smiled: "That's right, those two senior celestial beings asked me to ask you, what kind of magic weapon can you give in exchange for Lanyu Tianjing?"

Chen Ziying squinted at Luo Shanhe.

Luo Shanhe smiled, a little embarrassed: "Just a question."

Chen Ziying smiled and said, "Two spirit treasures or five fairy-level spirit stones."

"Is this a little low?" Luo Shanhe couldn't help asking.

Chen Changqing frowned when he heard this.

It seems that the other party still looks down on Ying'er a bit.

He sent a voice message to Chen Ziying.

Chen Ziying: "Brother Luo said yes, but if I'm lucky enough to win another game, maybe this will become a reasonable price."

Luo Shanhe: "..."

Chen Ziying's serious pretense made him wonder what to do for a while.

Luo Shanhe had already heard the news,

Chen Ziying's opponent in the next round is likely to be Tianxian,

And as long as that celestial being can get along with the method of restraining Chen Ziying's move today, it means that he doesn't have to be afraid of Chen Ziying.

After all, the level of suppression is placed there.

Chen Ziying's chances of winning are very slim.

Not long after, Luo Shanhe bid farewell and left.

After the game for the day,
Luo Shanhe found two immortal players in this competition.

Shi Haoxin was not here, the two Luo Shanhe was looking for were Zhou Qi and Li Hongliang.

Luo Shanhe told the two angels what Chen Ziying said just now.

What they got in exchange was a sneer from these two immortals.

Want to beat us?So easy to say?
These two actually knew what Chen Ziying wanted for a long time ago, and they also saw a lot of magic weapons in Chen Ziying's body in the past two days.

The Tianxing faction and the Yumen faction have good relations, so of course it is impossible to rob them blatantly.


It's okay to take advantage of the other party's request, and then the lion opens its mouth wide.

Zhou Qi is a female fairy with extraordinary strength. She has cultivated for 300 years, has a beautiful face, and has countless gods under her skirt.

She smiled slightly and asked Li Hongliang: "Brother Li, who do you think the master will send to fight that little girl this time?"

Li Hongliang smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter who you send, as long as you can win. Want to buy Lanyu Tianjing with such a little treasure? Just kidding. Do you really think that if you win two real immortals, you will have extraordinary strength?"

After speaking, Li Hongliang paused: "But this time, the fairy and I joined forces?"

Zhou Qi: "Of course there is no problem. No matter which one of you and I gets the Lan Yu Tian Jing, we will get half of the spirit stone or treasure from Chen Ziying."

In the eyes of these two, to defeat Chen Ziying... an easy feat!
As soon as Zhou Qi finished speaking, he heard the master's voice transmission: "Zhou Qi, come find me."


Chen Zi welcomed back to Xiaodong Mansion.

Chen Changqing began to discuss tactics with Chen Ziying again.

The more he talked, the more Chen Changqing regretted it. Why didn't he think of buying it in the first place?

I was out of my wits thinking about letting Ying'er participate in the competition, right?
Now riding a tiger is hard to get off, if you really lose, you have to spend a lot of money to buy it.

I can't believe it!
"Ying'er, no matter who we face tomorrow, we'll beat him to death!"

Chen Changqing went on to say: "Fortunately, we didn't use many spells before. I'll show them tomorrow how many soul-killing spells our automatic talisman printing machine made!"

Chen Ziying: "Brother, are you really so cruel?"

"It's okay, you won't die if you throw a few more. You are a fairy."

Chen Ziying: "Brother, didn't you have to be careful when you shoot?"

Chen Changqing sighed: "If you pay too much attention, you won't be able to beat him."

We cultivators in the Yumen Realm should not be looked down upon by people in the Celestial Star Realm!
If you want to see Bian, you have to wait until I reshape my body before watching Bian!

 The update in the early morning is delayed, don't wait tonight
(End of this chapter)

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