global variation

Chapter 104 Arrogant framer

Chapter 104 Arrogant framer

I froze for a moment.

Everyone is curious, and of course I am no exception.

"Good show, what good show?!" I asked.

Lin Wan said: "My lord is back, and I want to drive out Commander Zhang Chu who has occupied the magpie's nest."

"You mean Wei Guodong?" I couldn't help but gritted my teeth. The collapse of our entire base and the deaths of those soldiers were all caused by Wei Guodong's misjudgment. Now, what face does he have to stand up and stand up? Pointing fingers at this place?
"Yes, he not only wanted to drive Zhang Chu away, but also dealt with Mo Ge and a group of veterans according to military law." Lin Wan said.

"What?! Why does he..."

"Because he feels that the responsibility for this incident is not his own, but our failure to defend and Mo Ge's failure to command." Lin Wan said, "Oh, yes, maybe I'm going to die too, although I didn't say anything now, but, As long as Mo Ge or anyone tells him that I want to run away, then...hehe..."

"How could this be? What did Zhang Chu say?"

"Zhang Chu didn't say anything."

"Zhang Chu is the commander of the theater, he is just the leader of the offshore base, why is Zhang Chu afraid of him?!" I said loudly.

"It's useless for you to be excited. He is a relative of the Commander of the Fortress of Life." Lin Wan said, "Don't talk about Zhang Chu, I am afraid that everyone should respect him three points except the high-level executives of the Fortress of Life."


"This is officialdom."

"I'm going to the auditorium too." I moved my body, and although my legs were still not flexible, I still gritted my teeth and said, "I must go."

"What are you going to do? Witness that all of us were shot on the spot?" Lin Wan said with a smile.

"No, if he dares to mess around, I..." I gritted my teeth.

"Hmph...he messes around, what about you? If he wants to kill me or Mo Ge, what about you? Do you dare to do something to him? Well, even if you dare to do something to him, wouldn't the people around him dare to do anything to you? Do you want to do it?" Lin Wan said with a smile, "I have already said, this place..." She hesitated to speak, and one leg had already stepped out the door.

"No, I still have to go, I have to go." I slowly moved to the side of the bed and said.

" are really stubborn." Lin Wan seemed to have nothing to do with me, but she still turned around, helped me out of the bed, and walked out step by step. My leg did improve a lot, although it still hurts , but I can already walk a few steps on my own. In just one day, I really healed very quickly.When I was in the underground research room before, they clearly said that my healing ability suddenly disappeared, but now, it seems to have recovered inexplicably. This is really like what Zhu Qing said, like magic.

When I came to the auditorium, it was already overcrowded. Many people died in the base, but it seemed that many newcomers also came, probably from Zhang Chu.Everyone looked dignified, and the atmosphere in the auditorium was extremely solemn.

Half of the auditorium is dilapidated, many people are basically sitting in a pile of metal waste, and some people are sitting under the scorched and bloody wall, but all of them are watching at this moment. Looking at the front of the auditorium, the "stage" in front of the auditorium is also the stage of today's "good show". Looking at it, he seemed to be very angry, neither standing nor sitting, and kept pacing and walking around beside the "stage".

Lin Wan and I found a side seat next to each other and sat down. After sitting down for a few minutes, Wei Guodong said, "Is everyone here? Are you all here?"

The tone seemed exasperated.

No one spoke.

"Forget it, hum..." He snorted coldly, and said, "Those who can stand up, probably have come, hehe... Look at what the offshore base looks like now?! It took decades, and the The perfect, maintained, and updated base is now, now, destroyed! It is destroyed!" He shouted hoarsely, "You idiots!"

No one speaks.

"It's wartime now, so I won't talk so much nonsense," Wei Guodong said, "Let me just say-all the problems this time, the root cause is the failure of defense!"

He paused, cleared his throat, turned back and walked onto the stage with only half of the stage left, as if he had a feeling of ascending, and said, "That's right, we were caught in the trap, this time, we went to stop the enemy." Army, but in the end only encountered a small group of enemies, a team of less than [-] infected people, and the commander was an ordinary church believer, neither a high-level backbone nor a cult mastermind. However, this defeat What is the reason? You think about it—well, I am wrong, what is my biggest mistake?"

Wei Guodong opened his hands and shouted: "I just trust you too much!"

I couldn't help but clenched my lips and looked around. I found that countless people cast extremely hateful eyes on the stage, but none of them dared to say anything.

I just felt depressed and panicked, and suddenly regretted coming to the auditorium.

"Huang Qian, Shao Guangyi, Mo Ge, Zhu Guomin, Shen Kuanren, Zhang Jing, Wu Xu, Lin Jiayu..." He uttered a series of names. When he read the names, those people stood up one by one and came Before that "stage".

"Some of you released false information, some of you misdirected, some of you failed to defend..." He began to accuse those people of crimes, and I felt more and more like something was stuck in my heart.

I found that although there were many names I didn't know among those people, when they stood up, I could tell that those were all veterans who fought side by side with us. head.

Among them, many people were still wounded, many people were knocked down on the battlefield, got up again, were hit by the shock wave of the bomb, and stood up again, relying on willpower and the strength of the tiny amount of concentrated liquid Strength, constantly fighting recklessly with the infected, they should have military industry, and my so-called second-class merit should have been given to them.

However, now, they are standing on the judgment seat.

I can no longer hear what that bastard on the stage is saying, and I don't know what shameless method he is using to shirk responsibility. I just saw her wave her hand, and in an instant, seven or eight soldiers with guns came from both sides of the auditorium. Go to the center of the auditorium.

"Don't blame me, the killing is for everyone to learn from, to emulate others, understand? I believe your souls will rest in peace, because you dedicated your life for the resistance organization, and you dedicated your life for the people behind it, understand?" Wei Guodong's words became more and more shameless.

He actually wanted to kill Mo Ge and the others? !
What is this? Take it as a lesson and forbid it to emulate you. This is clearly murder!
As long as these people are dead, no one will have evidence to prove that Wei Guodong is the main person responsible for the destruction of the base.

Why it came out like this.

I stood up abruptly, but my legs ached.

Lin Wan put her hand on my arm in an instant and said, "What are you doing?! Sit down!"


"No, but, do you want to die together too?! Sit down!"


I want to get rid of Lin Wan, even if I am limping, even if I am climbing up, I will give it a try, and I will save them.

"Wait!" But at this moment, someone in the auditorium finally spoke.

A strutting man in military uniform came to the front of the stage with his hands behind his back, and said, "The auditorium is for honoring military achievements. How can you use it to kill people?"

Zhang Chu finally made a move.

However, he spoke so calmly and politely.

How did he treat us normally, but now he speaks to this Wei Guodong like this?
Could it be that he is also a villain who flatters his superiors and bullies his subordinates, is it because the other party is a relative of the leader of the Fortress of Life?
"You'd better leave it alone." Wei Guodong said, "I'll settle your account with you later!"

"No need, I think, let's figure it out now. I, Zhang Chu, am willing to plead guilty with these people." Zhang Chu actually gave a military salute to Wei Guodong, and said, "They and I are comrades-in-arms, and we should have the same hatred. Since everyone They are all guilty, why don't you figure it out with us."

"Okay! Don't think that if you are the commander of the theater, I will be polite to you!" Wei Guodong said extremely arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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