Chapter 102
No one answered me.

Doesn't everyone carry shock bombs?
At this time, the "bomber" next to me said: "Shock bombs, generally only those who go out to perform special missions will bring one just in case, we are only stationed soldiers, and most of the weapons have been used by the participants this time." The soldiers from the sniper battle in Zhanhai City were taken away."

"They...have taken most of the weapons?!" My eyes widened.

"Yes, otherwise, we wouldn't have fought so hard." After saying this, the man returned to the French window again and joined the fierce battle with the Wings.

I feel more and more hopeless.

Nothing, so what else can we do? !



Suddenly, I heard a series of strange electronic sounds, and I suddenly realized that the light of the lighting facility above my head began to flicker and vibrate.

This is? !
Could it be that something happened to the underground backup power generation area? !

Lin Wan and the others went down, could it be--could they have already.

I almost cried out.


The sound became more and more coherent, and the brightness of the huge lighting facility above the head was greatly reduced at this moment.

"What's going on?!" Not only me, but more soldiers on the scene began to exclaim, "What's going on... What happened?!" Everyone knows that once the lighting facilities here go wrong, we will There is no battle, the opponent is a mutant who has excellent eyesight even in the dark, we are just a group of ordinary soldiers injected with concentrated liquid.Our eyesight is definitely not as good as that of the Winged Man in the sky.

The lights are getting dimmer--

In an instant, the entire space was plunged into darkness.

Unprecedented restlessness erupted in the crowd, some people started to shoot wildly at the sky, some people started to call for help, and some people started to cry heart-piercingly.

However, these chaotic sounds only lasted for a moment.

All of a sudden, everyone fell silent.

Because at this time, there was a strange rumbling sound from the ground, the whole base seemed to be shaking, and a strange ray of light rose slowly in front of us.

The light became more and more dazzling.

Then, suddenly, in the middle of the shining light, a concentrated white light suddenly shot straight into the sky, the light was like a searchlight, but the light beam hit suddenly at the moment of transmission, turning into a thin line , the thin line is extremely dazzling, and gently draws a circle in the air. At the moment of drawing the circle, the wingmen in the midair start to scream. I can't see the situation in the sky at all, I only see that The sharp-edged Winged Figures began to scatter in all directions the moment they were hit by the light beam.

They seem to be blown apart!
That bunch of rays didn't last long, but it was enough.

Just less than half a minute later, the overhead lighting was turned on again. When the light returned to the entire base, what we saw was that the winged men in the air had all disappeared.

What kind of power is this? !What kind of weapon is this? !In an instant, he could kill all the Yiren at the same time.

I looked up and found that there was a huge hole in the half of the base that the ray hit just now. Fortunately, there seemed to be no people standing in that area, otherwise, they might have become the funeral objects of the Yiren.

There was a short silence of tens of seconds—only the rumble of machines sounded around us—and then, there was a burst of noisy discussion.

"This is..." Not far from me, a veteran said, "This is a charged particle cannon?! Who fired the charged particle cannon into the base? Who is so bold?"

"It's me." Suddenly, a steady voice sounded behind us.

At some point, the damaged assault exit elevator behind us actually started operating again, and the elevator door just opened slowly, and a man wearing military boots and a rebel officer uniform walked out slowly with his hands behind his back. , behind him, followed by a dozen soldiers, each of them armed with live ammunition, with serious expressions.

The man looked around sternly, his eagle-like eyes fell on Mo Ge, and said, "The commander fainted, who is acting as the commander."

Zhang Chu——

He actually came? !

"Report to the commander of the theater, there is no one acting as the commander." A veteran was the first to respond, stepped forward to salute, and said.

Zhang Chu still kept his hands behind his back, snorted coldly, and continued to move forward, his eyes swept towards me, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he opened his mouth and said, "You are seriously injured, why are you still standing?"

"I... can still fight." I said.

"Hmph, war is not about being brave." He waved his hands coldly and continued to move forward with his hands behind his back.

At this time, suddenly, there was a hoarse cry in midair, a figure flew down, and a beam of fire radiated in the air. Immediately afterwards, the floor-to-ceiling tempered glass beside Zhang Chu exploded. I was stunned. I believe everyone present All stunned for a while.But Zhang Chu didn’t move, and stood coldly on the spot, like a tall tower, unwavering.

The fragments fell to the ground, and I saw that outside the window, in mid-air, the mutant winged man was still alive, but at this time, half of his body had been melted into a shapeless shape, and the bones and flesh seemed to be connected into one piece. The "Battle Armor" has already been completely destroyed, and it has long since lost the momentum it had when it first appeared. Amidst the ferocity and terror, it also has a bit of a look of embarrassment.

"Zhang Chu..." the guy said with a long and hoarse voice, which seemed to be extremely resentful, "you bastard."

"Humph." Zhang Chu snorted again, turned around, did not speak, but took out a pistol and said, "You are in too much pain, rest in peace." After speaking, he pulled the trigger.

"Ah!" With a scream, the leader of the Winged Man, who was already on the verge of falling, had only half of his head left, and his whole body finally fell down.

Zhang Chu continued to move forward. At this time, another infected person rushed up at the corridor entrance on the other side. Sure enough, the infected person was not so easy to be wiped out. However, when the infected person launched a new round of charge, at the corridor entrance, Two more figures rushed out, one tall and one short. The tall woman ran ahead, and with a stride, she jumped directly into the crowd of infected people. I couldn't help feeling nervous.But soon, I found that my nervousness was unnecessary.

The woman, while the infected surrounded her, slowly pulled out a pair of knives from behind. The knives seemed to have only handles and no blades. I couldn't believe my eyes. Could such knives kill people? ? !

Soon, the woman quickly turned around and "danced". I still couldn't see the blades of the two knives clearly, and I couldn't even see the woman's arms clearly.

An infected person who slipped through the net escaped from the woman and rushed towards Zhang Chu, but Zhang Chu still stood there calmly, neither dodging nor dodging.

But the short and fat man behind the woman flew up with a stride, a cold light flashed in his hand, and a throwing knife was thrown out of his hand. The infected person who slipped through the net suddenly burst his brains and fell to the ground.

Zhang Chu took a step back slightly, and patted the hem of his military uniform lightly, as if he hated the splashing flesh and blood very much.

In just a few tens of seconds, the wave of infected people who rushed up again was completely wiped out by those two people.

Only then did I realize that the woman was the female officer Tu Shu who was at odds with Mo Ge, and the short and fat man, needless to say, was Zhu Ming.

After the two men cleared the battlefield in a very short period of time, they came to Zhang Chu in a few steps and waved their hands in salute. Tu Shu said: "Commander Zhang Chu, the defense system of all corridors has been restarted, and the infected people at the charge have been cleared. We are looking for fish that slipped through the net, please give instructions."

Zhang Chu said: "Send 20 people, led by you, to visit the power generation area, bring medical soldiers, and rescue the injured."


Zhang Chu looked at Zhu Ming and said, "Since you have come to Z city, then I don't care about your identity. You take a small team and go to the high-level to search for infected people who slipped through the net, especially Yiren. No one will be left behind. In addition, see When it comes to cowardice, all the soldiers who are hiding in the room and refuse to come out will be caught. I will give you half an hour. After half an hour, no matter whether you are injured or not, as long as you can stand up, you will all go to the first floor. Concentrate on the training ground."

This sentence is not only for Zhu Ming and Tu Shu, but also for all of us.

My heart finally relaxed a little at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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