Chapter 5

Trembling, I picked up the gun in the policeman's hand. According to my experience from hearsay, most of the policemen's guns are now the June [-]th type, which is not powerful and easy to ricochet. Criminals can still run and escape after being pierced through the legs by Type [-]. I think that such a gun still has no chance of winning in the face of the powerful "zombies".

Not to mention, I've never fired a gun, and I can't even put a safety on it.

But I also know that at this time, I am undoubtedly the only hope for me and Lin Wan to survive.

If I fall too, then Lin Wan...

I once again glanced at her pale face with a dull expression.

I couldn't help holding her hand, her hand was very cold, as if it had lost its body temperature.

I gritted my teeth, held the less powerful Six-Fourth, and said, "Lin Wan, don't be afraid, with me here, even if I am killed, nothing will happen to you."

I was not even sure of myself when I said this, and I even felt that I was slapped every time I said a word.

The pounding outside did not stop, I held my pistol flat, waiting for the moment when the door was broken through.

In fact, I knew that at that moment, we were either dead...or dead...there was only one way to die.

The anti-theft door began to shake, and death seemed to be getting closer and closer to me. The thing outside was too persistent...

My hands were shaking, but Lin Wan remained motionless.

Suddenly, the impact sound outside actually weakened, and then, there was a strange roar.

"You..." At that time, I vaguely heard that the "zombie" seemed to say the word you, and after the word "you", there was another strange cry.

what happened? !What happened outside the door?Could it be that something popped up out of nowhere? !
Immediately afterwards, there was a scream from outside, the scream of a man.

I was so frightened that I almost fell down, but in order not to cause Lin Wan to collapse, I suppressed my fear and managed to stand firm on my weak legs.

After a while, the outside actually fell silent.

A few heavy footsteps, from near to far, seemed to be slowly walking down the corridor.


I am getting more and more confused.

There were still two corpses on the ground, but it was quiet outside at this moment. The feeling of being empty, as if you were in mid-air, was even more maddening than encountering zombies.

At this time, I thought of running away again.

The policeman died in my house. The death was so weird and strange. Outside the door were "zombies" eating people. Everything made me feel at a loss.

And at this moment, the siren sounded outside the window. The large police force arrived long after this moment?

I suddenly felt that perhaps seeking the protection of the police was the only way out. Although it might be wished for and caused a lot of trouble, it was better than being so frightened.I turned my face and said to Lin Wan: "Don't be afraid, the police are here, let's go out, while that guy is gone, let's go down and find the police!"

"No!" Lin Wan suddenly screamed like an electric shock, her whole body trembling violently, "I can't call the police."

In astonishment, I looked at Lin Wan's face. Her big eyes were full of helplessness and despair. This deep despair even began to smudge into an indescribable madness. She stood up frantically. , Said loudly to me: "I can't find the police, please, take me away, trust me, take me away!"

I don't know what reason to believe her.

But at this moment, I thought of myself on Valentine's Day. That day, when I saw the tragedy of Lin Wan's family, I was frightened and stupid, and I retreated. I didn't call the police. At that time, I just ran away blindly. I don't know if what I did was also one of the reasons for today's situation. It's just that at this moment, a sudden guilt came to my heart.

"I..." I just hesitated for a few seconds, "Okay... I'll take you away, let's go now."

Thinking of this, I came to the door, lay on the crooked anti-theft door and listened, and looked out through the thin cracks beside the anti-theft door. I was sure that no one was standing outside, so I opened the door carefully.

There was silence outside.

I closed the door again, turned around, and said, "You...your clothes..."

Lin Wan shook her head, meaning that she couldn't care less, so she picked up her two unwashed dirty clothes again. At this time, she seemed to be a little more agile.

And I didn't dare to be negligent, I couldn't take the big things with me, I just stuffed my mobile phone, wallet and ID, and of course the pistol into my schoolbag, after thinking about it, I dug out some commonly used medicines from the cabinet , cotton wool, and gauze were thrown in the bag, and after a moment of contemplation, he closed the bag.I heard footsteps outside the door, and hurriedly turned off the lights in the room.

I know the police are coming upstairs.

Many times, people's courage is very courageous, it seems that it is not born out of thin air, but given by others. I can still stand here and think, it is all because there is Lin Wan by my side. If there is no her, I think, I've already broken down.

At that time, I thought about going out after the gang of policemen had left, but the terrible thing was that they seemed to be standing at the door and would not leave.

I was very anxious, so I sneaked into the crack of the door and looked out. At that time, the policemen had turned on the voice-activated lights outside. Through the crack of the door, I saw those policemen surrounding a corpse, and the corpse fell In the middle of the corridor, it was clearly the man-eating "zombie", but at this time, the zombie had been cut into two sections abruptly, and blood and internal organs were scattered all over the floor.

This... Who did this? !

The hair is creepy.

Inside this building, there seems to be something even more terrifying hidden, a guy who can forcibly cut a person, or even a powerful "zombie" into two pieces.

I could barely hear what the police outside the door were saying. I only felt ringing in my ears, and even the stench made me a little dizzy.

At some point, Lin Wan also touched me, hugged my arm tightly, and stared at the situation outside with me.

After a while, there was only one policeman left guarding the body outside.

"He still hasn't left..." I gritted my teeth and said in a low voice. At this time, Lin Wan hugged my arm even tighter. She seemed to be more scared and anxious than before. But he couldn't make out her expression.

But at the same time, everything outside the door left me stunned.

The policeman squatted down, reached out to pick up the internal organs on the ground, raised them above his head, and stared at them. That action was very strange.

Dirty blood dripped from the internal organs and dripped on his face, but he didn't respond at all. I looked over from the face, and I even felt that his expression was very enjoyable...

He... Could it be that he!

I was a little afraid to think about it—at this moment, would he open his mouth and swallow that pile of rotten meat in one gulp, would he wantonly devour the severed corpse?
But nothing happened, he put the internal organs down again, and wiped the blood on his face with his hand.

I let out a long breath, thinking that I was overwhelmed.

But Lin Wan next to me still hugged my arm and refused to let go.

She is still worried?Are you afraid of the police?In doubt, the policeman outside the door suddenly took out a small test tube from his pocket and put it on the bloody wound where the corpse had been cut off.

he!He's collecting blood!
My heart reached my throat again, and what I thought of at the same time was the "blood bag" I found in the bathroom.

"He..." I said involuntarily, "What is he doing, is he going to drink blood..."

"It's him..." Three words suddenly came out of Lin Wan's mouth, and those three words were full of unspeakable fear.

I was stunned, turned my face in a hurry, and said, "What? It's him? What is it?!"

Lin Wan tremblingly said: "It is he who wants to hunt me down, it is him, he is the mastermind behind the scenes!"

"What?! The man behind the scenes is this policeman?" I couldn't believe it.

But everything in front of me made me believe it. After the policeman collected the blood, he stood up and sneered at the body divided into two parts before walking away quickly.

The only chance presented itself. Now that the corridor is empty, if you don't go out at this time, maybe you won't have the chance to go out.

I remember that there is a back door in this building, which is the so-called safety exit. The safety exit has been unmanned all the year round, and it has become a dead end. I just don’t know if there are police guards at this time.

I gritted my teeth, grabbed Lin Wan, and said, "Go, let's get out! Immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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