Chapter 243
demon world,

Demonic energy pervades,

Looking at the past, there is black soil everywhere.

Chen Changqing led countless puppets that turned into demons to fly.

In the past few days, Chen Changqing didn't encounter any evil spirits, but he felt faintly that something was watching him.

This made Chen Changqing feel a little strange.

Although the demon world is vast, it's not surprising that you can't meet other demons.


After going through so many things, now Chen Changqing felt a little troubled, and was a little suspicious.

After all, you are in the devil world, so you can't be too careful.

While leading the puppets forward, he communicated with Chen Ziying with the Ten Thousand Miles Concentric Curse.

"Ying'er, ask Sister Yaoyao for me. Is there anything abnormal in Yumen Realm?"

Chen Changqing knows that on the battlefield, everything changes in an instant, and at the same time, one hair can affect the whole body.Now that Da Luo has been achieved.Naturally, his premonition was not without reason.

Either there was a change in the Demon Realm, or there was a change in the Yumen Realm.

According to his style of conduct, he will certainly not take risks.Now that he knew there might be an accident, he had to figure out what the accident was in advance.

Turn the unexpected into the expected to solve the problem.


Chen Zi greeted Chen Changqing.

And Chen Changqing also slowed down his speed.

If you advance rashly, you may be in danger.

Keep one hand in everything, keep one hand!
Soon, Chen Changqing received a reply from Chen Ziying: "Brother, there are indeed some changes. The offensive of several cracks in the Demon Realm has weakened. The Yumen Realm finally got a chance to breathe."

When Chen Changqing heard this, he frowned slightly and remained silent.

Chen Ziying asked again: "Ying'er, ask again. Haven't you seen the original ancestor demon in the cracks for a long time?"

Chen Ziying asked again.

Soon Chen Changqing got a reply.

As Chen Changqing expected, there was no original ancestor demon in the cracks in the devil world.

Could it be that the original ancestor demons are not in the cracks?

That being the case, can the companions in Yumen Realm fight back?

Wait a moment,
What if this is the other party's intention?
If the opponent's purpose is to make me think that the original ancestor demon is not in the crack of the demon world, and let me give suggestions for counterattack in the Yumen world, but in fact they are setting up a killing array to plot against the counterattacking immortals, wouldn't they fall into their schemes?
No risk, no risk.

Chen Changqing didn't dare to make a judgment on this kind of matter that related to all the living beings in the Yumen world.

Once the calculation is wrong, the Yumen world may be lost forever.

"Brother, did something happen?" Chen Ziying asked.

Chen Changqing: "Well, there are experts in the Demon Race."

Chen Ziying: "Are you taller than your brother?"

Chen Changqing smiled: "My elder brother is just a younger brother, not some expert. And the expert I am talking about is not high in cultivation, but high in calculation."

"Brother, is there someone else to plot against you?"

Chen Changqing sighed: "It's not a human, it's a demon race."

There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

Chen Changqing has always understood this truth.

For more than 100 years, Chen Changqing has remained sober, even now.He has become a Da Luo Jinxian.He still does not forget his original intention and forges ahead.

Counseling, we must counsel all the way to the end.

Chen Changqing thought for a moment: "Ying'er, you let all the seniors in Yumen Realm respond to all changes with the same."


At the same time, in the northeast of the Demon Realm.

Tian Mozi led all the demons under his command to set up the Immortal Formation of the Four Absolute Prisoners.

Of course, they did not give up the defense of the fissures in the Demon Realm.

They have already established a teleportation circle at the crack in the demon world.

As long as there is a problem with the crack in the demon world, they can be sent back.

Now, their attention is all on the immortal that Tian Mozi calculated.

They consumed countless materials, and even used hundreds of thousands of demons as sacrifices to ensure that the formation was foolproof.

The rest of the demons couldn't figure out why Tian Mozi paid so much attention to it.

However, the evil spirit who figured out what happened in the Yumen Realm was also Tian Mozi.This allowed the group of demons to obtain countless benefits.

So, this time they also believed in Tian Mozi again.

Tian Mozi flew into the air, looking at the formation on the ground of the Demon Realm.

It has a smile on its face.

this matter,

It has already been well calculated,

It calculated that the immortal might have the strength of Daluo,

It even overestimated that the immortal was the lord of another world, who could guide the power of heaven,

That's why it handed over all the other primitive ancestor demons, and also set up the Four Absolute Prisoner Immortal Formation.

Not only do they want to defeat the immortal, but they also want to trap him in the formation to absorb its immortal power. If it is the master of another world, they want to occupy that immortal's world by the way.

As long as that fairy comes...

Hum hum……

Tian Mozi has calculated thousands of times, and it can be said that he is foolproof.

However, Tian Mozi waited for a month.

Why haven't you come yet?
More than two months have passed since the explosion at the Misty Ancestral Demon.

Could it be that he was injured while fighting the Mist and is still recovering?
Or is he making other preparations?

After such a long time, other primitive ancestor demons began to have problems with Tian Mozi.

Today, even a primitive ancestral demon has questioned Tian Mozi.

They suspect that there is no such person as Tian Mozi calculated.

Tian Mozi managed to convince the other demons to wait a few more days.

They have consumed so many materials, manpower and material resources, as well as fighter planes to invade the Yumen Realm.

If you can't wait this time,

That loss would be too great.

And they didn't know it yet,

The man they had been waiting for had made his decision a month earlier.

He... is not coming!

Tianmozi has calculated thousands of times,
Calculated all kinds of means to deal with Da Luo Jinxian, the lord of the alien world.

However, it was not counted.

What if the other party doesn't come!
After Chen Changqing asked the Yumen Realm to make a plan to deal with all changes with no change,
I also made the same plan.

He began to make various preparations on the spot.

He felt that if the evil spirits were trying to lure the Yumen Realm to make a move, then the price they would have to pay would be to delay the fight.

Although the immortals in the Yumen Realm didn't take the opportunity to seal those cracks, they were still trying to seal the magic energy of the cracks within a certain controllable range.

As time goes by, the demon's advantage will become smaller and smaller.

At this time, those primitive ancestral demons should be unable to hold back and continue to attack.

However, what Chen Changqing didn't expect was that those demons really held back, holding back for more than a month without making a move.

Could it be that those demons are really distracted, not on the other side of the crack in the demon world?
Where are they then?
Thinking of this, Chen Changqing couldn't help feeling cold behind his back.

Is it...

They are waiting for me?
(End of this chapter)

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