Chapter 105
"You don't have to be polite to me." Zhang Chu said coldly, "You just need to tell me what crime we committed."

"Huh..." Wei Guodong looked around the auditorium, and I found that almost everyone lowered their heads slowly. I don't know what these people are thinking in their hearts. I only know that if even Zhang Chu is right. If you remain indifferent to this matter, or accept your fate, probably, no one will dare to say a word more.

How much energy Wei Guodong has, I don’t know, but my understanding of this social officialdom all the time tells me that sometimes, human relations are more important than the so-called good and evil. , this special view of human feelings probably cannot be eliminated at all.

There are more ills than good luck.

I even wanted to close my eyes and cover my ears, not daring to listen, not wanting to see.

Wei Guodong was silent for a long time before he slowly opened his mouth and said, "First of all, let me ask you, who gave you the courage to fire the charged particle cannon into the base? How long did it take you to know that the base was a rebel organization? How much financial, manpower and material resources did it take to build it?"

"Because I know, I have minimized the damage." Zhang Chu said, "If the ground is fired directly from the backup power generation area underground, the entire ground training ground will be reduced to ashes. That's why I let the soldiers By manipulating two charged particle cannons, a temporary pseudo high-energy cluster ray was produced through the mutual attraction of charges, and the repulsion of charges was used to deflect the rays, thus avoiding most of the important base facilities , so that the cluster rays are fired from an empty room on the left side, attacking the high altitude. If not, at least half of this base will be destroyed." His voice was still calm and seemed very confident.

I couldn't help but look at Lin Wan: "these are all Zhang Chu's ideas, he knows everything?"

"No." Lin Wan smiled and said, "Zhang Chu only said one sentence at the time: Is there any way for you to make the shooting trajectory of the charged particle cannon deviate from the important facilities of the base? If so, just let it go and go out." If there is any problem, I will take care of it.”


"The beam cluster was my idea. Li Jin used the other two positron defense devices in the power generation area to deflect the beams. We were just lucky. In fact, there are huge loopholes in it." Lin Wan said, "At the beginning When it was designed, the charged particle cannon in the base was used for suicide, it was the last trump card."

"So it's like this..." I nodded slightly.

"Yes, at this time Zhang Chu didn't mention my name and Li Jin's name, I should thank him." Lin Wan said, "He really wants to take all the responsibilities by himself."

I didn’t speak any more, and turned my head to look at Zhang Chu again. At this moment, I was unconsciously stunned, as if I had some admiration for this commander who had always been sarcastic.

"The situation at the time, is it necessary to do this?!" Wei Guodong said.

"The resistance organization has an unwritten rule." Zhang Chu put his hands behind his back and said lightly, "During the battle, we must protect the core force participating in the battle at all costs."

"I've heard of it."

"At that time, most of the defense system of the entire base collapsed, and the backbone of the battle was the soldiers concentrated on the third floor, and, pay attention, the commander Mo Ge was also on the third floor at that time, and he was under the hail of bullets from the Yiren's large-scale attack " Zhang Chu said, "I wiped out a large number of invading Yiren at such a small price, you should thank me."


Wei Guodong became more and more angry, turned around and slapped the half of the auditorium on the podium of the voice, stared, turned around and pointed at Zhang Chu, and shouted: "Then why do you replace my authority and punish soldiers at the base!"

"Escape from battle, and deal with it according to the military law." Zhang Chu said coldly, "Considering the sudden incident, I didn't kill them, but just put them all in confinement. Is it wrong?"

"Those people fled the battle, are they just in confinement?" I was stunned, "Is that all?"

"Do you think confinement is just a place where you can eat and drink?" Lin Wan put her hands on her chest, sneered, and said, "During the confinement period, they cannot receive any training related to physical fitness and concentrated liquids. , training, physical examination and treatment, if the synchronization rate is less than 50.00%, it is inevitable that some situations will occur in two or three days. If they are not maintained by drugs or special training methods, they will continue to suffer from rejection reactions. Hehe, In fact, sometimes confinement is the most dangerous thing.”


What I thought of was the torment I suffered in those few days, the feeling that my whole body was burning like a flame, at this moment I couldn't help but stand on my head.

However, this feeling seems to have eased a lot during this period of time. I don't know if this is considered an improvement.

On the "stage", Wei Guodong was obviously at a disadvantage, but he still had an arrogance on his face, as if he didn't pay attention to Zhang Chu at all. He grinned and said, "Okay! It's a helpless move, okay!" He was already so angry that he began to cough, "But! Who caused all this?! If it wasn't for their intelligence error, if it wasn't for Mo Ge's improper command, how could it be..."

"Well... this time, there is indeed a miscommand in the tactics." Zhang Chu said, "There is no priority in the division of troops. In some places, the defense is a bit lax, and in some places, people are constantly filled in, but they have not been able to get the response. Some effects. Moreover, the soldiers who fled and hid in the room have not been discovered in the first time, these are all mistakes of the combat command..."

"And she lost the Wartime Commander's Medal of Honor!" Wei Guodong pointed at Mo Ge in the crowd and said loudly, "I have failed my trust!"

This time, Zhang Chu didn’t speak.

Another moment of silence.

Perhaps Wei Guodong felt that he had regained his strength, and said in a louder voice, "Mr. Zhang Chu, if I want to execute such a person, do you have any objections?"

"If the army suffers huge losses due to improper command, it will be punished, right?" Zhang Chu asked.

"That's right!"

"Okay." Zhang Chu walked out of the crowd suddenly, stepped onto the "stage" step by step, and said, "Okay, then I'll ask you a few questions too, how about it?"

"You?" Wei Guodong was obviously taken aback, "Do you have any questions to ask?"

After all, Zhang Chu's official position is higher than his. In fact, I can feel the contradiction in this guy's heart. On the one hand, I feel that the other party dare not do anything to me, and even that he is the one who controls the overall situation and has the power of life and death. But on the other hand, But he is also afraid of Zhang Chu. The first-level official crushes people to death. This is the reason since ancient times.

Zhang Chu seemingly casually pulled out a note from his arms, spread it out, slowly raised it up, and said: "This is an encrypted email I received before I left the outpost and returned to the Fortress of Life to report on my work. I printed it out specially before I came here. Come out, just want to prove something."

He smiled and said, "Do you know what the contents of this email are?"

"What mail?"

"The email told me that you have achieved great results in the battle of the central fortress, and traced the action route of the so-called behind-the-scenes master. But..." He paused and said emphatically, "However, there is no evidence to prove that The information is accurate, and the researcher of the base has proposed a construction related to the 'rotting face worm', and believes that the so-called behind-the-scenes master is likely to use disguised methods to hide the truth and divert the tiger away from the mountain. Now, as the commander-in-chief of the offshore base, Mr. Wei Guodong, however, decided to use 80.00% of the base's troops and more than 60.00% of its weapons and equipment to go to Zhanhai City to block the 'enemy army'..."

"This..." Wei Guodong couldn't hold back before Zhang Chu finished speaking, "Who said it, who wrote it?!"

"This email, let me help dissuade you from your reckless behavior." Zhang Chu said, "However, just about an hour after I received this email, I was suddenly notified to return to the Fortress of Life to report on my work. You know, it is now During times of war, it is impossible to suddenly send a commander in a war zone back to the headquarters to report on his duties, and I have to doubt that this may be your act."

"You!" Zhang Chu's sudden counterattack caught Wei Guodong off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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