Chapter 6
I took Lin Wan through the corridor as fast as I could, without even looking at the corpse on the ground, I came to the vicinity of the emergency exit.

Fortunately, there are no police here.

Although I felt a little unreasonable, I didn't think much about it, and led her into the dark corridor.

The three-story staircase felt as long as I had walked [-] floors. When I rushed outside the building, I found chaos not far behind me. I realized that it was the noise and chaos that gave us a chance to escape, but I I didn't dare to look at what happened, but I just told myself repeatedly that everything has nothing to do with me, there is no need to look...

I rushed forward without thinking. Lin Wan was obviously exhausted, so I simply hugged her. To be honest, Lin Wan is very thin, and she belongs to the kind of tall girl. I am not the kind of person who does not exercise at all. , so holding her is not too stressful, but after going through all kinds of horrible incidents just now, I only feel a little cramp in my calves, and my steps are a bit chaotic when I run.

I can only cheer up and run to the intersection, as long as I run to the bus stop at the intersection, where the cars come and go, we will be safe.

Blessings are unparalleled, and misfortunes do not come singly.

Although it seemed that the plan was perfect in my heart, God made another huge joke on me.

As soon as I ran to the small road outside the apartment, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of me. I took a closer look, and through the dim streetlights, I only saw that guy was wearing a raincoat and wrapped his whole body, looking extremely mysterious.

My heart skipped a beat.

Who would come out wearing a raincoat on this clear night? !
The person is not good!
But he stood in the middle of the road and blocked our way.

"Who!" I questioned loudly, and quickly reached out to get the June [-]th style in my bag.

And the "raincoat man" on the opposite side also started to move and walked towards me step by step, stretched out his hand and rolled up one raincoat sleeve, exposing an arm.

—what an arm that is!
That arm has no wrist, no palm, and even half of the forearm is left. However, in the broken arm, in the bloody scar, there is a white arm bone. The arm bone seems to have been processed. It was cut off in the middle, and against the dim brilliance around it, the arm bone was like a sharp long sword, and there were bloodstains on the long sword—could it be that the "zombie" was split in two? Half the murder weapon? !

I frantically took out the Six-Fourth Style from my bag, the guy in the raincoat had already slashed at me with a "sword", I protected Lin Wan and retreated to the side.

It is said that people's potential is easily tapped when they are in a desperate situation.

Even I feel that at this moment, my movements seem to be much faster than usual.

I didn't have time to study the gun, but by feeling, I slowly touched the safety handle on one side, pushed the safety handle off, loaded it, and held the pistol horizontally.

My hand is shaking, and I don't know if I can pull the trigger to shoot the bullet smoothly, but I know that in my state, I am afraid that the shot will not be accurate.

The guy in front of him took a few steps back, the pistol was somewhat intimidating.

"You...don't come here!" I stammered.

Behind the wide raincoat, the guy suddenly let out a few muffled laughs, and then, the guy stepped forward again quickly, as if he no longer paid attention to the weapon in my hand.

I gritted my teeth and pulled the trigger hard.

The hand was already unsteady, but the moment the shot was fired, I only felt the whole palm of my hand tremble, and my legs felt even weaker.

The man in the raincoat on the opposite side was only stunned for a moment before recovering - the shot missed!

I felt like I was about to cry. In my memory, the Type [-] pistol could only hold six or seven rounds of ammunition. The policeman must have fired a few rounds before he was alive. Now the bullets in this gun are more precious than gold, but I didn’t hit.

That guy rushed towards me again, I pulled Lin Wan and turned around and fled for a while into the nearby weeds. By the way, I grabbed the gun and prepared to fire the second shot.

But at this moment, a few shouts came from not far away: "What are you doing! Who shot! Don't run!"

I immediately judged that the police were chasing me.

To tell you the truth, I felt a little lucky at this moment, but Lin Wan at the side shouted to me at this moment: "Run! Don't let them catch you!"

Doubt and hesitation entangled my heart, but everything in front of me did not allow me to think.

I gritted my teeth, and without looking back, I continued to run towards the grass, looking back while running, at this moment, I found that the guy who used his arm bone as a sharp sword had turned around and left.

This is definitely human, zombies don't have such a good brain.

