my sister is number one

Chapter 227 Wronged, Too Wronged

Chapter 227 Wronged, Too Wronged

Seeing this scene, the cultivators who were watching outside the cave were puzzled.

Why did you stop suddenly?

Zhou Qi is showing mercy?
No, not possible!
On the contrary, some elders of the Tianxing sect saw the clue: "It's the soul-killing curse!"

Zhou Qi also reacted, and she immediately cast spells to protect her sea of ​​consciousness.

However, just now, the divine soul and immortal thoughts were repeatedly injured, but it made her sweaty and pale.

"It's actually an extermination curse!?"

Chen Ziying ignored Zhou Qi.

Keep using the spell.

Zhou Qi was also stunned when he saw the thick stack of soul-killing curses in Chen Ziying's hand.

Although she used protection spells,

But it doesn't mean that the Exterminating Soul Curse has no effect on her at all.

To use an analogy, it is like a person wearing a hard helmet, but there is still someone holding a wooden stick and hitting you hard.If you hurt, it won’t hurt, but it’s annoying!

Moreover, although Zhou Qi's spells can last for a long time.

But if she didn't make it up in time at the moment of interruption, Xian Nian would be injured by the soul-killing curse again.

Although it is said that the fairy thoughts of the celestial beings cannot be killed by mere soul-killing curses.But it will also hurt, and it will also affect the cultivation base.

But none of the above is the key!
The point is, are you willing to use so many killing spells?Why not willing to spend more money to buy Lanyu Tianjing?
One hundred!

I promise to exchange it with you for one hundred tickets!

However, Zhou Qi couldn't say this at this time.

It's no problem for a lion to open its mouth wide open in secret.

But now on the martial arts arena, it is the competition between the Yumen Realm and the Celestial Star Realm.

It was impossible for her to say such words.

While she hesitated,

Chen Changqing had already controlled Mie Mowan and used a bunch of shields.

Zhou Qi's mouth twitched twice.

She never expected that she would fall into such a passive situation.

The defensive magic weapon given by the teacher before was useless at all, and the opponent did not use the offensive magic weapon except for the soul-killing curse.Instead, a lot of spells were sacrificed, all of which were defensive.

Is this interesting?

Zhou Qi chanted the moving mantra again, bearing the annoying soul-killing curse.

A wooden box flew out, the wooden box was opened, and twelve small swords flew out, which were fairy-level spirit treasures——Twelve Cursed Swords!

Each small sword has a fairy-level spell attached to it.

This is also one of the magic weapons given to her by the head yesterday.

The small sword is designed to break through the shield, and can fly to the practitioner after piercing the shield, and then burst out spells.

In a blink of an eye, twelve small swords flew towards the shield.

Chen Changqing instinctively sensed the danger: "Ying'er, Yumen Qianque Sword!"

Chen Zi shook her hand, and a long sword appeared in her hand.

She pushed the long sword forward, and the long sword flew out.

A long sword turns into two, and then turns into four...

In just a few breaths, countless long swords flew out and collided with those small swords.

After the small sword collided with Chen Ziying's Yumen Qianque Sword, the long sword shattered instantly.

However, Chen Ziying's long sword was superior in quantity, relying on the long sword's block, those small swords could not get close for a while.

Taking advantage of this gap, Chen Changqing also began to control Mie Mowan to use the Miehun Curse.

The soul-killing curse cannot be stopped.

The situation reached a stalemate.

This is a contest of spiritual power and patience between the two sides.

Chen Ziying kept drawing out the long swords, and kept restraining the twelve small swords.

But Zhou Qi is also an experienced celestial being. She gritted her teeth and gathered ten small swords together. The ten small swords broke through Chen Ziying's sword net in the same direction and flew towards the shield.

Chen Ziying gritted her teeth, and controlled all the long swords to gather together to block the small sword.

Blades collide,
The blades crumble into pieces and scatter,

The little sword hidden by Zhou Qi took advantage of this gap and flew out from the left and right sides.

"elder brother!"

Chen Changqing: "It's okay, I will block one, and you can solve the other by yourself."

Chen Ziying: "..."

Brother, you think highly of me too much.

As soon as Chen Changqing finished speaking, he flew out and crashed into one of the small swords.

The little sword crashed into Mie Mowan's body.

The runes on Mie Mowan's body flickered, and the body became a bit stronger.

The spell on the little sword exploded.The five thunderbolt curse!

Zizizi!Lei Guang immediately covered Mie Mo Wan.

On the other side, the last small sword kept breaking through the shield, flying into the shield and flying towards Chen Ziying.

The runes on the little sword flickered...

Chen Ziying reached out and pointed at the little sword.

The rune's light began to recede.

With a flash of her body, the little sword brushed past her.

Zhou Qi gritted his teeth, and once again controlled the little sword to fly back.

However, at this moment, a black shadow came flying with thunder light.

Is that the puppet?
"Go away!"

Zhou Qi roared angrily, and hit a few ribbons with his backhand.

Mie Mowan's body was divided into six parts.

I'll make up the head...

Ahem, just kidding.

Playing around.

When Chen Changqing was making Miemowan, he had a whim, thinking that if Miemowan was restricted by someone, he could use this method to lift the restriction.

Mie Mo Wan blocked the ribbons with his limbs.

The ribbon wrapped around the hands and feet in an instant.

Only the body of Mie Mo Wan directly slammed into Zhou Qi.

Zhou Qi was distracted and formed a shield.

Chen Changqing sneered in his heart.

Isn't it too late to condense the shield now?

The spell on Mie Demon Wan exploded, and a powerful wave of spiritual power erupted from Mie Demon Wan's body.

At this moment, another golden light fell from the sky, enveloping Zhou Qi.

"Enough, Chen Zi wins!"

Chen Changqing: "..."

Couldn't you have shot earlier?

Let me waste another puppet.

Chen Changqing's fairy thoughts flew out and flew into Chen Ziying's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Such methods are not allowed to be used again." The voice of Patriarch Tianxing came again.

what happened?
Are people not allowed to blow themselves up with puppets?

Do you look down on rich people?
In order to deal with Luo Tianqi, Chen Changqing specially increased the power of Mie Mo Wan's self-explosion just in case.

The explosion just now was more powerful than the Five Elements Array.It can even affect this small cave.

Therefore, Patriarch Tianxing had no choice but to strike again.

In the past few days, Chen Ziying has made the ancestor of Tianxing make two consecutive shots.

This is a situation that has never happened in the Tianxing Dabi for so many years.

When Chen Ziying and Zhou Qi were teleported out, everyone's eyes fell on their faces.

Zhou Qi looked bewildered, even more bewildered than Zhong Ming was yesterday.

Are you ready to win?
Why did the ancestor say that I lost?
Why can't I understand this competition at all?

Could it be that the puppet's self-destruction could still hurt himself?
As the winner, Chen Ziying,
At this moment, but with a grievance on his face,

That expression is like losing a competition.

There is no other reason,

Because Chen Changqing was crying in her sea of ​​consciousness...

Chen Changqing: "The Tianshen is gone, Mie Mowan is gone, ah, even the body is gone. Yinger, brother is so miserable!"

(End of this chapter)

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