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Chapter 3 Ogre

Chapter 3 Ogre

Although Lin Wan had calmed down, she was still like a kitten recovering from fright, and I was someone who didn't know what to say or do in front of her, so we were all silent.

After a long time, she opened her mouth slowly and said in a low voice, "I'm so tired...I, can I sleep for a while?"

I was full of doubts, but at this moment, I was more distressed, so I nodded quickly and said, "Go to sleep, eat something before you wake up..."

She gave a low "um", I spread the quilt for her and let her sleep on my bed. Soon, she breathed evenly, and I stood by the bed and looked at her blankly.

At this moment, she was sleeping like a baby, her smooth and fair face seemed to be broken by blows, her facial features were clear and delicate, but she didn't know what dream she was having, her brows were tightly furrowed.

I took a long breath and shook my head helplessly.

Fortunately, I still like to be clean. Even though I live in a hut these days and don't take care of myself very much, the house is still tidy.

After sitting silently on the chair beside the bed for a while, I also decided to take a bath first to wake myself up. Now I feel as if I am falling into a strange and terrifying dream.

When I came to the bathroom, I looked at the dim mirror for a while, my face was still haggard and sallow, and I looked sick, but I was not sick, but scared.

I couldn't help but sighed, and took another deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

But when I inhaled this breath, I suddenly felt that there was a strange fishy smell in the surrounding air.

What's this smell?
Could it be blood? !
After witnessing that purgatory, I seem to be very sensitive to this fishy smell.

I couldn't help but get scared, and wiped my nose with my hand. The fishy smell was still there, but it didn't come from my hand.

I looked around, the bathroom and toilet are very small, as long as people go in, they can have a panoramic view of any corner, but I didn't find anything unusual at all. Could it be that it came from the sewer this week?
I was even more frightened. I held the lower edge of the mirror with one hand and stared at the dark urinal drain. I felt my heart beating faster. I was very worried that a burst of red water would suddenly emerge from the drain, and even... …float a bloody palm – any scene from a horror movie flashes in my head.

However, after a while, there was no response from the drain.

I couldn't help but gritted my teeth and said to myself: "Don't scare yourself... psychological effects are all psychological..."

I turned my face away while talking, but this turn of my face scared me so much that I stuck my whole body on the tiles behind me.I clearly saw that under the mirror, a few wisps of bright red blood trickled down from the back of the mirror, little by little, like a slug slowly wriggling forward, pulling out a bright red sticky track, the mirror is bleeding? !How could the mirror bleed!

"Could it be... is it behind the mirror..." Although I was terrified, I was not scared stupid. I knew that the mirror on the wall had been unstable, and there was a gap in the back. The blood flowed from behind the mirror. Could it be that , what's behind the mirror? !Thinking of this, I looked around, and finally chose the brush for cleaning the toilet thrown in the corner. I didn't dare to dig out the back of the mirror with my hands, so I had to use the handle of the cleaning brush to poke it in, and poked it for a long time. There was a "pop", and a plastic bag covered in blood actually fell from behind the mirror.

I was stunned.


When did you hide behind the mirror?
I carefully reached out and picked up the plastic bag.

There is nothing inside, it should just be bumped into blood.

Is this human blood, or...

A series of questions circled in my mind, and I couldn't help but look at Lin Wan who was lying on the bed outside.

I don't know how to use this kind of thing, and absolutely no one has come in during this time.

It can only be Lin Wan, what is she trying to do by hiding this kind of thing in my toilet? !

I was uneasy, so I went back to the room and stood by the bed, seeing Lin Wan's peaceful sleeping appearance, I began to hesitate again - I couldn't bear to wake her up.From the time she entered the door to now, countless questions have come one after another, but she has not explained anything to me, but I still can't bear to disturb her rest.

Confused, I lit a cigarette and went to the window. Since the heating was on in the room, I only dared to open the window with a small gap, just enough for me to stick my head and hands outside.

While swallowing the clouds, I felt a little calmer.

At this time, the night market stalls downstairs are still busy, and my eyes can't help scanning these happy people, hey... the distance from the first floor to the third floor, the difference between heaven and earth.

