Chapter 103
Once the tense spirit was relaxed, my muscles also relaxed, and my whole body went limp. I leaned against the wall and sat on the ground slowly.

I lowered my head slightly, and couldn't help but glance at my wound again. I don't know if it was an illusion, but I actually felt that the bloody wound had healed a little.

I was a little puzzled, so I couldn't help moving my legs slightly.

A bone-piercing pain pervaded my whole body, and I almost fainted from the pain. I gritted my teeth hastily, stretched out my hand and pinched my abdomen, and only then did I slightly relieve the pain.

Because I was in too much pain, I let out a low cry. Zhang Chu turned his head and looked at me again. After staring at me for a while, he moved to the side with one hand: "Medical soldier, come and help this man look at his leg."

Immediately behind him, two people came up to inspect for me.

The actions of those two people were far less gentle than Lin Wan's. Examining me was like turning over my wounds, and I grinned in pain.

A few minutes later, their inspection was finally over. The two stood up and said something to Zhang Chu in a low voice. Zhang Chu frowned. This subtle expression made me feel very uneasy.

"Really can't keep it?"

"Hmm..." The medical soldier lowered his head, seemingly helpless.

I know the meaning of their conversation. Originally, I didn't feel too much loss in my heart, but, for some reason, when I relaxed my whole body and heard such words again, I began to feel extremely scared, extremely afraid, and extremely lost. stand up.

"Keep this man's legs at all costs." Zhang Chu said without rebuttal.

"We can do our best, but..."

"Just the six words in front of you are enough." Zhang Chu said coldly. After finishing speaking, he turned and walked forward, stepping over the corpses all over the ground, with a solemn expression, without saying a word.

The medical soldier turned his face and looked at me with some confusion. His expression told me that they were not sure at all.

I can't help but rest my head against the metal wall behind me.

Hehe, is this the end?Is it over?As a soldier who "possesses the strongest concentrate", in such a short period of less than a month, my fate has experienced such ups and downs.

I lowered my head slightly, my heart was empty, as if I had experienced something, but it seemed that I had experienced nothing.

At this moment, suddenly, someone came close to my ear and said, "Um... Chu Tingsheng, I think there is nothing wrong with your leg."

"Huh?!" I froze for a moment, turned around, and saw Zhu Qing's childish face.Her face was a little pale, obviously frightened by the battle just now, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty, after all, I was a little girl, but I never thought of protecting her during the battle, and even forgot that she was always by my side.

"You... what did you say?" However, now I am more concerned about what she said just now.

"Your leg seems to be healing itself," she said.

"You don't need to comfort me, I..."

"I'm not trying to comfort you, really not. Your legs are really different from just now. I'm a researcher. Although I don't know the human body as well as Teacher Lin Wan, I can't make a mistake. I have seen such wounds on many soldiers. They bleed so much that they were either infected and suppurated, or they were completely unconscious. But your leg stopped the bleeding by itself, and I noticed that you seemed to be trying to You moved your legs a little bit, right? You didn’t feel it at all at first, but just now, judging from your expression, you are in great pain, right? "

"Yes, it hurts, and it hurts now." I couldn't move at all just now, but now I don't dare to move that leg at all. I'm afraid that if I move it, I will faint from the pain.

"If it is an ordinary person, no matter what kind of concentrated liquid they have injected, they will be blown up like this, not to mention the pain, they will not even feel the existence of their own leg at all. Even if they feel the same, it is absolutely impossible to move." Zhu Qing said , "

"what do you mean……"

"We and Teacher Lin Wan have studied the healing function of your body more than once, but we haven't got a good explanation so far, and this function is not very stable. In short... it's like magic!" Zhu Qing pouted and said , "So, really, you don't have to worry, maybe when you get up tomorrow morning, your legs... will be fine?"

"Hehe..." I smiled wryly.

I don't really believe in such "a certain probability" thing. During this period of time, my luck has been very bad. How can I believe in fate anymore?
While talking, a few more medical soldiers came to me, as if they were about to consult me, they squatted down, I guessed that they were going to turn over my wound again, so I shrank my legs unconsciously, A burst of pain swept through my body again, I gritted my teeth and held on, but this time, the pain disappeared much faster, I don't know why.

One of the medical soldiers seemed to be taken aback when he saw my legs shrinking, and said, "This...his legs can still move?!"

"Your legs can still move?" the medical soldier looked up at me and asked.

I didn't speak, just nodded.

"It can be saved, maybe it can still be saved..." The medical soldier said immediately, "Arrange for surgery quickly, if there is a miracle, maybe this leg can be saved."

I still didn't speak.

I didn't feel any excitement, not because I didn't want to, but I didn't dare. I was more and more afraid of the complete loss of hope, which was even more terrifying than ordinary disappointment, and even more difficult for me to accept.

The entire base has been bombed to pieces. The so-called operation was carried out in a temporary residence for ordinary soldiers. I was deeply anesthetized and didn’t know anything. Before the anesthesia, I had already thought about it. When I woke up , there are probably only two situations, either I stand up again, or I, I find that I don't have that leg anymore.

I don't know how long I slept, under deep anesthesia, I can't even dream at all, it's like I'm dead.

That kind of time passed very quickly, as if it was just such a short moment of closing and opening eyes.

And when I woke up, I was still lying in that room.

The moment I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Lin Wan. She was sitting silently beside me. I felt that the circles of her eyes were a little red, but her expression was still a little stern, and it could even be said that there was a trace of cold anger.

I turned my head slightly, looked at her, and said, "Lin Wan...I...are still here, the operation..."

"Your leg is gone." She said coldly.

I froze for a moment.

Then, perhaps because of my psychological preparation, I seemed to accept this reality very quickly, and just let out a long sigh.

Silence, deathly stillness in the room.

After a while, Lin Wan said, "What's the matter, have you accepted the reality so quickly?"

I replied: "So what if you don't accept it?" I didn't expect that there was so much helplessness in my tone of voice, as if a bit old-fashioned.

Lin Wan snorted coldly, stood up, and suddenly punched my lower body. Immediately, there was a sharp pain in my leg, which went straight through my whole body. It's still growing on my body, it's just wrapped in a thick layer of gauze. Since I just woke up just now, my mind is in chaos, so I didn't think about it at all.

"It's a fluke this time." Lin Wan clapped her hands and said, "Your leg is nothing serious." After she finished speaking, she wanted to go out the door.

"I..." I sat up quickly, and I was full of doubts at this time, "How long have I been asleep?!"

"One day." She said lightly.

"Then the base now..." I wanted to ask, but my mind was still in chaos.

Lin Wan seemed to have understood it long ago, and said: "The base has opened up an area for survivors to live in. Your room is fine, so you can rest assured. However, a large piece of equipment in the base has been destroyed, even if Fortress of Life sends the best engineers here , The reconstruction may take about half a year, especially since we used the charged particle cannon in violation of the operating rules this time."

"I didn't expect the base to have such powerful weapons."

"The charge particle cannon is the base's ultimate weapon. After it is used once, it needs to be maintained for at least half a year before it can be used again. If Zhang Chu hadn't appeared suddenly this time, no one would have dared to use the charge particle cannon to directly bombard the base." Lin Wan smiled. Smile, "No, someone has come to trouble Zhang Chu, and I'm going to the auditorium to watch a good show."

(End of this chapter)

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