Chapter 2

In those few days, I was like a frightened bird. I didn’t dare to go to class, and I was cautious about ordering takeaway every day. Whenever there was a police siren, I was so scared that I held my breath. Whenever my mobile phone rang, I was terrified.

Even if I stay in such a small room, I always feel that there are some invisible things around me. I dare not turn off the lights. As soon as I turn off the lights, I can see the blood and rotten flesh on the ground and walls.

What made me feel confused and tormented was that during this period of time, the teacher, the grade counselor, and the student union cadres approached me, but the police never approached me. There is no news at all.

What's going on here?
Am I crazy?
Is everything I see hallucinations?

Did it never happen?

You must know that what scares a person the most is not the feared thing itself, but speculation about the unknown.

Until one night five days later, I looked in the mirror in the toilet and found that I was like a mummy dug out from an ancient tomb, with dark circles under my eyes and a bearded face. It looks more angular, with chapped lips, rough skin, and disheveled hair. At that time, I thought, if this continues, even if no one comes to catch me, I am afraid I will torture myself to death.

And when I was lamenting my face, suddenly, the mobile phone on the bed "screamed".

I let out an "ah", and I was so frightened that I knocked the mouthwash cup beside me on the ground, and the toothpaste and toothbrush fell by the sink.

I didn't bother to pick it up, I suddenly turned my head and stared at the phone.

It's not a hallucination, the phone screamed and vibrated rhythmically on the messy bed I messed up.

who? !

Who is looking for me at this time? !

I walked over cautiously and picked up the phone tremblingly.

Lin Wan? !
I suddenly discovered that it was Lin Wan who called? !My goddess Lin Wan? !
When the name appeared on the screen of my mobile phone, it shocked me like a ghost call.

I hesitated for a long time, but in the end, I couldn't help but answer the phone. After all, she is Lin Wan. No matter what happened to her, no matter what happened that day, after all, I have loved her for so many years.

"You finally answered the phone!" On the other side of the phone, Lin Wan's voice was a little anxious, as if she was panting nervously, but I was sure it was Lin Wan.

I said, "What's wrong? Lin Wan, what happened to you?"

"Where are you now? I'm looking for you. Do you still live across from the school?" She actually said bluntly.

I froze for a moment, and stammered my answer: "Yes..."

"Tell me the exact address." Lin Wan said.

I was puzzled at the time, and what happened a few days ago, the purgatory scene was still circling in my mind. At this time, all the reasons made me hesitate, and I didn't know whether I should tell her.

But she said again: "Please, save me, I have never asked anyone, only you can save me now, please... I know what you saw, but everything is not what you think ,I am innocent……"

I stuttered and faltered for a while before I said, "Tell me... where are you, I'll pick you up."

"No, that's not safe, they will follow me, you tell me the address, I'll come to you, okay, I beg you, just tell me now, or send me a text message..." Lin Wan said.

I hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I'm in the third apartment at the entrance of the village opposite the school. The house number is No. 42, and the room number is 304. come here."

"You wait for me." After she said these three words, she hung up the phone. Listening to the busy signal on the other end of the phone, I was at a loss and at a loss. From the tone, I can judge [-]% that she did meet Big trouble, but I don't know what's going on behind the scenes.I would like to believe that she is innocent, but what happened to that corpse?Why did it appear at her house? !Why did you die so badly? !What happened in this world?
About 15 minutes later — at that point, I was pretty much staring at my phone waiting for her to arrive.

"Bang bang bang!" The rapid knock on the door shocked me, who was immersed in my own world, and almost fell off the bed. I quickly turned over and got out of bed, came to the door, held the doorknob with one hand, and asked, "Who is that?" !"

"I... hurry..." The voice outside seemed to be as low as possible, but I could tell that it was definitely Lin Wan.

I opened the door carefully, but just as the door opened a crack, she immediately pushed the door open and came in, and closed the anti-theft door very quickly, leaning her back against the door, staring at me, panting uncontrollably gruff.

I was petrified by her appearance.

It was February, the coldest time of the year, but she was only wearing a thin black vest, and the jeans on her lower body looked ragged.She has a good figure, with curvy curves. Normally, wearing such a black vest would definitely make me feel excited, but today's her only makes me feel terrified.

At this moment, her face was pale, her hair was disheveled, her whole body was filthy, as if she had just crawled out of a garbage dump, and she exuded an unpleasant smell. This sour smell, the moment she closed the door, Immediately filled the entire bedroom, if the face in front of me was not so familiar, I would have thought it was a beggar who came in.

I asked her tremblingly: "You...what's wrong with you, how did you make it like this."

She was still in shock, her chest heaved, and she seemed unable to speak at all.

I was a little at a loss, and quickly said: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, tell me what's wrong, what happened?"

Although she used to be a goddess with eyes higher than the top, at this moment, seeing her in such a desperate state, I suddenly felt distressed, and suddenly an inexplicable desire for protection arose, and this desire for protection even washed away my love for her. All doubts also temporarily suppressed the fear in my heart.

Her expression slowly changed, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, as if trying to hold back something, but in the end, tears burst out of her eye sockets.

A girl's tears are extremely lethal to a man, but the tears of a goddess basically act like a nuclear bomb in front of diaosi. When she started crying, I panicked and rushed from the bedside table next to me. He took out a few tissues, handed them over, and said, "Don't... don't be sad, just wipe your face first, and speak slowly... tell me slowly, what's wrong..."

She didn't take the tissue in my hand, she still looked at me, with big eyes, innocent and sad expression, I don't know what she suffered, but my heart really hurt, I stretched out my hand carefully to help her wipe At this moment, the corners of her mouth twitched, and after a long time, she spit out two words as if panting: "Help me..."

I was stunned, and at the same time, my heart became even more frightened: "What's wrong with you?! What's wrong with you?" I asked eagerly.

"Help me... I'm innocent, they'll find me, they'll kill me. Don't..." She spoke incoherently, at a faster pace, and even hysterical.

"Who is going to kill you? Don't worry!" I tried my best to calm her down, grabbed her shoulders with both hands, took a step forward, and said, "Lin Wan, I'm at my house, it's okay, you go take a bath first, calm down Just a moment, okay?"

She looked at me blankly, and after another moment of silence, she seemed to finally nodded in compromise.

I was a little relieved, at least she was still a normal person, the way she behaved just now made me very afraid that she had lost her mind and went crazy.

When Lin Wan went into the bathroom to take a shower, I opened the window to let in some air. Outside the window, the street was still noisy.

At this moment, it happened to be the hottest spot in the night market downstairs. Cups and cups were intertwined, and the sound of dishes being put into the pot, the sound of yelling and persuading people to drink, and the sound of laughing and fighting blended together.For a while, I felt very ironic, what the hell was God playing with me? Why did I encounter such a horrible and weird thing? Why are they so close to me, but they can still enjoy life under my nose?

After about half an hour, Lin Wan came out of the bathroom. She was wearing the bath towel I gave her. Her body was much cleaner and her expression became calmer. Her clothes were already dirty and damaged, so I had to put my shirt on. I put it on for her, and turned on the heating in the house for the first time. You know, I have always been poor. I usually don’t want to turn on the heating even in the middle of winter. I would rather use mineral water bottles to keep hot water in the bed. .

Lin Wan returned to the bathroom, that is, after changing my clothes in the toilet, and then sat down beside my bed—the goddess went to my bed. I never dared to imagine such a scene before, but it just happened today. It's just that the timing of what happened seems to be very different from what was expected.

(End of this chapter)

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