As I was thinking about it, suddenly, a hysterical roar broke out from the crowd in the night market downstairs.

I was startled, and almost fell downstairs with the cigarette in my hand.

At this time, I saw a man suddenly overturned the table in front of him, and his whole body bounced up.

Everyone was probably stunned. The noisy night market was surprisingly quiet at this moment.

The guy who overturned the table took a stride and rushed to the adjacent table at an extremely fast speed.

"What are you doing!" The people at that table were terrified and stood up one after another.

But then, a tragedy that no one could have imagined happened suddenly.

The voice of the loud questioning was still there, and the people on the table had already thrown down a woman among the people at the table. Then, there was another loud roar, and the man bent down and bit her down—even if it was on the third floor. , I can also be sure that he is devouring that woman!

"Ah!" Heart-piercing screams pierced the sky, the crowd gathered, and the whole night market became even more chaotic.

The woman who was pressed to the ground had her limbs twitching convulsively, and the crowd around them pushed each other and fled.

At this time, two tall and thick men finally rushed out of the crowd to pull the "monster" who devoured human flesh. Unexpectedly, the "monster" stood up abruptly, grabbed the hair of the two men with each hand, He knocked hard on a square table next to him.




Knock three times.

Those three muffled sounds, at this moment, sounded like thunder in my ears.

Then, the "monster" simply and neatly threw the two men aside. The two men had already been paralyzed, unable to move, and did not know whether they were dead or alive.

The monster knelt down again, as if enjoying a gluttonous feast, and continued to eat the women on the ground. At this moment, no one dared to come forward.

My stomach was churning and I wanted to throw up.

I can't believe it's real, that this horrible fact is happening to me again without warning.

What the hell is going on in this city?What the hell is wrong with the world I live in?Undecided in shock, I slowly retracted my body and turned my head. Suddenly, I felt a person standing behind me, and I was so frightened that I hit the window behind me.

"You... Lin Wan... why did you get up?" I took a closer look, only to find that the person behind me was none other than Lin Wan. She just stood quietly behind me, and I didn't know when she got up. Yes, there is no sound at all.

"I... I was woken up, what happened." She rubbed her eyes and said.

I lowered my head slightly and remained silent for a while. To be honest, I was very conflicted at this time, should I tell her this horrible thing.


However, before I could speak, gunshots rang out outside.

"Shoot?" Lin Wan's eyes widened.

I knew it would be hard to hide it, and it wouldn't make much sense to hide it from her.

I nodded slowly and said, "Down there... there's a man down there, who killed a girl at the next table."

Lin Wan gasped, and stepped back abruptly. I instinctively grabbed her shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Lin Wan looked to the side in despair, tears streaming down, I wiped it with my hand, the corners of her mouth twitched, for a while, tremblingly said: "What should we do, what should we do?"

"Don't be afraid, calm down..." I helped Lin Wan back to the bed and let her sit down, but she suddenly turned her face, stared at me, and said, "You must believe me, no matter what happens What, I have nothing to do with that..."

I froze for a moment, but I quickly realized what she was talking about, nodded quickly, and said, "I know, I understand, don't be afraid, with me here, nothing will happen, nothing will happen!" At this time, I I found that Lin Wan's eyes were a little erratic, sometimes looking at the bathroom, and sometimes looking at the wall on one side.

"Crack! Crack!" There were several more gunshots outside the window, and Lin Wan was startled. Suddenly, like a frightened cat, she shrank into a ball and kept moving towards the corner. I was startled, and hurried I stretched out my hand to hold her shoulder, but she suddenly fell into my arms and said tremblingly: "I'm afraid, I'm really scared... this city is finished, we are all finished, they will kill us all... "

"Who?" I couldn't help asking, "Who will kill..."

However, before the question was finished, there was a sudden loud knocking outside the door.

If it wasn't for holding Lin Wan, I think I would have been frightened to bounce at this time.

I suddenly raised my head and stared at the closed anti-theft door - there seemed to be something outside the door!
(End of this chapter)

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