my sister is number one

Chapter 226 This is not a puppet, this is my brother!

Chapter 226 This is not a puppet, this is my brother!

One day later,
This day is the three-gun battle in the Celestial Star Realm Grand Tournament.

As long as Chen Ziying wins today's competition, he can officially enter the top three of this competition.

This time, Chen Changqing and Chen Ziying made up their strategy early on.

Well, very simple.

It's just smashing the curse.Of course they didn't smash blindly, so they studied for a long time how to smash more skillfully.

As long as he wins this match, Chen Changqing can negotiate a good price.

The Extinguishing Curse is a spell aimed at the soul, and Chen Ziying had never used it in the previous competition.

In this big competition, it should also have unexpected effects.

In this day's competition, Chen Ziying was not the first immortal to take part.

The first match was Shi Haoxin vs. Luo Shanhe.

This competition is a typical competition in which the result can be known without looking.

Shi Haoxin easily defeated Luo Shanhe.

During the three consecutive days of competition, Shi Haoxin failed to show his true strength.

Without him, it is because the opponent is too weak.

In the second match, Li Hongliang played against another true immortal.

It was also a battle without any suspense.

But when Li Hongliang came out, Chen Changqing was sure that Zhou Qi was Chen Ziying's opponent.

"In the last few competitions, the skill Zhou Qi used should be Tianxingyuewu. I didn't see much about the others." Chen Changqing said to Chen Ziying leisurely.

"Well, it's good that we follow the original plan anyway." Chen Ziying wasn't too nervous.

After all, if you are prepared from the beginning, then there is no need to be nervous.

The soul destroying curse was only the main attack method, not all of Chen Ziying's cards this time.

The two brothers and sisters have calculated five or six possible changes to prepare for emergencies.

As long as nothing happens, Chen Ziying can win.

So the two brothers and sisters made preparations in advance to make the unexpected become expected.

Li Hongliang won the second game.

The voice of the ancestor of Tianxing came: "The third competition. Zhou Qi welcomes Chen Zi!"

While Patriarch Tianxing was speaking, the two of them were already teleported to the small cave in the Martial Arts Field.

This match can be regarded as a high-profile battle in the Celestial Star Competition.

Zhou Qi, the proud daughter of the Tianxing School, will face off against Chen Ziying, the junior sister of the Yumen School.

However, in the eyes of all the heads of the Tianxing faction, Chen Ziying had no hope of winning.

First of all, Zhou Qi is a fairy, and a very talented fairy.In the Tianxing faction, her talent is second only to Shi Haoxin.

Secondly, it was yesterday that Patriarch Tianxing personally gave her three magic weapons for protection.

The magic weapon for body protection was aimed at Chen Ziying's powerful attack combined with the Five Elements Formation Disk and five high-level spirit treasures yesterday.

Whether it is the ancestor of Tianxing or the elder of Tianxing faction, they already feel that this move is Chen Ziying's strongest blow.

Chen Ziying exposed her hole card puppet in the first day of battle, and her unique move on the second day.

When all the cards are out of the hole, they can be targeted.

At this moment,
The two were teleported to a sea.

The sea breeze was blowing, blowing the blue gauze dress on Zhou Qi's body to move with the wind.

She looked at Chen Ziying with a smile: "Little girl, I heard that you are very confident in today's battle?"

Chen Ziying clasped his fists and said, "This junior dare not speak nonsense."

"Yo, the etiquette is really considerate. The elder sister is also polite." Zhou Qi said with a chuckle.

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Qi twisted his body slightly, as if he was dancing.

One after another white ribbons flew out of her body,
There seemed to be endless starlight on the ribbon, flying towards Chen Ziying one by one.

Chen Ziying's reaction was also very fast,

She immediately summoned Mie Mo Wan.

Without further ado, get on the shield first!

One shield, two shields, three...

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhou Qi suddenly laughed: "Little sister, your puppet belongs to me!"

A bracelet appeared in her hand, and a small bell was connected in series on the bracelet.

The spirit-controlling silver bell, a spirit-controlling technique that specifically restrains puppets!
As the big puppet faction of the Tianxing faction, how could it be possible that they did not have spells against puppets?
This spirit-controlling silver bell is one of them.

In fact, Zhong Ming had a magic weapon in his hand yesterday.As long as Chen Ziying sacrificed the puppet, he could use this magic weapon to control the puppet.

But Chen Ziying didn't summon the puppet yesterday.

Today, Chen Ziying sacrificed a puppet, which fell right into Zhou Qi's arms.

She shook the silver bell in her hand, and the bell rang.

A red light flashed from the spirit control imprint on Mie Mowan's forehead.

The corner of Zhou Qi's mouth raised.


This puppet is very nice!

It's mine now!


Zhou Qi yelled, trying to control Mie Mo Wan to attack Chen Ziying.

However, Mie Mo Wan didn't respond at all.

Continue to cooperate with Chen Ziying to inspire layer after layer of shields.

After tossing around like this for a while, Chen Ziying has already set up six or seven shields.

These shields also blocked the silk belts that Zhou Qi was distracted from controlling.

Those silk ribbons had just shattered one shield, but the puppet had already propped up two.

Zhou Qi was shocked: "How is it possible?"

She couldn't understand at all why her spirit-controlling silver bell had no effect at all.

Not only Zhou Qi, but even the other elders of the Tianxing sect were taken aback.

Although the spirit-controlling magic weapon of the Tianxing faction is not necessarily foolproof, it stands to reason that after Zhou Qi uses the spirit-controlling silver bell, the puppet will definitely enter a chaotic state where two controllers compete for control.

However, after looking at it, the puppet continued to hold up the shield once there was no abnormality.

What does it mean?
Could it be that the puppet technique of the Yumen School is already so powerful?

Everyone in the Tianxing faction knew very well that the Yumen faction was not good at puppet art.

How could they have imagined that Miemowan is not as simple as an ordinary puppet,
In a sense, the current Mie Mowan is Chen Changqing himself!

How could it be possible for Chen Changqing to be controlled by a mere spiritual control silver bell?

Zhou Qi's complexion changed slightly. After she confirmed that the silver bell was invalid, she was not depressed. Instead, she urged the silk ribbon flying in the air at the same time.

Countless ribbons were twisted together, and with the power of starlight, the ribbon turned into a shining silver star dragon.

The phantom of the star dragon opened its mouth and let out a roar, and shot a white light towards Chen Ziying. The stars were shining on the white light, like a river of stars flowing down the sky!

Chen Changqing knew that he couldn't touch head-on, so he controlled Mie Mowan and hugged Chen Ziying with his backhand, using the technique of thunder escape.

The star dragon flicked its tail and hit the void.

The thunder light shattered, and the thunder escape technique was interrupted halfway through.

The light of the stars turned a corner and continued to fly towards Chen Zi.

Chen Ziying didn't rush and took out a green leaf with one hand, and a small piece of ice crystal with the other.

Two barriers, one blue and one green, blocked the light of the stars.

Blu-ray broken!
The green light is broken!
The light of the stars fell on the golem's shield.

Seeing this, Zhou Qi smiled again.

But at this moment, there was an inexplicable pain in her head.

what happened?

Before she could recover, another burst of inexplicable pain hit her.

It felt like someone was violently stirring her brain with an awl.

And not just once, but repeatedly!
When the third sharp pain came, she could no longer maintain the state of the star dragon.

The star dragon dissipates,

The light of the stars also disappeared.

Only two layers of the protective shield supported by Mie Mowan were left!

(End of this chapter)

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