This guy wants to let the police directly help him deal with us.

Among the police, there are their accomplices, one kills and the other takes blood.

Lin Wan and I continued to run deep into the grass. Since this is a suburb, there is a rolling hillside behind us. Therefore, the further we go, the narrower the road, and the more trees around, the darker it becomes.

And behind us, the two policemen were chasing after us, and they kept yelling loudly: "Don't run, if you run again, we will shoot you!"

The sound is clear and penetrating under the quiet night sky. I seem to be able to imagine the feeling of a bullet passing through my body.

"Shoot!" Amidst the confusion, Lin Wan beside me suddenly spoke two words that shocked me.

"What?!" I stopped in my tracks.

"Shoot!" Lin Wan repeated.

I said eagerly, "That's assaulting the police!"

"Huh... Assaulting the police." Lin Wan snatched the gun from me behind her and said, "It's now, if you don't shoot, I will!" Then, she ran to the back of the nearby tree with a stride. After entering the forest, the surrounding area was very dark, and the two policemen also slowed down. Lin Wan raised her hand and pointed her gun at the moving figure not far away. I felt my heart was about to jump into my throat.

At this time, Lin Wan's arm was obviously shaking.

After a few seconds of stalemate, I took a deep breath, raised my hand and took down the gun in Lin Wan's hand, and said, "Let me do the crime. You can't shoot..." After finishing speaking, I As I did just now, I loaded the gun, raised the pistol horizontally, and aimed at the two policemen who were getting closer to us.

"Run." Before shooting, I turned my face and said to Lin Wan.


"You run alone, in that direction." I whispered, pointing to the left side, "Wait for me at the bus stop, if I don't come within 10 minutes, you go alone."


"Hurry up, how about acting in a TV series?" I said.

At this time, I had already figured it out. There were two people on the other side. My marksmanship was poor, and I could even say that I couldn’t use a pistol. Only by attracting those two policemen can Lin Wan survive.

Lin Wan didn't bother me too much, turned around and left, watching her back quickly disappear into the darkness, I pointed my gun at the two policemen again, those two policemen were obviously not familiar with this forest, they walked very quickly Slow, and at this time I have gone in the wrong direction, but the forest is not big, it is very easy for them to catch me - it is also very easy for them to catch Lin Wan who is running.

I don't know if they have heard the sound of Lin Wan running away at this time.

Running out of time!
My hand is on the trigger.

The moment I fired the gun, the muzzle of my gun moved down—I still didn’t want to kill innocent people indiscriminately—it wasn’t because I was pretending. Many things can only be truly understood when they happen to me.No one can kill an innocent person with a clear conscience, and neither do I, or rather, I don't have the guts either.

"Crack!" I hit the ground not far away.

"Over there!" The two police officers were obviously startled, and immediately rushed towards my direction.

I turned around and ran into the darkness. Originally, there was some distance between me and the police. I turned around and ran, and I would cause them a lot of trouble in this dense forest.

The only thing I'm afraid of at this point is that they shoot.

However, what I am afraid of often comes.

"Bang!" The first shot rang out.

This should have been nothing more than a warning shot.

I was so frightened that my legs became weak, and I staggered and fell to the ground, but I didn't dare to stop, and continued to move forward, and it took a while to barely stand up.

At this time, I just ran and left life and death to God.

I know that they may shoot me to death at any time, and my current behavior is assaulting the police and resisting arrest. Killing me counts as getting rid of a gangster.

However, Lin Wan must have reached the intersection by this time, right?She'll be at the bus stop in no time, and she'll be safe when she blends into the waiting crowd.

Thinking of this, I am actually a little relieved.

"Uh...ah!" Suddenly, a shrill cry came from behind me.

I didn't wait for the gunshot, but I waited for the scream of "tearing Xingyun", I couldn't help but stop, dodged behind the tree beside me, and turned back quietly.

With the dim light in the forest, I could only see that a figure of medium build pushed a policeman to the ground, and with a wave of his arm, he actually forcibly tore off the policeman's head.

I did not see the figure of another policeman.

I didn't dare to watch it either.

To be honest, I don't know if what I saw was a hallucination.

I turned around and ran wildly. At that time, I was so out of control that I was almost incontinent.

(End of this chapter)

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