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Chapter 7 The Man Wrapped in Skin

Chapter 7 The Man Wrapped in Skin

I don't know when I ran to the bus station.

When we got there, there were not many people at the station.

But I saw Lin Wan, and Lin Wan was sitting on the metal seat waiting for the bus. The moment she saw me, she stood up, and I saw a trace of joy on her face.

This glimmer of joy is probably the greatest comfort that God can bestow on me at this moment.

I went forward, put my hands on my knees, gasped heavily, and said, "Lin Wan, you're fine, as long as you're fine."

She didn't speak, just stood in front of me silently.

I felt that she hadn't moved for a long time, and slowly raised her head. At this moment, I found her expression was a little complicated, even a little sad.

I suddenly felt the atmosphere was awkward, scratched my head, and said: "Then what...there is another bus, maybe it will come soon, after we get on the bus, we will find a place to stay in the city."

"Yeah." She replied.

"Are you hungry, or I'll go over there and buy you something to eat." I pointed to the canteen at the intersection.

"No, it's dangerous," she said.

Her expression made me more suspicious, so I couldn't help but patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here..."

Unexpectedly, she suddenly fell into my arms.

I stretched out my arms to hug her, only feeling a little warm, even though she was still wearing the tattered and dirty clothes at this time.

At that time I thought: No matter what she becomes, I will protect her, no matter what she becomes, it is still mine...


? !
Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain.

I looked at the right arm where the pain spread in amazement, only to find that a needle had been pierced in the arm, and the blue liquid medicine quickly invaded my body.

"Lin Wan, you..." I just felt chills all over my body.

Lin Wan straightened up slightly, left my embrace, and then gently pulled the syringe out of my body. At this moment, she looked at me coldly with no expression on her face, and said, "How do you feel?"

At that time, I only felt hot all over, as if my blood was about to start boiling.

Rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, splitting headache.

I can't tell what kind of feeling it is, as if I'm staying in a huge airtight container, oppressive and suffocating, and the outside of the container is being scorched by flames.

"Why... what are you doing..." I gritted my teeth and asked with the last bit of strength left.

"Don't ask so many questions, just sit down and rest for a while." Lin Wan supported me, I wanted to break free, but I didn't have any strength at all. At this moment, every muscle, every tissue and organ seemed to be out of control.

I was supported by Lin Wan and sat on a chair beside me.

I was limp, looked at her, and said weakly: "What did you inject...?"

"Poison," she said with a grim smile, even grim.

"Why? Have you been lying to me? Your purpose is..."

"I'm really using you, but that's not my purpose." Lin Wan folded her hands on her chest and said, "I just changed my plan temporarily."


"Why? Ask yourself, why do you trust someone you rarely see once in half a year? Why are you so innocent?" Her mocking tone made my heart hit hard again.This blow caused me more pain and despair than hearing "that voice" at the door of her house that day.

In front of her, a No. 10 bus was slowly approaching. Lin Wan glanced sideways and said calmly, "Okay, Student Chu, I'm leaving, I wish you good luck!"





All the negativity, expanding in my mind.

What I faced was a blatant betrayal, hehe, thanks to me for leading the police away because of her, because of me shooting because of her, attacking the police because of her, and being desperate because of her.

I trust you so much, why are you doing this to me?Perhaps, there are some things that have no reason, and I am so stupid that I am willing to believe that she is using me openly, that's all, and I can only blame myself, playing to death... This is just playing to death.

My consciousness also began to blur at this moment, and I couldn't help laughing miserably.

I've been trying to survive, but I didn't expect to die like this. I died at the bus station. Maybe when I'm found tomorrow, I'll be gnawed to the ground by the monsters that ran out of the apartment.

I was right, I still have a Type [-] in my bag, and I shot the police once, and there are two dead policemen in my room.

At that time, maybe no one will come to collect the corpse, and my corpse will be treated as a felony criminal and sold to the medical school...

The heart beat faster and faster, but the surrounding sounds became more and more indistinct, and the sound of "dong dong" was all in my head, as if my heart had jumped directly from the chest cavity to the cranial cavity.

And the pain in my head was even more unbearable. I felt like I might explode at any moment.

I endured the pain and reached out to touch the inside of the backpack. At that time, my thought was that if I touched the phone, I would call 120, and if I touched the pistol, I would kill myself.

It's too painful, I can't bear it, I might as well resign myself to fate.

Soon, I touched something cold, and I pulled it out fiercely.

Sixty-four style...

Hehe, do you really want me to die here?Well, since it's God's will, then it's God's will...

I picked up the pistol, loaded it with all my strength, and pressed it to my temple.

I counted down to three for myself and pulled the trigger hard...


out of ammo...

There was no bullet in the pistol!Don't you want me to die?I can't even choose to die? !I wanted to yell, but I couldn't yell anymore, as if my voice was blocked in my throat, I couldn't break through the thick barrier at all, and in front of my eyes, not far away, a strange thing suddenly appeared...

It was a humanoid guy, naked.

But this human-shaped guy has no facial features, nor does he have any external organs that should be on his body. He seems to be tightly wrapped by a whole piece of human skin.

Is this hallucination?
Due to too much pain, at this moment, I have gradually begun to doubt everything I see in front of my eyes.

At the same time, I saw that the guy tightly bound by human skin was holding a head with distorted features in his hands. The head was still dripping with blood, stretching all the way, forming a trail of blood along his walking track. Wire.

"Who are you...what are you going to" I moved my lips and spoke slowly.

From the other party, I only got a gurgling response, a muffled sound, which seemed to come out from the tightly wrapped human skin, indistinct.

"Hehe... Did you just die like this?" I laughed miserably again.

At this time, the guy had already thrown the head aside, raised his hand, and approached me.

It seems that in a few seconds, I will be decapitated like the policeman.

I didn't expect my death to be like this in the end, it was too ugly, but I didn't have the strength to resist anymore.

"Don't move, raise your hands above your head!" Suddenly, I heard a few shouts.

"One more step forward, and we'll shoot!" The police, what I saw this time, seemed to be special police.

Their costumes were completely different from those of the previous ones. Suddenly, I seemed to see body armor and riot helmets.

Those special policemen took a half-squatting posture in battle, and walked up to them step by step.

The guy with no facial features in front of me turned around slowly.

"Squat down!" Another special police officer ordered.

"Hiss..." A strange and hoarse roar came from the tightly wrapped skin—this guy seemed not ready to compromise.

The special police probably also realized that the "negotiation" and "deterrence" were ineffective, and the one in the lead fired first.

A gunshot, the impact stings my eardrums, making my spirit drift between illusion and reality, between confusion and sobriety.

The heartbeat and throbbing pain brought by the gunshot seemed to just tell me that everything was not a dream.

I saw that the guy covered in skin shook violently.

"Bang!" Another SWAT officer fired, and the figure's body trembled again.

The special police surrounded him, and several more shots were fired. The human body moved slightly, but never fell down.

I seemed to be left alone by them.

The skin-wrapped figure walked towards the police step by step. I looked at his back, and after being shot so many times, he was still able to move forward upright.

The special police stepped back step by step. They were much more professional than ordinary police, and their movements were not chaotic at all.

But at this moment, that human-shaped guy suddenly jumped up, and his jumping power seemed to be twice as high as that of a human. Immediately afterwards, I saw him volley down and hold a special policeman's head , and then turned forward violently, and mentioned it——with a "poof", the special policeman had not even had time to scream, and his head and helmet were ripped off, and blood spurted wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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