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Chapter 4 Blood Killing Escape

Chapter 4 Blood Killing Escape
Lin Wan trembled in my arms, and her breathing became more and more rapid.

There were a few more knocks outside the door, as well as the sound of someone falling and shouting.

Lin Wan almost cried out, and I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.

That thing must have come upstairs.

That mighty guy, if he knew there was someone in this room, if he was allowed to break in, the consequences would be disastrous.

I held my breath listening to the sound outside the door.



There were several shocking bangs.

I held Lin Wan's hand tightly. This is not a TV series. Although we are so close, at this moment, I only have fear in my heart, without any special thoughts.

However, it didn't take long before the noises outside gradually stopped and became quiet. Even the night market downstairs seemed to have no sound at this moment. I couldn't help but look back at the window—danger is always I was worried that those strange things would crawl in through the window, even though I lived on the third floor at the time.

Facts have proved that I am nervous, the window is empty, only the flickering street lamp on the street outside, like blinking eyes, hanging in mid-air, exuding an indescribable strange feeling.

"Bang bang bang!" Suddenly, there was a hasty knock on the door.

I held my breath again, and still covered Lin Wan's mouth. Lin Wan didn't dare to breathe, but just stared at me with wide eyes.

"Bang bang bang!" The knock on the door sounded again, persistently.

I pretended to be brave and asked, "Who!" At that time, I thought, if it was a monster, it should have rushed in directly, and it would not be so civilized to come up and knock on the door.

"Open the door!" A man's voice came from outside, very eager, "My colleague is injured, and only your room is lit!"

I should have turned off the light just now!They must have seen the light coming through the crack of the door and judged that there was someone in my place.

"Hurry up!" The sound of knocking on the door outside became more and more urgent, and the tone of the speech seemed to be particularly nervous.

I carefully let go of Lin Wan, stood up, and was about to walk towards the door, but Lin Wan firmly grabbed my wrist and begged in a low voice: "Don't go...don't..."

I was suddenly caught in a contradiction.

And outside the door, pleading voices also came in: "Please, open the door quickly, we are the police, my colleague was injured, and that thing is still around here, please let us in and take shelter for a while, please ..."

People are helpless and weak before the fear of the unknown.

The person at the door was actually a policeman, and my mood became more complicated. Is that thing outside not even afraid of bullets?

After pondering for a few seconds, I finally decided to open the door. The policeman has a gun in his hand, even if it is an injured policeman?We might be safer with them in the room.

I gently pushed Lin Wan's hand away and said, "Don't be afraid, it's the police, don't be afraid..."

"I..." She was still a little hesitant, but at this time, I had already made a decision for her, and quickly came to the door and opened it. Outside the door, the voice-activated light had already gone out, but with the dim light from the room, I could clearly see the outlines of the two people. A tall and thin man in uniform, he must be a police officer. His expression was tense, even terrified, and one of his cheeks had been scratched.And the man beside him was stronger, but covered in blood, a window on his chest was shocking, his uniform was torn, and his flesh could even be seen ripped apart—what kind of power is this to be able to To tear people apart to this extent? !

"Come in." I said.

"Thank you, thank you..." The policeman looked very grateful, he helped his companion, and was about to walk in, but the moment he stepped into the door, suddenly, his expression changed, the whole person, also For a moment, he froze.

The muscles on his face tensed at this moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he was suffering from great pain. The panic and tension on his face turned into a terrifying ferocity. What's wrong... What's wrong? !

"Uh..." Immediately afterwards, a low, muffled roar came out from his throat as if being squeezed, and that roar spread and expanded the horror in my heart. At this moment, I suddenly discovered that his The abdomen has been pierced from the back.

What pierced his abdomen was actually a piece of old, blunt and rotten thick wooden stick. What kind of powerful arm is it that can instantly penetrate such a wooden stick through a person's body.And that wooden stick, knowing that at this time, was still stirring in his abdomen, and the bright red blood pooled down, and accompanied by that long roar, it burst open.

I looked up in fear, and in the darkness, behind the policeman, stood a tall black figure...

"Ah!" I couldn't help screaming, at the same time, the rotten wooden stick was pulled out of the policeman's body, leaving only a bloody hole.

The policeman and his companions rushed in together. I was already stunned and stared blankly at the black figure outside the door. It was a man with disheveled hair, his body was full of scars, his teeth were bared, and his face was covered with blood. , there seems to be a trace of minced meat hanging from the corner of his mouth, is this—must be that man-eating guy just now—a zombie? !Is this the so-called zombie?But how can zombies have thoughts, and how can they avoid detours? !

Behind me, Lin Wan screamed. This scream brought me back to reality from my confusion. I don't know where the strength and courage came from. I grabbed the handle of the iron door and closed the door hard. At this moment, There was only a "click", but the wooden stick in the zombie's hand was firmly stuck in the crack of the door. Then, a bloody hand grabbed the door frame, trying to pull the door open again. , a hoarse roar came in - "Don't try to escape!"

Do zombies also talk? !

Aren't zombies unconscious? !

The phrase "don't try to escape" almost made my legs weak in fright. However, perhaps because things must be reversed in extremes, my survival instinct kept me from retreating at this moment. I grabbed the ashtray on the bedside table by the door and slammed it at the ashtray. Palm on the door frame.

The ashtray was torn apart, and I don't know if his hands were too hard or the quality of the ashtray was too poor.

Due to the excessive force, my palm was also scratched and bled, but this smash made the guy retract his hand.

I took advantage of the opportunity to hold the front end of the rotten wooden stick, and with the strength of the anti-theft door, I broke it hard. Although the strength of the opponent was great, the wooden stick was old after all. I easily broke the wooden stick caught in the crack of the door into pieces He opened both ends and slammed the anti-theft door shut.

The crisis has not been resolved. While I was still in shock and turned around, there was a continuous sound of violent impact outside the door. Above this dilapidated small door, wall dust kept falling. I even felt that this door was about to be knocked away by that guy at any time.

And on the ground in front of me, two policemen fell to the ground. The policeman who was pierced by the wooden stick was motionless. The blood spread under him, forming a strange pattern on the tiled floor. The policeman in front of him seemed to be still alive.

Beside the bed, Lin Wan's face was pale, and her body seemed to be completely stiff. I felt that she would fall down at any time.

I wanted to hug her in the past, but just as I stepped over the "two corpses" under my feet, something held my leg tightly. I was shocked all over, and when I looked down, I saw the dying The policeman was holding my ankle with one hand and holding a gun in the other, pointing the gun at me.

"What are you doing?! I'm not a zombie!" I said loudly.

"'s not a zombie." The man raised his bloody face with difficulty, moved his lips, and murmured, "That's not a zombie, listen to me..."

I was stunned, he seemed to have something to tell me!

With courage, I squatted down slowly, the policeman let go of my ankle, turned the hand holding the gun with difficulty, handed the gun to me, and said, "Take it..."

"I... gun control... this contraband, how dare I..." I didn't know if I had a brain twitch, but I actually said this.

"Take..." the policeman said weakly, "Take your wife and run, these...these things are not zombies, they are people, living...people..."

What?people?How could a human have such power, and how could a human eat a human? !

I was still at a loss, but the policeman's hand had already dropped heavily to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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