my sister is number one

Chapter 242 Computing with each other, is Chen Changqing in danger?

Chapter 242 Computing with each other, is Chen Changqing in danger?
The magic energy that was bounced away condensed again and turned into a giant.

The Misty Ancestral Demon realized that this time the opponent came prepared.

If you can't break through, you are really likely to explain here.

Where did this Da Luo Jinxian who can borrow the power of the world come from! ?
It turned out that the Misty Ancestor Demon followed its own characteristics.

Ordinary Da Luo will not be its opponent.

It's just that this Da Luo Jinxian who suddenly appeared and came from the devil world... Who the hell is it?

Why can you borrow the power of heaven?

Now the big Luo in the world is already so strong?

If the Da Luo Jinxian in every small world can borrow the power of heaven, can the demon world still invade the human world?

However, these are not the most important issues for the Misty Ancestral Demon.

The most important question is how it will escape.

Since there is no way to escape from the cracks here, then escape through other cracks!

There is more than one crack in the Demon Realm that has invaded the Yumen Realm!
"The magic energy is unpredictable and ever-changing."

The concentrated magic energy turned into a cloud of magic and flew towards the clouds.

Chen Changqing: "Big formation that covers the sky!"

Countless talisman papers flew out, forming an umbrella in the sky.

The paper umbrella is condensed by the power of heaven and turns into an umbrella of heaven.

The blockade of the power of heaven makes it impossible for the fog ancestor demon to break through.

The Demon Realm is precisely the enemy of the Dao of Heaven.

How could Tiandao be escaped by this primitive ancestor demon representing the demon world?
As the cracks slowly closed, the power of the demon world had less and less influence on the way of heaven.

The power of heaven became stronger and stronger, turning into silk threads one by one, entangled the clusters of demonic clouds.

Groups of demonic clouds were pulled into the heavenly dao paper umbrella and purified by the powerful power of heavenly dao inside.

The clusters of demonic clouds dispersed again, turning into tiny breaths, trying to fly out from the gaps in the paper umbrella of heaven.

Countless lines of heaven flew out from the umbrella of heaven.

However, there is still a ray of magic energy flying out from the gap of the umbrella of heaven.

After the demonic energy broke through Chen Changqing's Tiandao paper umbrella, it kept getting bigger.

"Hahaha! I escaped!"

Chen Changqing frowned, and thought: "Ying'er! Let's break the boundary and cut!"

Chen Ziying immediately responded when he heard the words; "Come here!"

The next moment, Chen Ziying's phantom appeared beside Chen Changqing.

At this time, Chen Ziying was deep in the Evergreen Realm, and Chen Changqing blessed Chen Ziying with the power of heaven from the Evergreen Realm.

Chen Ziying's phantom began to grow slowly.

From being a loli, to a girl, and then to a fairy in a plain white dress.

Chen Ziying: "Brother, I'm going!"

While speaking, she flew towards the Misty Ancestral Demon in a flash.

Before the Misty Ancestral Demon could stop laughing, a ray of light descended from the sky.

Sword light flashed.

This trace of magic energy has not yet fully recovered.

At this time, the Misty Ancestral Demon was still in a weak state, but Chen Ziying's blow was blessed by the Dao of Heaven.With one strike of the sword, the Misty Ancestor Demon will be wiped out in form and spirit!

"Good job!"

The evil energy around is gone,
The huge Shura giant began to shrink slowly, turning into a tall and strong man of ordinary height.

Chen Changqing also dissipated his immortal energy, the gold-plated puppet flew away, Chen Changqing flew out of it, and greeted with fists: "Junior Chen Changqing, I have seen senior."

"You're welcome. I thank you on behalf of Rakshasa Kingdom."

Chen Changqing pursed his lips: "Senior, this junior still has important things to do, so let's go first. Please say hello to Brother Zhai for me."

Hu Buxiang nodded: "Brother Chen, Hu respects everything you have done for the Yumen Realm."

Chen Changqing smiled slightly: "There will be a period later!"

Although this time the plan has undergone certain changes.

But the task of destroying the formation in the Demon Realm has to continue.

Although one large formation has been blown up, Chen Changqing still controls another large formation.

Now he flies back to Yang Jingguo at full speed.

The crack in the demon world above Yuezong in Yang Jingguo town was not completely sealed, but was controlled by two immortals.

Chen Changqing just wanted to go back there and go back to the demon world through the crack in the demon world over there.

Chen Changqing believed that the other ten primitive ancestor demons had discovered the problem.

The next action will not be as easy as before.

To put it bluntly, in these two actions, the reason why Chen Changqing was able to seal the Undead Ancestral Demon and kill the Misty Ancestral Demon at the same time was entirely dependent on the help of other people, as well as the help of the power of heaven.

If Chen Changqing was really singled out one-on-one, he couldn't guarantee that he had the ability to defeat a primitive ancestor demon.

Chen Changqing returned to Zhenyuezong.

Two Earth Immortals flew out, they were Tao Baibai and Guan Zhenshan.


Chen Changqing nodded slightly to the two: "You two, I want to go back to the Demon Realm from the crack in the Demon Realm here."

"We already know about this matter. However, going away this time... I'm afraid it's extremely dangerous." Tao Baibo looked at Chen Changqing with a little worry.

Chen Changqing smiled slightly: "Brother Tao, don't be nervous. I have my own way to save my life."

Tao Baibo's face changed slightly when he heard the words: "I made a slip of the tongue."

Tao Baibo didn't realize it for a while, Chen Changqing was now a Da Luo Jinxian, and his strength was extraordinary.

Chen Changqing waved his hand: "Brother Tao doesn't have to be like this. You are good friends, and you kindly reminded me just now. How can there be any gaffes?"

Seeing that Tao Baibai's face was slightly relieved, Chen Changqing went on to say: "Then I will take a step first, and we will meet later."

Not long after, Chen Changqing came to the entrance of the crack.This place is guarded by his puppet, a golden fairy, and a big Luo. Chen Changqing went up to greet him, and then flew to the devil world.

At this time, Chen Changqing had to race against time, if he went back as fast as he could, he might still have a chance to destroy another magic circle.

Now counting what Chen Changqing destroyed and the magic circle sealed by the immortals in the Yumen Realm, there are only seven cracks in the Demon Realm connecting the Yumen Realm.

If another one is lost, there should be a chance for the Yumen Realm to concentrate their efforts to seal the remaining cracks.

After Chen Changqing returned to the Demon Realm, he started a series of preparations.

It's just that the puppet blew itself up, blowing up many puppets he created.Now he's going to add some back and make them pretend to be demons.

This time, Chen Changqing couldn't create as many demons at the same time as last time.After making almost one-third of what he did last time, Chen Changqing had no choice but to set off.

On the other side,
Northeast of the Demon Realm.

This is one of the cracks in the Demon Realm where the Demon Realm invaded the Yumen Realm.

Even Chen Changqing didn't expect that ten primitive ancestor demons would gather here.

A skinny old man with white hair sat on a purple lotus with his eyes closed.

This person is Tian Mozi, one of the original ancestor demons, who is good at calculating the fate of the demon clan.

The other nine primitive ancestral demons were sitting around it.

Although Tian Mozi didn't speak, an old voice came out from it: "Two big formations have been destroyed again. I have counted that the people who ruin us and wait for good things are going here."

"Invading the Yumen Realm and taking advantage of the opportunity to enter the prehistoric world cannot be missed."

"This person is my confidant."

"This time, we will invite you into the urn! Completely eliminate future troubles!"

(End of this chapter)

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