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Chapter 1 Confession, encounter hell on earth!

Chapter 1 Confession, encounter hell on earth!
My name is Chu Tingsheng, I was born in Guangzhou, and I went to university in coastal city Z. I will never forget February 2th, a day that changed my life.

On that day, darkness quietly fell on City Z.

It was my goddess' birthday that day, and I planned to confess my love to her. Some people might think it was tacky, but this tackiness has been brewing for several years.

The goddess is my senior sister, named Lin Wan, who has already graduated, and her family helped her buy a house in Z city. I have visited her house several times during parties, and on this day, I plan to surprise her.

I bought two things with the 1000 yuan I saved from food and frugality. One was a piece of clothing that I saw when I went shopping with the goddess. It cost more than 600 yuan. At that time, the goddess did not carry so much I don't have any money, I didn't have time to buy it, I regret it, there is another thing, nineteen chocolate roses, this day is both the goddess' birthday and Valentine's day, and at that time, I thought it would be my Days of stripping.

That day I wandered downstairs of Lin Wan's house for a long time, the sea breeze mixed with salty and sticky breath was blowing on my face, bringing the coldness that penetrated into my body unique to the south, making me tremble all the time, the more I trembled, the more I felt that I was going to lose weight. Started to be cowardly.

It wasn't until after five o'clock in the afternoon that I finally mustered up the courage to go upstairs and came to Lin Wan's house.

I said to myself over and over again: It's okay, don't be afraid, isn't it just a confession, if you are rejected, you will be rejected, and the worst is to start all over again.

With that in mind, I slowly approached the door.

The tighter a person's nerves are, the sharper his insight will be.

At this time, I was like a thief, looking around while approaching the anti-theft door.

At this moment, I suddenly discovered that there was a pair of men's leather shoes on the shoe rack outside the security door.

I froze for a moment, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in my heart.

Whose shoes are these? !I remember that Lin Wan lived alone!And she said it herself, there is no boyfriend...could it be her family?Her father came to see her?So do I still have to confess today?Are the gifts still available?
I hesitated, even if I could convince myself to confess at this time, it would be difficult to convince myself to do it in front of Lin Wan's family.

I'm just a college dick without a car or a house, and I don't even have a source of income. I'm not ugly, but I'm definitely not an eye-catching beauty.

What should I do...

I was hesitating when, at this moment, there was a call from behind the anti-theft door.

There was a long trembling girl's cry.

I believe that any man who has watched a few movies will know what kind of voice it is. Then, another man's deep voice came.

I was stunned and couldn't help taking a step back.

I remember that Lin Wan told me more than once that she hates those women who live indiscreetly and like to mess around; she does not support premarital sex.

"Did I go to the wrong door?" I was still defending her, so I took out my mobile phone and called her.

No one answered, but the phone rang from the other side of the door.

The phone slipped out of my hand, together with the chocolate rose in my hand, the dress that I thought Lin Wan would wear very beautifully, the one that slipped and broke, and some kind of stupid feelings I had for Lin Wan. Belief".

I seem to hear the sound of breaking.

I squatted down in a daze, and hurriedly cleaned up the mess all over the floor. The ecstatic shouts from the room still didn't stop.Every cry is like a steel knife, piercing my heart fiercely. While I put the broken chocolate roses back into the dirty bag, I can't stop sniffing, I'm afraid I will Weep uncontrollably.

However, at this moment, a man's scream suddenly came from the other side of the door.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

Heart-piercing screams are definitely not something that can be uttered when doing that kind of thing.

I was so scared that I fell down and sat down. The sound came too suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled "bang", and the anti-theft door in front of me was hit "shaky".

I stared wide-eyed at the dark facade—what happened? !

"Kang Dang..." "Ah! Ah! Don't come here!" The tearing cry, the heart-shattering crash made my thoughts complicated and chaotic. My heart beat fast, and I wanted to run away, but I couldn't move. My feet, in the corridor, I just sat there, staring blankly at the door, listening to the horrifying noise inside.

Suddenly, with a bang, the frame of the door in front of me was knocked out of shape, especially at the lock. What kind of force is this to cause such astonishing damage? !This is definitely not something that one person can do!

At the same time, I suddenly discovered that there was something falling down the crack of the security door that was knocked open——a bloody palm, the part protruding from the crack of the door, the fingers seemed to be still moving slightly, It was like a powerless desperate struggle, the blood on the palm fell outside the door little by little, the shocking bright red made me almost scream for a moment, I kept moving back in fright, and at this time, There was already a dead silence behind the half-opened door, and there was no sound at all.

My upper and lower teeth were chattering, and I could hardly stand up, but at this moment, I suddenly thought of Lin Wan.

Isn't Lin Wan supposed to be in the house? !
What happened to Lin Wan?
Is it...

Thinking of this, I leaned on the wall and stood up in a strange way. I don't know if love can give people strength, but at that time, worrying about Lin Wan actually made me do a deadly act.

I approached the knocked-open security door step by step, gently holding the doorknob with trembling hands.

I called out: "Lin Wan!"

No one agreed, so I yelled again, with a higher pitch, but it broke. At that time, I was really scared, scared to death.

However, there was still only silence that answered me.

With courage, I held my breath and gently opened the anti-theft door. A burst of metal friction irritated my eardrums, and then, an indescribable bloody smell hit my face.I was stunned by everything in front of me. What fell from the door was indeed just a hand, an arm full of blood, and a severed limb. The severed limb seemed to be torn off abruptly. With a series of bloodstains, the blood directly extended to the owner of the severed limb not far away.

At this moment, the owner of the severed limb was lying in the middle of the living room.

It was a man - if that was a man.

He turned sideways with his face facing me. There was only half of that face left, the other half seemed to have been smashed to pieces, bloody and bloody, and his abdomen was ripped open by something, a pile of flesh and blood. The internal organs were mixed together and spread wantonly in front of him. The walls, the floor, and the whole room were splattered with blood. In an instant, I seemed to have fallen from the world into purgatory.

I just felt a tumbling in my stomach, and I stumbled out the door, turned around and fled downstairs.

When I got to the flower bed downstairs, I couldn't bear it any longer. I almost fell down by the ditch and vomited wildly.

At that moment, it seemed that what I vomited was not only the undigested things in my stomach, but I even felt that I had vomited out my internal organs. I have never seen such a scene in my life. I can no longer use everything. language to describe.

I admit that I was so scared at the time, I didn't even think of cleaning up the broken chocolates, clothes, etc. I left at the scene, and I didn't even think of calling the police. The bus with the most people returned to the school.

I didn't dare to tell anyone about that.

At that time, I lived alone in a rented apartment opposite the school.

After returning to the residence, I frantically rushed into the bathroom, turned on the shower, and washed my whole body.

In the winter, I kept flushing until the hot water turned into cold water, but I still let the shower head pour from the head—I just squatted in the middle of the bathroom, my mind was in a mess, and I didn’t dare to close my eyes, because I just need to close them At the first glance, I felt that what was poured down was not water, but thick blood.

After coming out of the bathroom, I was chilled and soon realized I had a cold.

So, I stuffed myself on the bed and covered any part of my body that could be covered with a quilt.

At this moment, I finally calmed down gradually, but after I calmed down, a deeper fear began to spread in my heart-I did not report the crime, and I left so much evidence at the scene, if the police came to me, I am afraid , I can't argue with a hundred words.

(End of this chapter)

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