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Chapter 101 Anxious Tug-of-War

Chapter 101 Anxious Tug-of-War

I sighed, lowered my head slightly, and after a while, slowly said: "Go and save others, those wounded soldiers under the tempered glass are more dangerous than me, and those over there..."

"Mo Ge is fine." Lin Wan calmed down a bit, and said, "Compared to yours, her injury can only be regarded as a superficial injury."

"Hehe..." I smiled wryly.

Lin Wan turned her face to one side, said nothing, and did not return to the battlefield.

Taking advantage of this moment of silence, I raised my eyes and looked out of the window not far away. The attack of the Yimen has indeed been successfully blocked, but it is far from the time when the danger is over. Although Lin Wan told me that I had already hit Their commander, but the Wingmen outside are still moving quickly, and the formation of the attack is still orderly.

On our side, more and more people have fallen down. I found that some of the recruits began to retreat. Many people began to retreat to the edge on purpose, and a few people hid with their heads in their arms. Under the metal wall, but they were obviously uninjured.

I'm just a little soldier, I can't change the situation, I don't even have the ability to change anything.

Maybe this time, we really are screwed.

At this time, Lin Wan suddenly said, "I seem to have said that I will definitely take you out, whether you want it or not, I will definitely guarantee your safety."

"You...what are you going to do?"

Lin Wan said: "Listen, the lookout port I told you about is still usable now, you have the support of concentrated liquid, although your legs can't move and you've lost a lot of blood, but it's not life-threatening for the time being. Go now, go immediately, I will carry you on my back and climb down the mountain!"

"Are you kidding me!" I said, "You want us to fall to our death together?"

"Whether you believe me or not!" Lin Wan said, "There is no time..."

"If you are really worried, then Li will come in and carry you." Lin Wan said and glanced at Li Jin, who nodded.

"No." I gritted my teeth, "Didn't you see that those who go out are not alive."

"There is no possibility of staying alive." Lin Wan looked around and waved, "Li Jin, pick him up, let's go!"

Li Jin came to pull me, I wanted to shake off his hand, but I had no strength at all.

I seem to be at the mercy of others.I don't want to leave, I chose to come here, I have no choice but to become a "black household" without identity, I always feel that I have no way out.

In fact.

When I found out that Wang Bin could not be saved;
When I found out that the people in that military vehicle could not be saved;
When I found out, I had to shoot the soldier who called for help;
When we had to leave the whole supermarket people behind and flee into the cold city.

I have already secretly made up my mind, I want to change this helpless status quo, I have already decided to resist, at this time, how can I escape?And, where can we escape to?Could it be that you want to be a bereaved dog, struggling to find a shelter in the dark night; trembling with fear, to avoid the attacks of checkpoints and infected people?
Impossible, absolutely not.

When Li Jin pulled me up again, I leaned on the wall with one hand, raised the gun with the other and fired a shot at the winged man outside the French window. The shot hit the winged man's arm with a loud sound It exploded, flesh and blood flew across, half of the winged man's arm and wings flew off and shattered, his whole body tilted and fell down.

"Stop beating, let's go!" Lin Wan said to me excitedly.

I pushed Li Jin away, but I couldn't move, I could only shoot at fixed points, but I didn't want to go.

"What on earth do you want!" Lin Wan asked sharply again, but I didn't answer, and continued to shoot at the Yiren outside.

Lin Wan was still about to speak, but at this time, a few soldiers suddenly rushed into the crowd in the corridor, while running, they shouted loudly: "Is Chief Mo Ge there? Where is Chief Mo Ge, Mo Ge... ..."

"What happened..." Mo Ge had already fainted, so I couldn't help asking.

Those few people were veterans, but they looked a little panicked, as if they didn't care about the red tape of military rank and "seniority" at this time, and said to me directly: "Where is Mr. Mo Ge, something happened to the power generation device below, the enemy took a picture A small team has entered the backup power generation area, which is the base's last lifeline, if the backup area is destroyed, the entire base will have a complete power outage, we... will be plunged into darkness, and part of the defense system will also fail."

"Is there no one stationed in the backup power generation area?" I asked.

"We are defending, but the intelligent defense system has been disordered due to a special virus invasion, so...we are worried that we will not have enough manpower..."

Another soldier next to him said, "Let's go to Chief Mo Ge and ask her to transfer manpower for defense..."

"There's no manpower here..." I said with a frown.

"We're looking for Mo Ge, what are you..." The other person was even more impatient, with a look of urgency, and even a sense of menace.

At this time, what I didn't expect was that Lin Wan suddenly said, "Mo Ge is injured, and now I'll hand it over to Chu Tingsheng to temporarily organize the sniper battle here. There is no manpower here. If you must, I will Come down with you."


"I'm a researcher." Lin Wan said, "Li Jin is a computer expert." She glanced at Li Jin again, "We can find a way to restart the intelligent defense system. As far as I know, there are two charged gates near the power generation area. Particle cannons require special personnel to control the attack, and it just so happens that Li Jin once studied the operation of charged particle cannons in the research institute."

"Really?" The soldier was a little skeptical, he somewhat looked down on the young, even childish researcher in front of him.

"Yes, I understand." Li Jin nodded, answering very affirmatively, with firm eyes.

"Okay, follow me." The soldiers didn't say anything more.

When Lin Wan left my side, she suddenly turned her face, gritted her teeth, and said to me: "If you die, I will never shed a tear for you! Never!"

Looking at Lin Wan's back, I suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in my heart. However, on the battlefield, even if I wanted to express many emotions, I didn't have time to express them at all.

My legs were still numb. I slowly bent down and crawled under the shattered tempered glass little by little. stand up.

Outside, there are not many winged people in the air, but the commander is still flying in the air. I can clearly see that the guy's chest is biased towards the shoulder, and a big hole has been blasted out, but he just can't lift his left hand It was just a bone claw, and his right hand had already sprayed out bullets that could explode, devouring the lives of the soldiers.

I raised my gun and fired at that guy several times, but he always dodged lightly. His speed was so fast that it was unimaginable.

This guy is more invulnerable than a swordsman. At least a swordsman moves slowly, but his combat ability is almost perfect.

Seeing that more and more soldiers died in the corridor.

At this time, I suddenly saw a soldier standing by the bed and throwing grenades into the air. Since our grenades are not detonated by collision, but detonated at regular intervals, each of his grenades can explode in midair.

He has extraordinary arm strength, but the explosion range of the grenade is limited, and the damage is not great.

However, it was his action that suddenly reminded me of one thing - how did we escape from the winged crowd that day?
I can't control that much anymore, let's try it first.

When I thought of this, my feet trembled and I fell to the ground, but I gritted my teeth and crawled towards the fainted Mo Ge, and crawled to Mo Ge's side. Without thinking, I stretched my hand into her arms, After a while, I found four grenades from her arms. At a glance, one of them was indeed different from the others.

I hissed to the soldier who threw the bomb: "Bomb thrower, come here, come here, tell me, is this a stun bomb! Tell me!"

The man obviously didn't react, he was stunned for a while, and then ran over with his body bent, but when he saw the grenade in my hand, he said, "No, this is a smoke bomb."

"Damn it..." I yelled loudly, "Who has the stun bomb, those wingmen are afraid of the stun bomb, who has it!"

(End of this chapter)

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